1880 – Cardiff Free Library & School of Art
Design for a new library and school submitted to architectural competition. Published in The Building News,
Design for a new library and school submitted to architectural competition. Published in The Building News,
Submission for architectural competition to design a new central library for Cardiff. Submitted by Dublin architect J.H.
First premiated design in architectural competition to design new municipal buildings to contain a town hall,
“This design wag favourably mentioned by the assessor, Mr. W.M. Fawcett, F.S.A. only two premiums were offered,
This design was placed second by the assessor, W.M. Fawcett, F.R.I.B.A., of Cambridge, and was awarded the premium of 100.
Unsuccessful entry in architectural competition to design new library for Bangor, to be funded by the Carnegie Foundation.
Unbuilt design proposal for a new National Museum and Library for Wales. Construction of a new building in the civic complex of Cathays Park began in 1912,