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  • in reply to: The Shelbourne #725649

    Why will the D of A be happy about that?

    in reply to: Is silver the new brown? #725411

    Am i to believe some social outcast was spraying “silver is the new brown” on a wall in wales? lol
    I still like silver & Gray i just dont like ALL silver & gray. Anybody care to justify this over use?

    in reply to: The Spike #722193

    Having spent the week back in the city i’ve gotten used to the spire. It may just be that it isn’t lighting yet but i’m not as impressed by it as i first was. Last night i was waiting for the No.13 bus and being O’C street i was trying to aviod that gaze of drunked 10yo’s so i took a loog long look at it and it just seemed… boring! When it is completley finished i may be more impressed. However i feel its symbolic stature is greater than its physical. Meaning it was amazing it was built at all. If only it was a little bit taller?

    in reply to: The size of Houses/Apartments #725579

    I dont know what scheme you are refering to.

    in reply to: Leinster House #725440

    Its a pitty uPVC isnt confined to offices! The “wood effect” brown stuff looks worse dont you think? and thise terrible “stained glass” doors, CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! (I’m so angry i’ve turned into a chicken!) you know what i mean. I still cant believe they put them in Lenster house. It like most things in there now is criminal!

    in reply to: O’ Connell Bridge Lanterns #724297

    I’m comming back to the city after my brief stint in galway. I agree that some new pedestrian spaces would weally go down well. And now that the celtic tiger has been locked in its glass case in the natural histroy museum we may even have time to enjoy them!

    in reply to: God Lad’s! What is it with this feckin spike? #725495

    I’ll never be able to look at it straight again…. or will I????

    in reply to: Listed Buildings List #725540

    Bravo Graham. I wish i could help you. I think more needs to be done to protect buildings such as that. the best of luck

    in reply to: Leinster House #725438

    OMG, what is it with this country and uPVC? Its EVERYWHERE! I really lothe the stuff, uPVC doors, windows, facias, cladding. and that ugly cheap tacky “Tile effect” roof cladding stuff! Whats wrong with wood? whats wrong with tile or slate! Soon there will be piles of PortaKabins surrounding Lenster house!

    in reply to: Help! Studying Architecture #725271

    GOOD NEWS! I have looked into some PLC courses in draughting, CAD and Arch Technician. I have some interviews comming up so wish me luck. Thanks for ur help.

    in reply to: Is silver the new brown? #725409

    I am so honored that such highly esteemed people such as you agree with me! *yay me* but it is just so true. Its very difficult to find a black TV, tho i did manage to get a lovely shiney black Lowe TV so i’m quiet pleased with myself! I think that paradaigm of “modern silver” buildings has to be The Liffey valley s/c. Its is horrible! And am i the only one who thinks it looks like a prison?

    in reply to: Rubbish – St Patricks Day #725335

    yes but only because its new, I saw the same on the millenium bridge, its cleaned rather less now than it was in the year it was opened.
    If you think litter in the city is a problem its worse in the countryside. It seems that where ever you see a “No Dumping” sign there is always a fridge and somebodys old bed dumped beside it. Do they dump on these spots on purpose or does the CC come along afterwards and errect a sign without taking the rubbish away??? Also people who while driving decide to clear out their car by neatly depositing all ther in car rubbish in a plastic bag, tie the top and throw it out the window! The mind boggles, wouldnt it be as easy to bring it home and pop it in the bin? We seen to have a seriously lax attitude to rubbigh, litter and waste management in this country and something needs to be done fast.
    To me it doesn’t matter if the city had less litter than Barcelona or Prague or wherever, we should have no rubbish at all, Its not difficult to throw a can in a litter bin, is it?

    in reply to: Meanwhile…. #724728

    As far as i can gather the people who stand on the platforms (along with the majority or Bus Eireann drivers) are employed by CIE to make you feel stupid and small any time you require assistance.
    Also, they are paid by Lottery money (so that’s wheres it goes) and are in league with the men who dig holes in the middle of busy roads and stand in them for a day or two fill them up only to dig them up again.
    The government came up with a plan to have them all killed harvest their organs (thus shortening waiting lists) but it was scrapped because we couldnt send the empty bodys to landfill and we dont have an incenerator!
    As for congestion charging, i dont think we should charge for driving in the city center, as it seems toll roads are becomming more popular (we wont ba able to look at our cars without being charged) Unless something is dont about public transport, LUAS willsort out the city center but what of the thousands of people who live as far out as Miltownpass etc who have no choice but to drive in to the city.

    in reply to: Photoshop fun: a new bigger bolder Dublin #724106

    Half four in the morning, a can of spray paint….. now theres an idea!

    in reply to: What is "good architecture" #725100

    Lucky you the Morrison is a fantastic hotel i especally like Halo (and if they want to offer me some freebies i will accept!). The Bilding you are refering to are the Civic offices at wood quay. However i dont share your affection for the said building, I dont have time to go into it now but that building sits atop some of the most important and significant Viking sites in ireland.

    in reply to: The Spike #722148

    SO many things in Irish are really poetic. Take for example the small annoying bug The cricket. (I’ll leave it to you to find out what it is in irish and why so). We irish dont die, we “find death” (why we start looking i dont know) and i think a little more thought should have gone into finding a portic irish name for it, An Tur Solais will however have to do. And no doubt it will develop another name over time. “the hags with the bags” being a particulat favourite of mine and i hope people dont become offended by whatever we all eventually affectionatly call it, lets just hope its not “the stiffy by the liffey”.
    I’m really impressed by it though, so simple, so elegant, so imposing yet somehow it fits.
    I have one small concern about it though. Its not possibly the best tourist attraction, not due to the fact that you cant go up it or it dosen’t really do anything as its simplicity is its beauty but the fact that i cant see anybody buying minature models to bring home to the family, CAn you imagine the trouble you would have trying to get a flight with one in your baggage!

    in reply to: Architectural legacy of the Celtic Tiger ? #725068

    The problem with building any grand projects to day are manyfold.
    Most projects would be held up by objections by small minded people who cant embrace change for years. (I’m still in shock the spire made it past the drawing board, and only 3 years after it was planned)
    So if the project isn’t scraped at the inital stages (after spending large amounts of money aswell, national stadium springs to mind) everybody will be up in arms about spending money on whatever it is. I find this strange as over the last few years the country has been making money hand over fist.
    Hitler could only have these buildings built because he was a curel leader, the people were terrified of him, Most Great projects were undertaken in a time when the rich were rich and thw poor had nothing. Even back in the eighties th epeople were more worried about their jobs than Charlie’s office.
    I dont know what the solution to this is but it is ture at in an era where irelands economy was at its peak there is little to remind us of it in the future.

    in reply to: Help! Studying Architecture #725267

    I cant seem to be able to study it anywhere. I didnt get enough points to do the degree in DIT or UCD, And other such courses. SO if anybody knows of plc courses part time courses etc that will lead on to architecture or other related professions. I inquired about a part time course in Design studies @ DIT but they are not enrolling untill october 04 to begin in Jan 05. Any help at all I would be most greatful!

    in reply to: Top picks of quaint Irish places to see #723967

    All you need is a sunny day and an ice pop! I’m such a child!
    However i’m concerned i heard about a year or two ago that there was a industrial part planned for the lands to the west of whats left of the estate near lexlip, I know nothing of it now tho.

    in reply to: Yuck!!! #724435

    I have to put my foot down here, i happen to think that the Ilac center is getting a very hard time and it really doesn’t deserve it. It is an amazing building an undervalued work of art. The really astonishing thing about it is, that a group of blind Architects and designers can get together, come up with a building, spill coffee over it and still manage to get it built! Dear god if anybuilding needs a facefift it does, call in the doctor soon!
    BTW. does anybody know who comissioned it?

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