Cathal Dunne

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  • in reply to: New Court Complex – Infirmary Rd #756893
    Cathal Dunne

    They’ve put a metal design on the wall to the right of the main entrance with what looks like Lady Justice and her famous scales. If they put up a name for the courts in Irish and English beside that then people will know that it’s not just another corporate office block or conference centre.

    What is the new complex to be called, btw? Is it really going to be called the Central Criminal Court Complex? I like its alliterative quality.

    in reply to: Lansdowne Road Stadium #726130
    Cathal Dunne

    @CraigFay wrote:

    All you have to do is look at the size of each end. That older render has 2 tall sides, 2 short. the new one Has 2 tall, 1 medium, 1 small. Just like the ocnstructions pics.

    What’s that big white cuboid thing in the middle of the stadium? It looks like a massive tent.

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731397
    Cathal Dunne

    @alonso wrote:

    the vhat novv? Onscreen keyboard? the S is back novv but no double u

    I’m using Windows XP so this is how you access the onscreen keyboard on mine;

    1.Click “Start”
    2.Click on “Control Panel”
    3.Click “Accessibility Options”
    4.Click on “On-Screen Keyboard” which should be on the left-hand side

    The on-screen keyboard will then ppear and you will be able to type as many of these wwwwwwwwwww as you want!

    Cathal Dunne

    @Morlan wrote:

    In Photoshop, paste in your map and then duplicate it so you have two layers. Turn down the brightness of the bottom layer.. then go to the top layer and erase the areas you don’t want highlighted.

    I see. Thank you very much for the response. I had thought that there was an option to edit Google Maps/Earth if you had a professional edition of it.

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731394
    Cathal Dunne

    @alonso wrote:

    bollox….Dublin city i$ my capital too and I vvould like both language$ di$played. I’ve heard it $poken in the city and i ain’t 104

    (orry the e$$ and double u are broken on my keyboard)

    Would you not use the on-screen keyboard? They would have the S and W on it.

    Cathal Dunne

    @Morlan wrote:

    The absolute gem of the south city centre. Buy out the car parks, force Dublin Bus to change their routes, get the Luas in. Pedestrianise all streets. What a fantastic city Dublin could be. 🙁

    How did you highlight that, Morlan?

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780415
    Cathal Dunne

    @AndrewP wrote:

    @Cathal Dunne wrote:

    :confused: Is there an extra-long month ahead that we haven’t been informed about?

    Maybe there are fewer hours in a Cork day. That would balance thungs out…

    It might, that’d make sense. It’s now 25 days and 18 hours before these babes go to market. What to Archiseekers think will be the response/?They’ve probably already cut the prices they were going to sell them at. Are they going to sell them all in one go? It’ll be an interesting test of the strength of the property market. Perhaps they’ll sell out on their launch weekend and herald the return of the boom!

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780412
    Cathal Dunne

    @d_d_dallas wrote:

    materials wise – is this what happens when planners and designers try to attain consensus?

    Perhaps they went to TileStyle, couldn’t decide which cladding to buy and decided to get all of them and put them up on the tower.

    It’s quite the patch-work.

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780408
    Cathal Dunne

    @opus wrote:

    I was looking at the website for the Elysian this evening & it’s got some kind of count down timer running on there. Not sure what it means though as it currently says “1 month 37 days 14 hours!”

    :confused: Is there an extra-long month ahead that we haven’t been informed about?

    I better edit my calendar. A few Post-Its should be enough.

    in reply to: Point Village #760908
    Cathal Dunne

    It’s great to see a big development like that actually in progress. The Heuston Gate has hit a dead end, the U2 Tower seems less twisted in architectural design and more twisted in legal complexities. Well done, Harry Crosbie, for seeing this project through. Perhaps the others developing the U2 Tower and Heuston Gate will be motivated by this development and hurry up.

    The amount of people that must be working on that site. I’d imagine big developments like this are helping to soak up builders that are less busy on other projects now the building sector is in correction.

    in reply to: Point Village #760736
    Cathal Dunne

    I know that the place looks like a bit of a flat souffl

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750204
    Cathal Dunne

    If there’s such a comnflict over the design of this building, than what exactly are those builders doing down there?:confused:

    Are they just pile-driving for the fun of it while the DCC mandarins wrangle and prevaricate?

    It must be the biggest playground in the State then if the current(if there’s any) design has been thrown out and is being redrafted.

    I may be a simpleton, but building something without a firm idea or plan of what that thing is, strikes me as insane.

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750196
    Cathal Dunne

    @Morlan wrote:

    I agree. Anything above 4 floors is just idiotic for this area. It’s far too close to the city centre.

    A nice 3 story block would be perfect for this site. Although, I think 3 sotries would be a bit overkill for the whole area.

    😮 Are you serious? The whole Docklands is full of unremarkable blocks of only a couple of stories, we desperately need something tall and something with a bit of ‘wow’ factor.

    There’s nothing else there as the area was a wasteland before the revamp began. Its a blank canvas so should be built up to a great height as much as possible.

    in reply to: New Public Space for Docklands #765341
    Cathal Dunne

    @Radar wrote:

    Just took this tonight – not too far from Martha’s original design. It seems they’re keeping those lights on more regularly now. Work is well under way on the extension out into the dock, and Fresh – a fantastic fresh food/supermarket has opened for business with deli, bakery, butcher, nice wine selection etc. Ely HQ has been kitted out in the last few days, and they plan to open in early January. Seems as though the area is finally coming to life…:D

    Woah, that looks sooo good. Imagine what its going to look like in Christmas 2007 when its all finished with red and green seasonal colours. It’ll be a part of the city we won’t have to dress up for the Lord’s Birthday.

    This piece of architecture is turning out as I suspected as being a piece de theatre of building work. it confirms by conviction that the Grand/Royal Canal Docks Area is going to be THE place to be in the next decade.

    in reply to: New building beside City Hall #724616
    Cathal Dunne

    What is this building beside the City Hall actually for? It would be ironic if it were for an architect’s practice given the furore on this site about it, it would be good for the purposes of the debate to find out what this building was built for.

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781432
    Cathal Dunne

    @malec wrote:

    Don’t like this proposal, not because it’s 20 floors high though. In fact I wouldn’t mind it being that 20 floors high at all, but it needs to be a landmark building not a generic tower block. My way of thinking is the taller the proposal, the better it needs to be, I’d love for something not boxy to be built there, something along the lines of this:

    Does anyone have any clue what this Asian script is saying? it really reminds me of some edifice that comes to life in a SimCity game when you have tachno-Asian architectural style set for your virtual city.

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781352
    Cathal Dunne

    @THE_Chris wrote:

    Not having an offlicence is just daft. Whats the reason for that?

    Lidl have off-licences? But their shops are tiny, how will they be able to fit in an off-licence into them? And if they can’t have that, can they still sell drink as that is off licence by another way? It puzzles me…:confused:

    in reply to: Point Village #760716
    Cathal Dunne

    Is there any pictures of the re-designed Point Village Tower?

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781342
    Cathal Dunne

    @Keen wrote:

    WOW! The Elysian is fast and the picture of the Cork cityscape is so mystical…

    I know!!! The cranes are like silent sentinels, surveying all below, and adding their own voice to the city by constructing new buildings. Imagine what the Elysian will look like when it has external glazing, the glitter off it from the evening sun should look dazzling.

    A big roll of cling film could go from the top of the stairwell core to the street level, by the way!

    in reply to: Developments in Cork #781332
    Cathal Dunne

    The picture of the Elysian/Eglinton St looks FANTASTIC. Finally, Cork will have two high towers to be proud of. Its particularly a nice touch with all the red cranes considering which part of de country its in, like. It gives us Dubs an inkling to the shape our (taller:p ) Heuston Gate and U2 Towers are going to take.

    Well done my provincial countrymen and women!

    by the way, before I forget, a very Merry Christmas to all my fellow Archiseekers and for a Happy 2007!

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