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  • PoxyShamrock

    @Dan Sullivan wrote:

    Putting stations (basic platforms would do ) along the existing line in from Ennis say near Moyross, down the end of the Mill rd (to serve there and the top of the isle link by a bridge) and at a redeveloped Parkway (with loads of residential development) would make loads of sense.

    But unfortunately “sense” is something that Limerick City Council or Iarnrod Eireann don’t do.


    Actually I passed through that way yesterday on my way to Georges Quay and the building in the post above looks pretty good now.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    The draft City Centre Strategy is not yet available on http://www.limerickcity.ie 🙁



    Pie in the sky once again.
    Hope it doesnt happen. Don’t particularly want ground zero in Limerick.


    In the second image of Sarsfield Bridge, can you tell me what those ugly looking pvc things are about on the outside of the bridge?


    I must say I do prefer the Alternative Orbit Route but the crossing of the train tracks would be risky. A Subway or flyover or level crossing?
    CologneMike, is this an actual alternative or just something you thought of yourself?


    The idea of levelling Davis St to give way for a welcoming plaza isn’t a half bad idea though!


    Great Pictures Mike. Must say I’m looking forward to seeing these developments taking place. Old Post Office building looks really cool. Hopefully they’ll repoint the red brick building and bring it back to it’s former glory.
    Punches Cross also looks good. It mightn’t be anything spectacular but I do believe it’ll really bring an extra bit of life to that area and take away the current eyesore.


    Have the Cratloemoyle and Meelick roundabouts yet to be built because I’m not familiar with them at all?

    in reply to: New Public Space for Docklands #765401

    Oh my god, I must say I am absolutely in love with the place. It’s so nice and has a really good european feel to it. I shall definitely pay a visit to the square when I’m in Dublin next. Wow. 😀


    Guys I come onto this thread looking to find out about the developments popping up in the shannonside NOT f**king catfights.
    So can we please just stop?


    Castletroy Shopping Centre is sold

    THE five-year-old Castletroy Shopping Centre has changed hands in a multi million euro deal. The purchasers are believed to be Select Retail Holdings (SRH) who, recently purchased the Superquinn supermarket chain from Feargal Quinn for a reported 450 million euro. That acquisition gave them a huge property portfolio.

    Superquinn is the anchor tenant at the Castletroy Centre.

    The centre was the brainchild of prominent Limerick developer Paddy Hoare, who recently negotiated the takeover deal with SRH, who were unavailable for comment this week.

    According to a reliable source, the new owners have plans to further develop the centre which, apart from Superquinn, has had a high turnover of tenants, with a number of other units unoccupied.

    Insiders say that the Castletroy Shopping Centre never realised its full potential and with a growing population in the Castletroy/Annacotgty area, is ripe for further expansion, especially in the hands of those with retail experience.

    Interestingly, Tesco have applied for planning permission for a supermarket and other units less than one mile away, and just off the main Dublin Road on the approach to Annacotty.

    McDonald’s are also tenants on the Castletroy site but it is understood the sale does not affect the Storm Cinemas, who are stand alone operators.

    Simon Burke, former chairman of toy store Hamleys, is retail figurehead with Superquinn, but Kerryman Jerry O’Reilly and Bernard McNamara, the latter born in Limerick but who grew up in Lisdoonvarna, are the heavyweights in the background.

    In recent years, O’Reilly and McNamara, apart from their Superquinn deal, built a huge property portfolio throughout Ireland, mainly in hotels, residential, office and retail.

    They are also the leading lights in the proposed Opera Centre development, in the Patrick Street area. McNamara and O’Reilly are also joint owners of the Radisson Hotel in Galway.

    In 2000, O’Reilly sold two buildings in the Raheen Business Park in Limerick for around 18 million euro. He is also involved in a 45 million euro mixed-use scheme at King’s Island with contractors Sisk.

    According to one source, he travels by helicopter from Dublin to Limerick most Tuesdays to oversee his property interests here. The helicopter is jointly owned with McNamara. Both are seen as dynamic property developers and their plans for Castletroy Shopping Centre are eagerly awaited.

    Let’s hope by “develop” they don’t mean expand or knock and rebuild.
    I’ve always wondered how on earth that shopping centre didn’t take off…it has such a big catchment area yet it is often like a ghost town in there.


    @justnotbothered wrote:

    I presume all the shopping centres are being built because of Limerick’s location, ie half way between Cork and Galway, as well as having it’s own large population. Quite a few of my Galway based friends would make trips down to the Cresent for shopping for example.

    Anyone know how Coonagh Cross is developing?

    I’m a bit worried about Coonagh Cross. I pass it regularly and it doesn’t look much bigger than let’s say…The Parkway or Castletroy but I’m hoping that the part I’m seeing is only the Tesco area. The Tesco part is due to be open 6 months before the rest of the centre and perhaps they are building the Tesco area before the other retail units. I really hope it’s more Crescent than Parkway to be honest. Jetland isn’t the busiest of shopping centres and I don’t want to see another half-filled centre that don’t have many well known shops e.g. Arthurs Quay and Castletroy Shopping Centres.

    Let’s just see what way it turns out. (fingers crossed)

    ps. Does anyone know is it a one or two storey complex?


    Speaking of developments on that side of the city. My uncle who is a tower-crane operator was telling me that up to 12 cranes will be located on the Parkway Valley Shopping Centre. There was a two for a while and during the week the third crane was put in place so it looks like this development is going to be big.

    It’s a pity work like this isn’t happening on Patrick St., Rutland St and Ellen St. Anybody know any more on The Opera Centre? Things aren’t looking too good at the moment.


    @Paris Jack wrote:

    Hey PoxyShamrock, what’s the food like there?

    The food is lovely but i felt the main course was small (but very filling), Restaurant is nice and airy plus the windows give you the feeling you’re on a ship or something.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    Absolute Hotel

    Some views of the nearly finished Absolute Hotel (Abbey river). The boardwalk was getting it’s final touches during the week. I presume it is a public way (see blue arrows) and access under the Abbey bridge will re-open when work is completed. A foot bridge from here to Groove island / canal bank would work well here.

    Sorry to burst your bubble CologneMike but The Absolute Hotel has been open since February/March. I was there for a meal in April.


    @Tuborg wrote:

    Anyone know when these two photos were taken?


    Yeah, it’s on The Post and The Limerick. The Post says it will be in The Crescent Shopping Centre and they will be extending The Crescent…again. The Limerick Leader on the otherhand says it could be in The Crescent, ParkValley or The Opera Centre.


    @demolition man wrote:

    Can anyone tell me if the recently constructed boat navigation wall thingy joining the courthouse with the rowing club is lit up every night.I’m not sure if this picture was taken during the construction of the weir or or not,but think it should be a permanent feature.


    Also what is to become of the greyhound track once they relocate?It would be great to see limerick 37 move back to a new and greatly improved market field.Foregive me if i’m being a bit sentimental.Suppose i should just be happy that we have a footbal club in this city.:o
    No,I presume some evil developer will swallow the site up and yet another recrational facility will be lost to the city. Probably more red brick crappy apartartment blocks are being earmarked for the site as we speak.Woppy!!!:(

    Yeah, as far as i know, it’s lit up everynight but it just doesn’t look as nice as that because that picture in my opinion is just spectacular.

    Also, I think I remember reading that An Bórd Pleanála didn’t grant Limerick Racecourse permission to relocate to Coonagh so I think the track might be in the market field for another few years to come. Anyway, the flats on lower Hyde Road are being knocked so this will let Jackman Park expand some bit.


    @Paris Jack wrote:

    I was just wondering if anybody could tell me where in Limerick City is the Trinity Rooms nightclub? Thanks in advance.

    It’s in the Granary Building on Michael Street/Bank Place. Facing the Locke Bar and the Abbey River.

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