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  • PoxyShamrock

    @Paris Jack wrote:

    Just thinking of the Parkway retail centre, didn’t there used to be a bar/restaurant/nightclub in that complex? If so, is it still there? Around to the side, from the main entrance, I think?

    No, The Park Bar closed in late 2004.

    Honestly though, when you think of it, a pub in a shopping centre. Only in Ireland.


    I don’t want the pedestrianisation of O’Connell Street to go ahead. Just look at it this way, you’re walking up Cruises Street in the middle of Autumn at 8 o’clock, how many people do you meet? Less than five would be my answer. This pedestrianisation will turn the CBD into a ghost town.
    @Demolition Man wrote:

    Limerick should look to Patrick St in Cork as an example of excellent street design that enhances the architecture surrounding it.In my opinion it’s the most attractive street in the country and is a credit to the city council for pushing through on its bold and controversial design.

    I fully agree with what Demolition man is saying Patrick Street right now is absolutely gorgeous. It is the city’s main street and has recently (2005) got a makeover but it still allows traffic through the city centre.
    Tbh I would prefer something along the lines of O’Connell Street in Dublin than to Patrick Street as the traffic situation in Cork is quite confusing and dangerous when it comes to Cars coming from the side streets leading onto Patrick Street.

    I think a masterplan similar to that of O’Connell Street in Dublin would enhance the city beautifully.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    Have there been any signs around that they are starting this Shopping centre at all.

    Yes, there has. Many of the businesses on Patrick Street have relocated including Primrose Beauty and Emerald Alpine. Workspace will be closing in Late May and Eurosurf is gone. The Post and Fat Zoes are to be relocated in Early Summer.

    As for actual construction, there doesn’t seem to be any except for two weeks ago when i saw a few surveyers and men in suits in the laneway between Emerald Alpine and Fat Zoes. I also saw them later that day up alongside the old Cahill May Roberts Building beside Trinity Rooms.


    If a Raheen Commuter Line was to ever go ahead, a great location for a station would be the old Guinness Depot on Carey’s Road. It’s right next to the city centre, connected to old Foynes line and there’s room for a lot of Car Spaces.


    For dining and entertainment, the Limerick Marriott Hotel will have a luxurious lounge on the first floor providing light menu offerings throughout the day. The Savoy Bar, located on the ground floor, will reflect the historical areas of the building’s former life; while the Savoy Restaurant, also located on the ground floor, will offer fine cuisine in a contemporary classic setting.

    I’m extremely happy now that The Marriott has chosen to name the restaurant and bar after the savoy. The Savoy may be gone but at least now The Modern Limerick is doing something to keep the Old Limerick alive. I think it’s really nice of Marriott International to do something like this. 🙂


    The Shell of ALDI is up so it will only be another few weeks before it’s open possibly late february. Wow I didn’t know there was going to be some kinda of Multistorey building alongside Aldi.
    As for Spaights, yeah I would also like to see some pictures of it, I forget what it looks like, then again I would have been really young when it was open.
    Anybody got some picture of The Marriott Hotel? I saw it a few weeks ago and I must say it looks really nice and as for the Hilton well imo I think it’s really nice looking.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    City Centre Remodelling Project (Managers Report for 2007)


    The regeneration of the City Centre area to create a high quality public realm is a priority for the Transport and Infrastructure department. In this respect several project are currently being progressed and these include:

    (a) Bedford Row
    The remodelling of Bedford Row to create a high quality pedestrian street was substantially completed during 2006. Work will be completed during 2007 when the Savoy Retail & Hotel development is completed.

    (b) Thomas Street/Augustinian Lane/Little Catherine Street/Little William Street.
    Works commenced in August 2006 on Thomas Street to create a high quality pedestrian street and works are now substantially completed on the section between O’Connell Street and Little William Street. Paving works have also been substantially completed to Augustinian Lane. In January 2007 works will resume with remodelling works to Thomas Street between Little William Street and Little Catherine Street, on Little William Street and on Little Catherine Street. These works are scheduled to be completed by June 2007.

    (c) Upper Thomas Street/Foxe’s Bow/Catherine Street (between Thomas St. andRoches St.)
    Plans are now reasonably advanced for remodelling works on Upper Thomas Street, Foxe’s Bow and on Catherine Street between Thomas Street and Roches Street as per Part 8 plans for the city centre adopted in 2003. It is hoped to advance these projects to tender during the first quarter of 2007.

    (d) Limerick City Centre Orbital Route
    Arup Consulting Engineers working with the Roads Engineering staff of Limerick City Council have developed plans for an Inner Orbital Route in Limerick City that will facilitate the full pedestrianisation of O’Connell Street between William Street and Roches Street thus creating a high quality pedestrianised public space in Limerick City centre. This Inner Orbital Route will also facilitate the extensive re-modelling of the remainder of the streetscape of O’Connell Street and William Street providing wider modern footpaths and new street furniture. A number of different options on the Orbital Route were presented to the Transportation & Infrastructure SPC in November of 2006 and detailed plans are currently been prepared for both the Orbital Route and the remodelling of O’Connell Street and William Street so that this major scheme can be advanced to the Part 8 public consultation phase during the first quarter of 2007. Extensive consultation will be carried out with all stakeholders during the first quarter of 2007, to create plans that best reflects the type of city centre the citizens of Limerick city will desire in the future.

    Whatever happened to the plans for William St. I specifically remember seeing the plans for William St. on the Limerick Post in May 2005 and I remember thinking to myself “if any street in Limerick needs a makeover it’s this one”


    @CologneMike wrote:

    The two red brick buildings maybe listed, because they are a 100+ years old or so. If they are listed it still should not be a taboo to re-evaluate their status in light of the regeneration programme of the city especially with it’s emphasis on the ‘riverside city project’. http://www.riversidecity.ie The new proposal is logically a good one for the Boat Club if of course they are part of the proposal. New facilities would bring more members into club and people onto the river. The Shannon River is a totally under utilised amenity in Limerick. Similar proposals would be good for St Michael’s on Cleeve’s Bank and the Curragour Boat house along side the Court house.

    Personally I see very little architectural merit or charm in those red brick buildings as compared to the Shannon Rowing Club on the other side of the bridge. In fact it’s the cut-stone Sarsfield Bridge with it’s once movable metal sections between Wellesley Pier and Poor Man’s Kilkee that should be the major focus of attention and not these small add-ons.

    Why not consider a third option which would see the Wellesley Pier return to it’s original state just like Poor Man’s Kilkee is today i.e. an open green space.
    In my opinion by removing the red brick buildings it would:
    (1) Greatly improve the view of the beautiful cut-stone bridge.
    (2) Reveal the once movable part of Sarsfield Bridge.
    (3) Wellesley Pier as an open green space would be accessible for every one.
    (4) Docking permanently a sailing ship (Maritime Museum) along side Poor Man’s Kilkee.

    Yeah, I agree those red brick buildings being knocked wouldn’t be much of a loss to the city, they are quiet an eyesore sometimes and are not of any architectural importance to me. On the other hand though the Shannon Boat Club is a highly impressive building and always looks stunning on a sunny day.
    A Maritime Museum would be really nice but I don’t know whether it would take off as an attraction…although something that works well in European Cities is having Stationary Boats used as Restaurants. Something along those lines could be popular with local diners. If they removed the two red brick buildings i would like to see it used as a public area rather than some other developments, what I’d like to see there would be a public space with one of those coffee kiosks along the river in the summer like Cruises Coffee Co. on Bachelors Walk in Dublin.
    Limerick really needs to focus on the river in the future. The Riverside City project just isn’t doing enough in my opinion, http://www.riversidecity.ie hasn’t been updated in a long time and their projects don’t seem to be arising. I think things like boat-trips and public areas along the river would really help Limerick’s Riverside. Limerick City Council should also try and promote the Canal in Limerick and the beautiful Marina we have.


    @Tuborg wrote:

    I was in the city centre today (Sunday) for the 1st time in about a fortnight and I acually couldnt believe my eyes, Look what Matthew Stephens Jewellers have done to the georgian building at 8 O Connell Street!

    I thought something was up when they removed the second floor facade a while back but now they’ve inserted a huge window and plastered over the brickwork! How the fuck was this allowed to happen, I though those days were over!

    I honestly don’t think it’s that bad. In all fairness it could have been worse…they could have knocked the building. If you look to the right of Matthew Stephens you can see that that Eason have done the same with the building. The Original brickwork is still underneath. I don’t remember Cruises Hotel so I can’t be a judge of that disaster…..all I can say is that it was well before my time.


    @Tuborg wrote:

    Although theres no doubt William Street is in dire need of overhaul, I think O Connell Street is a much more urgent case. After all, it is the city’s main thoroughfare and at the moment it’s a total embarrassment, its dirty and neglected looking, many buildings are in very poor shape and too many crap retailers have really lowered the tone of the street, It says a lot about Limerick City Council that they’ve allowed the street to Degenerate so much! There has been no movement whatsoever on the O Connell Street re-modelling plan that was announced over 5 years ago! Have the exact details of the Makeover even been agreed yet?..

    Initially the plan was for complete pedestrianisation between William Street & Roches Street , however this seems to have been scaled back since with pedestrian priority treatment now more likely! This basically means wider footpaths, reduced traffic lanes and properly designated pedestrian crossings! A “major focal point” was planned for the junction of Thomas Street/ Bedford Row!.. but I wonder will this be dropped now aswell? A life size statue of Richard Harris is to be unveiled on Bedford Row early in the new year!..

    It was announced recently that phase 1 of the Thomas Street Renewal Project (from O Connell St to Little William Street) will be completed before Christmas with the 2nd phase from Little William Street to Little Catherine Street to be finished by next June!

    I would love to see something similar to O’Connell Street in Dublin. It’s really impressive, although what gives O’Connell Street in Dublin a really nice look is the fact that the street is so wide.


    When is the Marriott due to open?

    OK I know this isn’t much info but any info is good I suppose. There are currently two cranes on The Marriott Site. Crane One (highest crane) is due to be taken down Christmas Week and Crane Two (smaller crane) is due to be down well before Patricks Day. Which would if my calculations are right give the hotel a summer opening.


    I see they’ve begun attaching the reflective glass panels to the front of the new Marriott hotel on Henry Street, there also seems to be a fair bit of the usual stone tiling peeking through the scaffolding, I really hope that they haven’t revised the plans for the façade as glass was to be the dominant feature, stone cladding is an incredibly tired look at this stage! A Brise Soleil is mentioned in the application, similar to the wooden grill on the façade of the County Council offices in Dooradoyle Id imagine!

    Work has also started on the steelwork for the retail element of the complex on the Bedford Row side of the site, the number of retail units have reduced from 14 to 12 as a result of the amalgamation of some units!

    Permission for development for alterations to a previously permitted development (Reg Ref. P04/550), identified primarily as: the former Savoy Cinema Complex, Henry Street/Bedford Row/Stella Lane; former Bedford House, Bedford Row; former Nos. 2-7 Bedford Row; and the former premises running from the rear of No. 122 O’Connell Street (parallel with the former rear of Nos. 1-9 Bedford Row), Limerick. The development will consist of the provision of: an additional one metre length on the Bedford Row elevation The amalgamation of part of previously permitted Retail Unit No. 9 into Retail Unit No. 6 and subsequent reduction in the retail floor area of Retail Units Nos. 9, 10 and 11 by 99 sq m at basement ground floor and first floor level; an 87 sq m extension to Retail Unit No. 14 at ground and first floor level; the amalgamation of previously permitted Retail Unit Nos. 6,7 and 8 into one retail unit and a minor increase in retail floor area as a result of revised corner details on the amalgamated unit at both ground (342 sq m) and first floor level (313 sq m); re-positioning of the entrance door in Retail Unit No. 14 and the hotel entrance and permitted brise soleil on Henry street; addition of a hotel entrance on Stella Lane; change of use of Retail Units Nos. 12 & 13 at ground floor level to hotel foyer area (135 sq m) and at first floor level to private function room and lounge area (114 sq m); provision of shopfronts to all retail units; amalgamation of previously permitted Retail Unit No. 9 and 8 (part of) to create a larger Unit No. 9 (155 sq m) The proposed development results in an increase of some 794 sq m gross floor space to the permitted development at Former Savoy Cinema Complex, Henry St/Bedford Row, Limerick.

    There was a piece on the Absolute Hotel on Sir Harry’s Mall in the Independent on Wednesday. Its due to open on February 1st next with 99 bedrooms, executive business suites, other “luxury” suites and also a range of spa facilities!

    The “George Boutique Hotel” opened last weekend, it includes the George bar & Kitchen restaurant. They have applied for a change of use of part of the ground floor on O Connell street from Retail to café use, The remaining retail space is still up for grabs

    If they got rid of No Name from Bedford Row they could try and make it a bit more upmarket by attracting bigger high street names onto the street, now no offence to the owner and faculty of No Name or its customers but it not exactly the nicest of shops. I’d love if a Starbucks opened on Bedford Row and get rid of the goths, metalers and scumbags who like to hang out on the street.


    Nope, I don’t Spread Rumours, I heard it off the crane driver who is on the smaller crane. It wasn’t a major problem just a part of the top floor which was exposed to severe rain partially cracked and then cracked and collapsed. As Far as I know, it was only a fresh piece of work and the damage was fixed within a day or two.
    I have utmost faith in the development on the strand and just becuase the development may be quick and a little bit of damage happened doesn’t mean it’s going to fall down as fast as it went up.


    Originally Posted by PoxyShamrock
    from what i’ve heard the builders at the strand have been cutting corners everywhere, so I wouldnt be too doubtful if this hotel could be swarmed with problems in the future.

    Originally Posted by justnotbothered
    I heard the opposite, that everything was being done pretty high spec.

    Originally Posted by PoxyShamrock
    Well its turns out that a part of the Apartments being built on the same site as The Hilton partially collapsed during the week.

    Here we go! I heard it ages ago that the Hilton Builders were cutting awful corners.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    Looks like the Clarion marketing department had to sex-up the image of the new hotel with a little bit of rouge lip-stick! I wonder will the Hilton also need some cosmetics when it&#8217]another[/B] artist’s perspective of the new Hilton Hotel.

    Previous postings:


    Out of the pictures I’ve seen of this development, the picture above is definitely the nicest and definitely the most like the actual development photograph (below), which I must say I really like. I’m gonna give it the thumbs up. I like the Terracotta-like colour marble they’re using on the exterior


    Looking at the picture of The Limerick Marina I must say I actually quite like it. Even though it hasn’t proved to be extremely popular it certainly brightens up that part of the City where the Abbey meets the Shannon. I think they should try and promote the marina in areas like Athlone and Killaloe to Encourage people to come to Limerick via the waterways. I also really like the Sylvester O’Halloran Bridge, it has a certain character to it.


    Another change I would make would be changing Roxboro Avenue (Jail Boreen) to a one way system either northbound or southbound, Also John’s Pavillion and the yard futher up Mulgrave Street has a lot of land. It could be a prime site for future development if it was ever to go on the market.


    Yeah, I saw that crane going up in the today. Is that where the new Department of Foreign Affairs Building is going?


    Originally Posted by PoxyShamrock
    from what i’ve heard the builders at the strand have been cutting corners everywhere, so I wouldnt be too doubtful if this hotel could be swarmed with problems in the future.

    @justnotbothered wrote:

    I heard the opposite, that everything was being done pretty high spec.

    Has anyone seen any images for the new building opposite the Red Church on Henry street? It’s a pretty huge site, I understand it’s where the decentralised civil servants are being sent.

    Well its turns out that a part of the Apartments being built on the same site as The Hilton partially collapsed during the week.


    @CologneMike wrote:

    Thanks PoxyShamrock.
    With the completion of the Shannon tunnel in 2010, the Quality Hotel Group have strategically opened their hotel near where the Dublin (N7), the Cork (N20) and the Shannon / Galway (N18) roads meet.

    I call it the Shunnelâ„¢. Just a copy of the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel), but it could stick!

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