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  • PoxyShamrock
    CologneMike wrote:
    Thanks PoxyShamrock.
    With the completion of the Shannon tunnel in 2010, the Quality Hotel Group have strategically opened their hotel near where the Dublin (N7), the Cork (N20) and the Shannon / Galway (N18) roads meet.

    I call it the Shunnel™. Just a copy of the Channel Tunnel (Chunnel), but it could stick! 🙂

    Yeah, that’s it! looks quite nice in that picture, the building seems to be more of a very pale cream rather than the white, which gives the exterior a very cold feeling to it. Then again the Sunny Weather with Blu Skies does help too 😀


    Still though I love Arthurs Quay! Even though if there is nothing in there. there’s always a great atmosphere in there. If they really planned The Opera Centre it could be a real success, they need alot of Anchor Tenants not just the one and very modern and Spacious malls and shops. The Main Thing they need to do is put entrances to shops from the street and the Malls inside something kind of like The Ilac (now i know the Ilac isnt a great example of a successful SC but when they redesigned it they gave it a nice design with doors from two sides).


    That building is so plain. It’s quite like the Bank Of Ireland on O’Connell Street. I doubt it will be winning any architectural prizes in the near future.


    so is arthur’s quay etc etc definately gettin’ knocked???


    Can anyone tell me how’s the Marriott on Bedford Row/Henry Street coming along? There isnt much on the Internet about them. Has anyone got a picture of the finished products besides the black and white one that was on the Limerick Leader/Post a year or so ago. I think this is gonna be a Real Jewel to the City Centre, A nice big entrance onto Bedford Row with a revolving door would be lovely!


    In the post this week there was an image that i hadnt seen before, the glass facade looked alot more tidier than the picture above BUT there was a hideous image on the glass facade, two giant faces, 1 smiling and 1 frowning (you know those kinda theatre faces) and i must say it looked awful. lol


    that’s exactly what i was sayin like a month ago but nobody listened to me. Theres no website, no good news concerning it in the paper and the contractors ive never heard of (neither has google). I’m rather doubtful of the Coonagh Cross development too. Anyone got anything on that?

    in reply to: The Opera Centre #780533

    Worrying times for the Opera Centre, and I must admt the picture in the post was fairly hideous.

    Opera centre backers express concern at start-up delay

    THERE is growing concern that the investors behind the proposed m200 euro Opera Shopping Centre at Patrick Street/Rutland Street, might be discouraged from proceeding because of the start-up delay imposed by a planning objection to the project.

    Limerick auctioneer Pat Kearney, who spent three years putting the package together, this week told the Limerick Post that they were already running well behind time.

    “One local person has cited objections to the proposed development in a lengthy submission to An Bord Pleanala, and a decision is not expected until late October, and even then there are no guarantees.

    “It is not for me to discuss the merits or otherwise of the objections raised, but what I will say is, that all connected with the project are becoming frustrated. “The developers had set a timeline of 2007 for the grand opening, but now we are looking at well into 2008.

    “We had to negotiated with something like 40 clients in putting the entire deal together and they are looking for their money. All is now in the lap of the gods. There are some crucial weeks ahead.

    “The danger is that retailers who had expressed an interest in locating at the Opera Centre might be having second thoughts because of the delay. Take Debenhams, for example. It is known they had shown an interest in becoming an anchor tenant, but they have since leased the Roches Stores property”.

    Mr Kearney, in calling for a review of the planning process, pointed out that the developers were not in a position to draw down finance until such time as the path had been cleared to commence demolition work on the existing buildings.

    “We are talking in terms of a multi million euro investment-this will be the biggest inner city development of its type in Limerick and let’s hope it will be resolved as soon as possible”.


    from what i’ve heard the builders at the strand have been cutting corners everywhere, so I wouldnt be too doubtful if this hotel could be swarmed with problems in the future.


    If you actually look closer i didnt start this, justnotbothered did, i was simply agreeing with him, so why dont you say it to him and not me.


    Nope i can’t agree with you on this one.


    I was on Bedford Row today and already one of the new bench things is broken, Some of the Maternity Hospital Artwork has been ripped down. I’ve been proud of my city for fourteen years of my life and now im starting to see diffrent. there are alot of people in Limerick that dont care, alot more than in Dublin, Galway and Cork, they can install modern sculptures and landscape streets and the majority of it doesn’t get touched. Limerick is worse i have to admit and we are the generation that have to put a stop to it, before it we start planning big Shopping Centres, new streets, statues and sculptures etc.


    If they ever have a petition whether to keep the docks or develop it, i would be first to sign it to redevelop.



    FOLLOWING months of rumour the Limerick Leader can this weekend reveal the billion-euro plans for the city docks put forward by the Shannon Foynes Port Authority.
    They include an “iconic building”, 1,000 new jobs and a €50 million annual boost to the local economy.
    A national convention centre and a cultural centre for the arts have also been proposed by developers in the plans.
    The Port Authority, which owns the 44-acre site next to Steamboat Quay, is currently at an advanced stage of considering “expressions of interest” from developers.
    Brian Byrne, chief executive, says a clear picture is already beginning to emerge of a dynamic commercial centre, on a smaller scale to the IFSC in Dublin, being developed at the site.
    “To lose out on this opportunity would be economical recklessness on a grand scale for city, region and county,” he declared. However, many people are totally against the plans, which they say will leave Limerick without a port and make over 200 people redundant.
    Mr Byrne said that claims of 200 job losses as a result of the potential sale of the port were unfounded and that the commercial centre will drive both the city and the region’s economy.
    “A common thread in the expressions of interest is the retention of a strong maritime theme, with berthing for boats and motor-cruisers to the front of what will by a dynamic commercial centre that will give Limerick a new
    impetus,” says Mr Byrne.
    The Port Company believes it has the practical solutions worked out to address the concerns of the existing port users in Limerick by planning for greatly enhanced facilities down-river to be brought on at the same time as
    any reduction in capacity occurs at Limerick docks.
    But the Limerick Port Users Group also have their own plans for the docklands, announced this Thursday.
    As well as keeping the port open their plans include a maritime museum, a port park, a clock tower, a marine services park, a business park and a
    business innovation centre. They say that business is up 20 per cent on last year and with the planned tunnel, they expect further increases in the years
    to come.
    Mr Byrne said he empathised with what he termed the emotional arguments being presented by opponents to the redevelopment on the grounds that Limerick has a long tradition of port activity.
    “However, due to the ever increasing size of vessels and restricted access, Limerick Port is simply no longer competitive in a national context,” said Mr Byrne.

    25 August 2006


    Limerick is the scum-hole of Ireland and there’s no point denying it!


    Boo! Get Rid of The Docks!!!


    I think if the new skyscraper goes ahead it will have to have the nickname “The Handbag” similar to the way Londoner’s named the Swiss Re Building “The Gherkin”


    nope there’s no A, B or C. I got the image from http://www.sfpc.ie and there’s an article similar to the Leader’s one on it. Im totally against Limerick Port’s Plans and there motto, Don’t Remove Me, Improve me. My Motto is better “By Removing me, you are improving me”. haha


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