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  • in reply to: Irelands most expensive building #725798

    What about value for money in relation to price and the buildings contribution to its surrounding area in a design context. Looking at the Citicorp/Citibank (whatever there called) 100 million doesntget you much in the way of outstanding design. It looks ok and i’m sure it works well but it doesnt have me walking into lamp posts

    in reply to: Does anyone talk to their neighbours anymore? #718382

    Brief, Design an apartment build to accomodate X amount of people.
    You would imagine the first thing you would do is devote a huge amount of space to the foyer, with seating receprion etc… No No a narrow hall just wide enough for two ppl to squeeze by and miles upon miles of corradors, Each floor containing the same furniture (if your luck) and prints on the same spot in each floor and each floor identical to the one below it! Developers!!!!!

    BTW Shooting for what?

    in reply to: Hospitals #726463

    Yeah its a general hospital now, Still looks great. The pic isnt very revealing

    in reply to: Is award for Cow’s Lane a load of bull? #724784

    I have to say West TB is just the most fantastic part of the city. I dont know why it is but i really love walking through it. I was there on Monday and having forgotten my shades i took respite from teh ghlorious sun shine and wandered around with a coffee in the cool shade taking in more of the area than i usually do. If it becomes as popular as “Mainland” TB it will be ruined with sick strewn streets and Mc’donalds packaging clodding the drains. If those drinking reforn laws are passes some cafe style bars and a few cheap but good restuarunts (becuase the price of good food in the city is like so ,much else criminal) it may end up being even more enjoyable. Incidentally i was 20 late for my appointment!

    in reply to: Blackhall Place Bridge #726794

    Back to the bridge… well bridges. Was the hay’panny bridge orininaly white? I liked it black and the blackhall place bridge how long will it remian white, how long will the class remain clean/intact? I thinks its a beautiful bridge but i dont think its place is in Dublin, As for the price, well from 5m to 20m need i say more. were suposed to be earning more money than ever but i makes no difference beacuse everything costs 2,3 and 4 times as much. If i wasn’t irish i certainly wouldnt come here on holiday!

    in reply to: Leinster House #725462

    Mass hysteria – yes, disproportionate – No. I think if you compare the amount of times i’ve pissed myself with anger seeing some fool grinning with glee as he has just festooned his house with these horrible excuse for windows with the amount of people who have installed them its actually quiet small. I saw a 300yo schoolhouse the other day, sometime in the non recent past it had been divided in to who small houses, still bearing their original windows. And quiet pretty. Until…… The other day on one side of the house the original (to the time it was divided) door had been ripped out and replaced with a plastic abomination and to add insult to injury it had a signature “stained galss panell with pink orchids i believe.

    in reply to: Leinster House #725459

    Still that 1% out of several hundred thousand people is a hell of a lot of people who think their plastic wondows look great, Thats really frightning!

    in reply to: Irelands most expensive building #725790

    Its nice to know that in backward peat burning spud eating ireland we could spend so much on a building like Busaras. And it still looks great today and is my favourite building in the city save none!
    25 billion today for Ardnacrusha, WOW! Who was the guy who designed it, He was a young engineer if i remember correctly.

    in reply to: The Spike #722231

    I saw it with my own eyes today and although its not great, it isn’t as bad as i had expected.

    in reply to: Leinster House #725457

    Rest easy? When innocent peole are stupidly sealing themselves into their homes in a horrific eye bashing glass and plastic coffins!

    Its a scientific fact, uPVC windows caused Thirdworld debt, aids and ugly people!

    in reply to: stainless steel? really? yeah #725700

    So in short are we going to be left with a big dirty black pole?

    in reply to: Leinster House #725454

    Thank god they are not staying! I di some investigation myself and i descovered to my horror that uPVC windows are not so popular because they are less expensive. They can be up to three times as expensive as wooden windows. I was told by the cust service rep of Irelands leading uPVC manufacturer that they are so popular because they are “more pleasing to the eye offer more security and are practically maintainance free”. SO its not cost it is lazyness.

    in reply to: Blackhall Place Bridge #726777

    It would look better if it were finished. I dont really liek it anyway it seems unoriginal, too much like that bridge in newcastle. even similar to the footbridge in London.

    in reply to: The Spike #722197

    Totally, 3/4 years in the naking when all it really is is just a big spike! I dont see what the fuss was about in the first place. I’m not as impressed by it as i first was but i still like it!

    in reply to: Adshel #725529

    SO what is the roof the seat and the large plate of galss for? Why not just put up a billboard

    in reply to: Leinster House #725441

    Along with doors windows and cladding there is now a trend in uPVC fencing and uPVC gates! Shiney white plastic may have been fashionable for 80’s shoes but not for gates!! Honestly!

    in reply to: Adshel #725527

    I wish they would put more thought into where/in what direction they put them, as many offer little protection from the wing and rain.

    in reply to: Listed Buildings List #725553

    So its good news for the house, right?

    Also i didnt know trees can be protected, and if so what is involved. I’ve notices several forests (yes entire forests!) dissapear in my local area over the last few years. I’ve checked OS maps and the area’s are marked as forested- decidious- land. Where have all the trees gone?

    Trees are mt own private crusade!

    in reply to: Green light for new Dublin airport terminal #725656

    I dont see why ryanair needs a terminal at all, i mean just park the air craft up in a field NEAR teh airport and we can climb up ladders to get in, they wont need any loading facilities because they dont usually bother ro send your luggage with you anyway.
    Possible proposal for the entire ariport building to be demolished and a newer nicer one be built in its place?

    in reply to: The Spike #722195

    Nice to see somebodys paying attention to what i say! lol

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