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  • in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #734066

    @anto wrote:

    Speaking of disntintive shops in Cork. It’s a a shame to see Donavan’s butchers closing in Cork. It’s a real Cork landmark as is the English Market there aswell. Footlocker, Pizza hut!!! FFS what about the english market. People up here in dublin are always saying why can’t we have something like that. I hope all you Cork folks do your shopping there and not in Tesco’s and the rest!

    Thanks anto,in my rush to fit as many hours into a day!! I never gave a thought for the landmark shops under treat in cork. Donavan’s will be a huge loss to the city.
    To my shame I use the English Market as a short cut from the office to the bank ect. choosing the “convenience” of Tesco Douglas on my way home to shop.
    I will make it my business to shop and support the English Market in the future.

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #734052

    Will the bridges proposed for the north docks development plan limit the size of the ships currently able to dock in the city docks on custom house ect.?

    A source in ‘The Paper’ tells me that there are serious rumblings within City Hall regarding the recent sale of the Albert Quay House site to Howard Webworks. “heads may roll’,she tells me???

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733981

    I almost missed Lex’s brief comments in posting 1704 where he advises that
    ‘OCP have plans on Custom House Quay’s PoC warehousing which they
    successfully purchased 2 months ago for over 6.75m euros’
    Surprising that if all that happened 2 months ago on this site we haven’t
    heard a word or seen OCP’s plans, thought the media circus would be in full
    swing by now.
    Are there any more details or proposed plans available?

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733948

    @rodger wrote:

    The Cork South West web site is a credit to all involved,what I do not understand is the issue of the loss of 100 hundred jobs in the area,I know some time back there was talk of some form of residential development on this site,does any one know the current position?

    Not sure where the 100 jobs mentioned are, i assume they are in the Farm Centre Dennehys Cross, but surely you cannot agree to ban development over 3 floors???? :confused:

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733946

    @opus wrote:

    I’d have to agree with their comment on the Victoria Mills development though 🙂

    If 15 year old students designed these Flats for a Technical Graphics exam, would they FAIL ??

    (Victoria Cross Flats built in 2004.)

    Agreed, but to try and ban any development over 3 stories in the suburbs surely cannot suceed??

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733944

    @Mob79 wrote:

    That site is gold, “Show your support for our efforts to end the building
    of High-Rise FLATS
    (Future SLUMS?)”
    and a 4 story slum is ok? He’d be better off looking for solutions than shouting populist slogans.

    Im sure most of us would agree with you, had more time to go through this site. What is going on in Cork? According to the CSD site there is a motion before CCC to ban any development over 3 stories in the suburbs from councillor David McCarthy FF!!!
    Tell me this is not true ? check it out on the anti high rise website…

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733937

    Thanks for the upcoming info on Custom House Quay..Anyone wondering why is is difficult to convince people that they have nothing to fear regarding high rise buildings should take a look at O. Mitchell FG TDs views on high hise at News page.

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733929

    @ewankennedy wrote:

    Think lexington already outlined plans for Custom house quay – you’ll have to look back a few pages but he did I’m sure.

    Good news bout Horgans quay alright.

    Thanks for that,if lexington did have a posting on Custom House Quay anyone got a post number? (lazy me)

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733921

    @lexington wrote:

    Just some brief details on the MPH development – I was given a very sparse e-mail today noting that an application was ideally scheduled anytime within the next month to month and a half (?). Residential unit numbers will not accommodate the media speculated 5000 mark, but will equal a more conservative figure which will be spread out over a number of phases (under 2000 max.) – with completion of all these phases scheduled (planning pending) for late 2010. Heights discussed with CCC call for a general level between 6 and 8-storeys, with elements rising higher in specific areas (deemed worthy for such). The e-mail also indicated that we can expect many an objection!!! I’ll let you know more when I can.

    Great to finally have some movement on the Horgan Quay site, any info on the Port of Cork/Bonded warehouse site opp Jurys Inn? Surely there must be some plans in the pipeline for such a prime site?

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733863

    @lexington wrote:

    😀 Following incalcuable trials and tribulations, 2 designs later, Mark Kelleher (of the Kelleher family, former owners of the Bishopstown Bar [which recently was sold to Mr. Horgan for 8m euros!] among other properties), has been given the greenlight by CCC planner Evelyn Mitchell for 53 of the 73 residential units planned for a collective of adjoining sites off Curraheen Road at Westend near Bishopstown. The project, pleasantly designed by Frank Ennis & Associates, received over 124 seperate objections for residents, groups (like CAHRA) and local councillors – and will be granted subject to the removal of an entire section, the 20-units of Block C.

    I’m very glad that CCC saw through the substantial cock-and-bull in the logic of many of these objections (too often over-lapping – and many more referring to the details of the previous incarnation of the development!) – which objection often on the grounds of the developments ‘high-rise’ nature (of 3/4-storeys – depending on how you see the mansard roof). :rolleyes: This is a positive move. Unfortunately, Jerry Buttimer and posse have informed me that an appeal will be sought, one individual stated that ”high-rise is suitable in other cities, but not Cork”. I take it we should tear down every house and building 4-storeys and over then, right?

    A constructive move by CCC.

    Images sought, and hoping to have some soon.

    Thanks to “himself” up in Dublin and the northern sir for info in light of my absence. You’re help is kindly appreciated.

    P.S. What a ridiculous headline in the IE article today stating ‘High-rise Development Granted’ then continuing to discuss the 3-storey development! :rolleyes:

    Just on a side-note, I find it rich to see councillor Jerry Buttimer object and publicly defame Mr. Kelleher’s project on grounds such as traffic increases and height among other things given that a project, recently lodged by his GAA Club, which he also chairs, represents a far greater threat to the community than that at Westend.

    Bishopstown GAA’s plans for CUH usage of its car-park will cause increased volumes of traffic in an area of dense family housing, throughout which many children – who play in the park’s green areas – may be at risk (God forbid!) to incidents consequent of the increased movements. I’m all for sports clubs trying to rail in the revenue when able to do so – sport is an integral and important part of our society and culture – but this project, given its location, poses a far greater threat to the community than Mr. Kelleher’s proposal ever could. Anyone who knows this area well, will be aware of how one must constantly keep their eyes peeled for children speeding across the road in their tricycles without warning or chasing a ball onto the road from a green. Of course this is the case anywhere, but especially here given that this is essentially a large, maze-like housing estate with strong population of young families. Feel free to object. :rolleyes:

    I agree, Cllr.Buttimers backing of a few local cranks and the CSD (CAHRA) lobby group is doing the city no favour. Pity Cllr. Buttimer did not have the same vigour when Mr.Montgomery was planning his Mills development.
    Maybe the GAA connection proved too strong?

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733845

    @CITY BOY wrote:

    any news on westend in bishopstown planning decision due today

    St.Francis and Westend have at last been given permission to build despite the crocodile tears from some councillors in Bishopstown.

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733819

    @opus wrote:

    As someone who lives in city centre and walks around the place at most times of the day & night, I wouldn’t agree. Ok you might want to reconsider exploring the alleys off Washington Street after the clubs have closed but other wise it’s fine.

    For me seeing the scaffolding going on on the warehouse behind BOI on the South Mall shows that things are happening in Cork cause I could never understand how it was left derelict for so long given its central location.

    I accept your point re the City Center, as for the warehouse at the rear of the BOI building, i understand there was an issue with raising the ceiling height in the past. Great to see that development is starting now.

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733790

    :rolleyes: Re:Lexington post 615, next time you walk the City give me a call, i would love to share the magic mushrooms you must use!! or do you wear rose tinted glasses? last time i walked the city streets i watched my back.

    in reply to: Look at de state of Cork, like! #733743

    Anybody got any info on the Community for Sustainable Development spokesperson that spoke at the Green Party annual meeting in Cork on 13-5-05 ?

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