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Participantthose aparements are a joke, and as was posted, the area is either suitable for high rise or it isnt, this area could accomodate tens of thousands along with the glass bottle site etc if it were developed properly, obviously the land prices arent high enough if they can afford to put up those small blocks on the supposedly prestigious sites…
Participantfor the glass bottle site and surrounding development land, could they not extend the interconnector or metro and use a cut and cover method, before the land is developed?
Participantso this did get premission from bord pleanala? what ever happened to the scheme or site?
Participantso there should be quite a few high riseish buildings in the area, completed are grand canal dock and the georges quay tower, liberty hall, alto vetro is being built, monte vetro possibly or definetly? u2 tower, point village, what about the 100m in spencer dock? tara street station is supposedly going ahead again, there were also plans for a 19 storey build beside the point depot, is the irish glass bottle site to have a high rise element? am i missing any?
ParticipantThey should build this regardless of the traffic, or de we want to lose 500 jobs and be forced to go up to Belfast.
Participantid say the planners etc or dto, gov etc whoevers decison it is when the luas gets upgraded to metro, will change there minds on how critical it is when the new extension opens up and the luas cant cope anymore, the amount of apartments being built in sandford is unbelievable, along with the new phase 2 of dundrum shopping centere, along with all the aprtments being built around dundrum etc. And every other suburb it passes through. Do you think this is correct and that they will be forced to upgrade to metro much sooner than previously anticipated?
ParticipantIs this actually the case? is the metro going to continue underground to Ranelagh and then surface? What about the luas extension to cherrywood is that going to be metro ready?
ParticipantProperty developer Harry Crosbie will submit new proposals next week for his proposed Watch Tower skyscraper on Dublin’s North Wall Quay, opposite the new U2 Tower on the southern side of the Liffey.
Property developer Harry Crosbie will submit new proposals next week for his proposed Watch Tower skyscraper on Dublin’s North Wall Quay, opposite the new U2 Tower on the southern side of the Liffey.
Crosbie has hired a British company to help him revamp the design of the architects Scott Tallon Walker building, after the docklands authorities said the original design was too bland. The tower, which will be as tall as the Spire on O’Connell Street, is designed to complement the U2 tower on the opposite side of the river, which has a more radical design.
Crosbie’s tower is part of a €800 million development around The Point which received planning permission in November from the Dublin Docklands Development Authority (DDDA).
However, the DDDA was concerned that the tower was not radical enough in appearance for a structure that would act, along with the U2 tower, as a visual ‘‘gatepost’’ to Dublin.
At 36 floors, the tower will dwarf all buildings around it.
As things stand, the structure is designed to look like two glass posts with the top six floors protruding outwards to make way for an enclosed roof garden.
A spokesman for Harry Crosbie said a ‘‘fenestration’’ company had been hired in Britain to re-work the look and new plans were on the way.
‘‘The DDDA made a couple of negative comments about the tower, so Harry decided to have a second look at the whole thing and to redesign. We can’t say anything more at this stage, but the new design will go in in about a week’s time,†he said.
Planning permission was granted on the grounds that the Watch Tower building was amended, and construction of other parts of the scheme has already started.
The tower will include apartments, offices and a rooftop bar and restaurant with views over Dublin city and bay.
The scheme includes a new shopping centre, a hotel, underground car park and 12-screen cinema. Both the DDDA and Scott Tallon Walker declined to comment, directing all calls to Crosbie.
ParticipantAmong concerns are the stadium height, the demolition of a house on Shelbourne Road, flooding consequences and loss of part of the Dodder walkway. The height bit is valid, demolition of the house who cares, flooding consequences, this sounds like scare mongoring and trying to come up with all the objections they can, the river is very controlled and when they are spending several hundred million euro on the stadium im sure sorting out whatever issues with flooding will be no problem, and the loss of part of the dodder walk way, the dodder has miles of walkway, its probably a miniscule piece they are taking.
November 8, 2006 at 10:52 pm in reply to: Dublin Airport Metro to have unconnected terminus? #749618stira
Participantwhy is the swords/airport metro line not continuing underground until it reaches grand canal luas station and then surfacing? personally i live near dundrum luas station and if i have to change tram or train etc at stephens green i wouldnt be bothered, id stick with the car etc. Surely the Luas and Metro can run on same track if they are the same gauge? Could you not then also create and a short underground spur from the tallaght line (say jervis st.) to the oconnell street metro line and have 3 line trams servicing the airport? say every second tram from red and green line serving the original end destination? I see ideas and suggestions on these boards here, that have far more foresight and logic than the nonsenese the planners etc come up with, its just ridiculous!
Participantthe u2 tower will be 100 m tall, Heuston Station with permission will be 32 storeys tall, another building on the quays of 26 storeys also has permission, and there are far more high rises either looking for permission or already have it in dublin, so we will have the tallest building title pretty soon and all the nonsense will be over with!
Participantyeah i do realise what i said! 🙂 should have phrased it differently though…
Participantglasgows poplulation is half a million and dublin is alot bigger, and growing at a far faster rate than almost all european cities regardless of size!
Participantok, so the metro is supposed to be running from swords to st stephens green right? so why not just continue it to ranelagh and have it surface there, and on to bray as planned, you would have a collosal central line, that would be capable of carrying huge amounts of passengers. The luas trams could be used on other lines. I mean if this is what they are sarificing just to link them it is very short sighted! And there are no idea options, obvisouly grafton street would be the most logical just simply route wise, but there is no way or how that could ever happen, unless they decided to just dig up grafton and put in a tunnel…
Participantok, so the metro is supposed to be running from swords to st stephens green right? so why not just continue it to ranelagh and have it surface there, and on to bray as planned, you would have a collosal central line, that would be capable of carrying huge amounts of passengers. The luas trams could be used on other lines. I mean if this is what they are sarificing just to link them it is very short sighted! And there are no idea options, obvisouly grafton street would be the most logical just simply route wise, but there is no way or how that could ever happen, unless they decided to just dig up grafton and put in a tunnel…
Participantyou know it really is a joke, here is something of national interest and importance and a few gobs$£”tes are probably going to hold it up for years. Who knows what thrilling and convinving arguaments and lies and hype they will create. How many millions are they going to cost the state (i,e you and me) so they can congratulate each other on causing pain misery and expense for others! and sure if their campaign fails sure atleast theyll have tried! im sure theyll be complaining about the huge increase in capacity! when in fact it will be down 5000 for rugby but up 17000 for soccer, but still overall not a huge increase! theyll say it will overpower the area, isnt appropriate, is to modern for the area, theyll probably want it built it in mock red brick and it should have a slate roof! And it will probably be half the hight of liberty hall ladies and gentlmen, liberty hall! That collosal skysraper in town everything else here gets compared to when its over two stories! Have got to say it looks damn impressive, im more than impressed. I just get so wound up here when i think of all the waste of time and money and self interest that holds projects up. Just read earlier Lidl said they were basicly fed up with the amount of appeals etc holding up and blocking their attempts at expansion. And who makes most of these complaints? the competitiors they shouldnt even be entertained! RGDATA objected to a Lidl being set up in a retail park saying it contravened planning regualtions, funny that one of their member supermarkets has a supermarket in a nearby retail park! bloody hypocrits! Its about time that this crap was done away with and the interest of the majority were served! anyway was just thinking theyll probably be organising protests etc to the new stadium all 10 or so residents, why doesnt anyone who cares for Irish sport go down and organise their own protest and outvoice those backward pr*£”s! Their probably salivating at the thought of their own importance now that they get the chance to scupper such a vital piece if infrastructure!
ParticipantCould i ask you how far away from the block the closest houses are neil?
ParticipantWhat are the chances of someone objecting due to their cars in the luas park and ride being overshadowed? It looks impressive. Leading to another point, taking the Luas at any time of the day you are lucky to get a seat even when geeting on at the start station, when they extend it to cherrywood or wherever the plan is, what would you imagine the freqeuency will have to be? one every 2 mins?
ParticipantWhat im saying is Diaspora, once you get outside of Dublin there is almost nothing except countryside. I think the picture the article tries to portray is a very different and almost sensationolist one as opposed to the one that exists.
ParticipantId agree with the previous post, anything outside of Dublin is a farm! Its insane the picture they are trying to paint of Ireland. I would agree with the motorway programme, the building ok IKEA ect..