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  • in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780381

    @opus wrote:

    From today’s Sunday Business post, full story is here. Flynns must be ruing the day they didn’t try to sell the apartments off the plans when they announced it given the prediction is for a further 10% fall in values next year.

    Wow, that looks like a nasty dispute. Any idea where the disputed land is situated?

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779998

    @theblimp wrote:

    Kite – memory is fading me here on this one, but I was strongly under the impression that the original terms of the OCP/McC Devs Mahon Point deal was that if OCP didn’t build the ‘Trade Centre’ then they would have to pay the penalty fee AND the land would revert to CCC ownership. CCC have backtracked now and said it was just the penalty fee …. however I do remember reading that it was an ‘AND’, not an ‘OR’ way back in Nav. House!!!

    As for CCC equity in HH’s centre in the Dockland’s, I was also always under the impression that this was to be the case. However I’m pretty sure you’ll find that the ‘deal’ done has resulted in NO equity being taken by CCC – ‘Here ya go, poor impoverished HH, just take the money’!!!!! 😮

    I agree with your recollection of events, i also thought that the Mahon land would return to CCC ownership if the penalty fee was called in.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778776

    Following the first meeting of the Docklands Forum, Cllr. Dara Murphy (FG) threw his toys out of his playpen and demanded that 3 Councillors be appointed to the new forum panel.
    Hopefully this demand will not find faviour with the city manager or the Chairman, Prof. Wrixon.
    These “junket junkies” have had their chance and blew it over the past 8 years. It is now time to leave it to the professionals before the will to develop, or the cash runs out.

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779996

    @Saucy Jack wrote:

    Is that the same 6 million that Owen had to forfeit for not building the convention centre at Mahon Point ?

    No, the 10.4 acres of land that the City Council could have had a convention centre build on at the expense of OCP and handed over to the city at a cost not exceeding one pound as part of the deal signed 10 years ago is now to receive a 300 million investment from OCP who are to apply for permission for 325 apartments, a 185 bedroom hotel plus other commercial units.
    The taxpayer received 6 million for the land in lieu of the convention centre plus the land, and now the taxpayer is forking out 8 million for a minority interest in Howard Holdings convention centre to be build in the docklands.

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779994

    The deal CCC secured with Owen O’Callaghan to sell Navigation House to the developer for 9.2 million euro plus free all day parking for 120 council staff for the next 999 years (worth 6 million) does not inspire confidence in Corks public transport system.
    The rest of us can use the crap public transport while the VIP council staff that are responsible for the transport mess get free secure parking for the next 999 years.
    :oWill 999 years be enough time for these Muppets to sort the mess out?

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779981

    Cork could become the first city outside Dublin to have a Luas system as Transport Minister Noel Dempsey yesterday revealed a feasibility study on having a light rail system in the city was at an advanced stage.

    And with his next breath he stated….
    “ it was still possible that rapid bus schemes could be a cheaper, speedier option than light rail projects”.

    Just what is Minister “Amgen” Martin doing in Government? The Independent TS’s delivered more for their constituents after one half hour meeting with Berti Ahern then this guy has over the past 10 years.

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779939

    @jungle wrote:

    Most of you will have probably heard this, but it may as well be logged here. According to last Sunday’s SBP, the Midleton rail line will now not be opening til 2010.

    Who’s surprised by that…

    Time to revert to Cork public transport plan “A”?

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #782002

    From the front page of today’s Cork Independent.
    Environment Minister opposes plans for new Central Library

    EXCLUSIVE by David Forsythe

    PLANS to redevelop Cork’s Central Library on Grand Parade could be in jeopardy following a strongly worded recommendation from ‘ the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government opposing a plan for a mixed used development by Frinailla Developments on the site that will include a new library building.
    In a hard-hitting letter to City Manager Joe Gavin and Frinailla Developments the Department states that, “It is highly likely that the development as proposed will have a major impact on archaeological remains surviving both above and below present ground level.”
    The recommendation also states,
    “We have serious concerns about the proposal as presented. No attempt has been made by the developer to minimize the impact of this development on archaeological material”.
    It says that the mixed use proposal is contrary , to both local and national planning guidelines, will I obliterate a remaining section of the City Wall and is situated above “a hugely significant part of the city, with surviving Hiberno Norse settlement of national significance on a par with material recovered from Wood Quay, Dublin and Waterford city excavations”.
    The Department also recommends the retention of the 1929 City library and 56 Grand Parade, both of which are on the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage and of which will be demolished for the new development.
    According to the Department, “In our opinion, the development in its current form would have an adverse effect on the architectural heritage of Cork city centre and is out of scale with, and unsympathetic to, the existing historic built environment
    “We would therefore recommend the consideration of alternative proposals for this site which would allow for the sensitive adaptation and reuse of the existing structures and the conservation of existing street-scapes”.
    A spokesperson for the Minister pointed out to the Cork Independent that, “It’s important to note that the development in question is not just a library, but a large commercial development too.
    “It should also be noted that the Minister does not have power to block a planning application, he is a statutory consultee only.
    “The Minister can make comments and suggestions to the local authority in the hope that they will take his views on board. If they don’t, and grant permission anyway, he can appeal through An Bord Pleanala.”
    Frinailla Development’s Grand Parade Plaza proposal includes a new 5,640 sq m library, twice the size of the current one along with offices, retail and residential developments.
    The recommendation from the Department indicates a much more critical attitude to planning issues under Green Party Minister John Gormley than under his predecessor Dick Roche.
    Cork City Council were contacted for comment but had not responded by time of press.

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781994

    @Pug wrote:

    make you wonder if our beloved councillors knew when the mayor and a few more hopped over to San Francisco to visit Amgen……

    :rolleyes: In fairness, most of those muppets could not tell you what day it is.
    Wonder if “Micky the lier” will make a statement?

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781984

    City Manager Joe Gavin has stated his opposition to a piecemeal development on this site (i.e. Kent station again not included) so it will be interesting to see the decision of planners to the application.
    Having said that, if one of the Cork mafia went for the same permission, would they be successful?. I for one would think they would.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778768

    City Manager, Joe Gavin’s letter to City Councillors (Docklands)…


    Re: Designation of Cork’s Docklands for Targeted Development Incentive

    The City Council has made a submission to Government seeking the designation of Cork’s Docklands for Targeted Development Incentives. The submission was developed on foot of recommendations in the Cork Docklands Economic Study and the inclusion of the Docklands in the E.U. Regional Aid Map. There was wide consultation with relevant stakeholders during the preparation of the submission.

    The incentives sought relate to:
    1. Overcoming Barriers to Development
    (a) Relocation of SEVESO Activities
    (b) Remediation of Contaminated Land.

    2. Relocation of Non-Conforming Users.

    3. Residential Owner-Occupiers

    4.Provision of certain Public Infrastructure by the Private Sector.

    5.Provision of Premises for Targeted Sectors

    (a) Bio Pharma/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Life Sciences Activities – Headquarters/Regional Headquarters, Back Office, R&D, Advanced Manufacturing.

    (b) Information Communications Technology. Activities – Headquarters/Regional Headquarters, Back Office, R&D, Advanced Manufacturing.

    (c) Financial Services and Internationally Traded / Mobile Services. Activities – Headquarters/Regional Headquarters, Back Office.

    (d) Third and Fourth Level Education associated R&D and Ancillary Facilities.

    The time is now right to seek these targeted supports. The City Council has prepared Local Area Plans, a Docklands Development Strategy and a Docklands Economic Study. Private landowners and developers are actively preparing development proposals. They have assembled sites and prepared framework plans.
    Two of the major landowners intend to lodge planning applications for large scale developments comprising some 150,000 sq. metres of development before the end of the year.

    It is important that provision is made in the forthcoming Budget and Finance Act for whatever supports the Government decide to provide as uncertainty could cause some developments to be delayed.
    The City Council will also focus strongly on the Docklands in preparing the bid under the Gateway Fund.

    It is understood that the Docklands National Steering Forum announced by the Taoiseach earlier this year will be established shortly. Input and support will be required from many state departments and agencies in the regeneration of the Docklands – Investment will be required, for example, from the Department of Education & Science, Transport, Marine, Arts Sport & Tourism, Enterprise Trade and Employment and Environment Heritage & Local Government in dealing with the provision of schools, public transport, art and tourism infrastructure, job creation, housing, sanitary services and community facilities. The national co-ordination which will be provided by the Docklands National Forum is of fundamental importance.

    J. GAVIN,
    20th September, 2007.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778759

    🙂 Prof. Gerry Wrixon, past president of UCC has been chosen by the Government to lead the Cork Docklands steering committee.
    At last we may see some movement on this vital site for Cork after years of junkets, consultants reports, and foot dragging by inept councilors.

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781890
    Radioactiveman wrote:
    I’ve got to mention this one as an example of what some developers think they can get away with. An application is with CCC at the moment for permission to knock the former Language institute building on North Abbey Street and replace it with a new building.
    Now, a lot of people probably don’t know where the street is, never mind the building! North abbey street is the small lane running west from O’Connors Funeral Home at the bottom of Shandon Street. And the building is at the end of this street, at the junction with the side street running off the North Mall.
    It really is a fine victorian building. Its a pity it is in such a cramped position in there and can’t be seen as well as it should. I include the drawings of the present building (dont have an photo) and the proposed piece of rubbish. If CCC have any sense, they won]

    Who is the legal owner of this site, i.e. not necessarily the person (s) applying for permission?
    Many properties in the Shandon Street area are owned by existing and former (now re-instated) local reps, just wondering if any of the usual suspects that allowed this area fall into ruin are set to gain if doggy permission is granted by CCC. 😉

    in reply to: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches #770332

    @Praxiteles wrote:

    The idea strikes me that we could run an opinion poll and let the the viewers, all 200,000 of them, decide the issue and it might cause the HACK to muster up the courage to go.

    The question that could be put is a simple one:

    Do you think that the Cloyne HACK should resign in the wake of their recommendation to wreck the interior of St. Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh, Co. Cork?

    Answers should also be kept simple: Yes or NO.

    Perhaps the administrator could set it up on the front page with all the poll gagets!

    Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to vote YES on this poll Prax……

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780367

    Cork City Fire Service are dealing with a fire on site this morning.
    Eglinton Street is closed off, no further details at the moment.

    in reply to: Cork Transport #779922

    @jungle wrote:

    It’s not so much whether a plane can take off and land (AFAIK the only one that can’t is an A380), it’s what you can have on it. You can certainly get 747s out of Cork. They’ve been used for rugby charters before and there was a KLM one ended up in Cork after a mid-Atlantic emergency.

    The problem is that to get a 747 off the runway in Cork, you need to lose passengers, freight or fuel. If you take one of the first two off, you lose revenue. If you take the last off, you restrict your range.

    The largest aircraft that can currently fly completely unrestricted from Cork is a 767-200. The A330-200 can take off from Cork with a full compliment of passengers and freight and enough fuel to get to the East Coast of the USA. Extending the runway would probably allow larger variants of the 767 and A330 (and presumably, the future 787 and A350) to use Cork Airport with fewer restrictions. It’s not really worth worrying about aircraft that are bigger than that anyway,

    Yes, i remember that KLM 747 landing.
    The passengers continued on their flight in the 747 with the minimum of fuel and their luggage following on in another plane.
    One day rugby charters carry little weight, but i would rather fly on one of the Short 360 with their “deckchair seats” mentioned in a previous post than chance running out of runway in a 747 on “Cork International Airport’s” runway.:eek:
    :rolleyes: Selling the 40 arces to one of their buddies would be what one would expect of the CAA, let’s wait and see!!

    in reply to: cork docklands #778757

    I understand your view BUT Port of Cork is as much a “private company” as the ESB, VHI, or An Bord Pleanala, all are loaded with political appointments.
    It was many years ago that POC began visiting the City Council looking for compo to move, every time there was some hope that Cork’s Docklands development may at last take off, the POC’s price to open the “front door” (Custom House Quay + the quayside) rose considerably.
    Maybe I was half asleep 18 months ago when I thought the POC put such a high price on their quayside property that the city fathers and investors ran for cover to allow their heart rate return to normal.
    POC are the landlords of a listed heritage building on Custom House Quay, a building that is described as “unquestionably the most important surviving port-related structure in the upper harbour area” in the South Docks Local Area plan.
    This unique building is in danger of collapse due to years of neglect.
    POC cannot be allowed to hold the Docklands redevelopment to ransom, we are 8 years in a talking shop regarding the docklands, if things don’t start to happen in a meaningful way VERY soon we may as well forget the whole project and hand Cork back to the handful of merchant princes that held Cork in a stranglehold for generations.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778755

    @Radioactiveman wrote:

    Looks like port of cork are after €65 million to move to Ringaskiddy and out of the docks.

    See posting on
    😡 The Port of Cork begging bowl is well and truly out.
    I wonder will Minister Martin instruct his political cronies opps, i mean appointies on the board of the POC to rattle the bowl, or to look after the interests of Cork and stop holding up the redevelopment of the Docklands before its too late?

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781868

    CCC planners refused permission yesterday to Oyster Developments and Jerh O’Connor for their site between Camden Quay and Coburg Street due to the project’s overall scale, the site in question is behind a protected quayside building

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781860

    Fleming Construction Ltd have been refused permission by ABP to redevelop the former Nemo Rangers GAA grounds (overturning CCC’s grant of permission) on the Douglas Road.
    The proposal to build 82 houses and 20 duplex apartments was refused for the following reason;

    “No’s 6 and 7 Beechwood Place form part of an intact terrace of late 19th century houses, which are of architectural heritage value and have been identified as being of regional importance in the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. Notwithstanding the residential zoning objective for the site and the overall good design quality of the proposed development, it is considered that the demolition of these two terraced houses would not accord with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, by virtue of the architectural significance of the buildings and the impact of their demolition on both the streetscape and on the amenity and value of adjoining residential property. The proposed development would, therefore, seriously injure the amenities of property in the vicinity and be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.”

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