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  • in reply to: Adshel #725533

    whats it like i ownt be in town for a while, any pics?

    in reply to: Sheading light on one off rural housing #727408

    OH we all laugh but the scary thing is that this kind of thing is far far to common (both ways)

    in reply to: The Sash is Back! #726990

    I noticed a house near where i live is ripping out the newly installed PVC windows (They were installed by the previous owner) and replacing them with wooden sash windows.
    On quizing the new neighbour she explained that in germany (where they have moved from) They no longer make PVC windows bacause they are believed to release toxic gasses and as they are completly sealed allow no air in and have just become so unpopular.
    Lets hope this will happen in ireland soon.
    Having said that I wouldnt want to see every house in the country with wooden sash wondows!

    in reply to: Boardwalk Reloaded #726979

    I have always felt safe in the city centre. Violent crime happens (almost) everywhere. In a city like Dublin it cant be avoided.

    in reply to: Boardwalk Reloaded #726975

    Will it follow the exact same design as the oroginal boardwalk? I presume amd hope its does.
    I agree with the wooden handrails. They are in need of attention thi i dont agree with using metal ones perhaps treat the wood as opposed to leaving it in its matural state.

    in reply to: Fifty years of Busáras #726936

    Will you be able to post the article? I have ben so busy with work and all that i didnt get a change to go out and get it. Can I ask why you are so fond of Busaras? I think its a fantiatic building (well was, its a bit crappy at the moment) but you seem to be its biggest fan i’d love to know what is about it that you like so much.

    in reply to: The Sash is Back! #726989

    I knew it! I KNEW IT! OH MY GOD IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY! Death to PVC!

    in reply to: spooky #726660

    Originally posted by delta_jacob
    Wall, sex, temple and virgin violated,

    Temple bar?

    in reply to: Stephens Green Paving #726555

    2 million euro for trees? Are these those Money trees i’ve been hearing about?

    in reply to: Blackhall Place Bridge #726801

    It will discolour over time i’d imagine. I still dont like it though.

    in reply to: New Dublin Monument: Arc in the Park #726670

    Oh my god! sell the spike and use the funds to make sure this is built! WOW inspired

    in reply to: Harcourt Street #726609

    Graham i thought you do have 3 heads? No!

    in reply to: Royal Dublin Hotel #726531

    In principal graham I do agree with you. BUT (And I’m not going to use pastiche) If an attempt was made to re-create a Victorian facade on the RDH, It would look almost as out of place as the Planned building. It seems that it is simply impossible to re-create a victorian edifice (without spending outlandish amounts of money, which i’m sure is the last thing the owners of the RDH want to do) that doesn’t look just like that, a re-creation.

    in reply to: Spike Vs Anne Summers #714110

    true, i dont want my eyes assaulted with a plethora of dildos, it takes away from the giant metal one in the middle of the street!

    in reply to: Royal Dublin Hotel #726498

    I do agree that O’Connell St. is a horrible mess as is. I dont think anybody could say otherwise, but dragging it back to the Victorian/Georgian era with mock victorian/Georgian shopfronts is wrong. Sure the Dublin bus building , Fingal CC, Pennys, Mc Donalds, burger King only make the street look tired and tacky. More shop/hotel front sthat are “modern” and stark and unsympathetic to the surroundings such as the ones mentioned above would be another shambles and make a street that should be the premier street in the city far worse than it is regardless of the paving or the spike. If we had always looked to keep out buildings in line with what has gone before we would still be living in wattle and daub huts, we have to move on. On a street as importand as O’Connell St. Very very careful consideration must be taken for every building or redevelopment that effects its visual impact.

    in reply to: Stephens Green Paving #726544

    The CC are getting things right for a change? OMG i feel dizzy!

    in reply to: Leinster House #725469

    And what good has that ever done for anybody?

    I think i’ll start a charity, the SAVE THE WINDOWS FOUNDATION.

    Perhaps they want plastic windows, in an effort to save the trees they are so fond of chaining themselves to. ( I shouldn’t jest i’ve been known to chain myself to a tree or two aswell)

    in reply to: Leinster House #725467

    I’m sorry i cant read it, “premium content”.
    J. Seerski. I agree, ban them, fine those how have them and shoot those who wont remove them… with plactic bullets. Irony is always funny!

    in reply to: Does anyone talk to their neighbours anymore? #718385

    Its snobbery. And contrary to popular beliefe snoddery is not found in the upper classes. These people’s parents worked their asses off in order to send their children to college thiking that it would make them better people, it has infact done the complete opposite.
    A certain precentage of new developments must be made avalable for “social housing” (i’m sure you know the exact amount) and i’ve heard people say, why should we pay X amount when Johnny Nojob gets the same house for 20 euro a week, etc.
    I’ve read about apartments in the docklands area where people have paid enormous amounts for a shoe box (why anybody would pay those proces in the first place is beyond me but the developers are happy and thats all the seems to matter) and right next door are “ordinary people” paying a realistic rent to the Corpo or “Dublin City Council” I see this only as a good thing.The sooner those people who turn their noses up at others because of where they live or what they work get down off (or fall off from a great height!) their high horse the better thise country will be for it.

    in reply to: new server #725756

    You are getting an Arts council grant for this? I dont mean that in a shock, YOu mean they are giving YOU money, I’m just suprised the arts council know what the internet is, they are usually so slow.

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