Stephens Green Paving

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    • #706170

      I know it may be difficult to belive, but there is the faintest possibility that someone from the CC was reading this site, and not only that, but took action on an issue!

      Remember the naff red non-slip paving laid at the corners of the Green at the pedestrian crossings, slap bang in the middle of the new granite paving?

      Well, its all being ripped up again and is being replaced with granite versions that blend seamlessly into the paving.

      Highly unlikely we had anything to do with it but sure we can live in hope…

      (I walked along the north side of the Green in the bright morning sun, and with the leaves on the new trees it is now officially the most beautiful part of the city, again well done OPW!)

    • #726540

      Im not sure the CC would have had anything to do with this Graham as the paving on the Green was all undertaken by OPW.
      I agree that the newly paved areas look fab! Any idea what the LUAS side will look like?

    • #726541
      J. Seerski

      Can someone please explain to me why Stephen’s green has been surrounded with granite paving (when gravel was adequate – and the need was not urgent) and that after 6 years since the plan O’Connell Street is still not paved in granite? The new crap around the Spire is all concrete – so if there is granite laid, it will mean more waste – why wasn’t the granite laid in the first place….

      O’Connell Street is in dire need of rejuvination. Yet other parts of the city (Stephen’s green, Sth William St. etc.) get new granite paving first! Southside bias, me thinks……

    • #726542

      Aaah! Never! 🙂 Us Northsiders get our fair share!

      The Green is probably not the best example of this as it is OPW owned, but O’Connell Street is a puzzle alright. After all we were told (in fact I was told in a letter from the IAP office at DCC) that the Spire would be in place in Jan (which it was) and that the three stage repaving programme would start directly after. Even taking into accpunt St Patricks Day taht would mean the works starting at the beginning of April. But May beckons and we are still waiting for them to solve the lighting problem on the Spire! As this stage I think an official unveiling would be a joke!

    • #726543

      You are correct Stephen, the green is owned and maintained by the OPW so they have installed the new granite and refurbed some of the bollards ( no plans to reinstate the chains though as far as I know).

      The Luas side will be in the same Pportugese granite and the same contractors will do the surfacing I understand so its all matched. The new LUAS platform will be in a differing granite to clearly define the stop.

      Has anyone seen the surfacing being put in down in Arran Quay and Smithfield by the Luas. I think it looks very well.

    • #726544

      The CC are getting things right for a change? OMG i feel dizzy!

    • #726545

      Does anyone know what has happened to the original granite curb stones which were around St. Stephen’s Green? There is still some left on the west side as it is still under development for the Luas, but apart from that it seems to be gone.

    • #726546

      I heard that the OPW looks after the green and surrounding paving but the City Council is charged with the other sides (ie Shelbourne, Loreto, Iveagh House, RSCI sides’ paving / lighting & street furniture. Is this true?

      The walks around the Green’s perimeter should be renamed with their original official names I think.

    • #726547
      J. Seerski

      Methinks it looks awful, sanitised and too sharp. A gravel path would have sufficed.

    • #726548

      It is a bit clinical alright, esp the clean-cut circles around the tree bases, but the sheer scale of this quality material far outweighs this.

      I see that already the paint is chipping off the metal yokes on top of the new bollards, and the gravel at the tree bases is thinning out considerably.

      Will the trees on the western LUAS side be replaced? Surely not.

    • #726549

      why shouldn’t the trees be replaced? I didn’t think that any of the old trees needed replacing but now that they have, the same should be done on all sides … the new lime trees look great btw.

    • #726550
      Rory W

      A gravel path – here in the middle of the city – in this weather? (to be said in 13th Duke of Wimden voice)

      Nah the new path, trees, halogen lamps look great – well done opw.

      Now if we could just shoot people that spat out chewing gum on it….

    • #726551

      Stephens Court has a good vantage point for snipers.

      So I’m told…

    • #726552

      I shouldnt imagine the DCC will be in too much of a hurry to refurb the other side of the Green (yes it is their turf) to bring it to the standard of the other side… their too busy putting up those horrible poles everywhere…some even have signage on!

      I think the Green would look fab with similar paving and trees on the other side and some smart new public lighting. I also think reinstating the names of the origianl walks is an excellent idea.

      My only grip with the current refurb is the area in front of the Wolfe Tone statue. The cobblelocking is nice but there is just too much of it. It look windswept. I think some planting or maybe a water feature wold have broken up the space more effectively.

      As for the LUAS side – why not continue the tree line? There will be plenty of space. After all one of the main plus points of light rail is its avbility to sit easily on its surroundings and make a minimum impact.

    • #726553

      I mean there are attractive established trees there at the moment, and are all evenly spaced and would fit into new paving just as well as new trees.
      Esp considering the new trees around the Green ran into something like 2 million euro. (not that I begrudge them, they’re fantastic)

    • #726554

      They had to be cut down, Graham as they were diseased (dutch elm I think) The new trees are disease resisitant limes I think.

    • #726555

      2 million euro for trees? Are these those Money trees i’ve been hearing about?

    • #726556

      I agree about the cobbling in front of the Wolfe Tone monument. Its just a bit too much of an unbroken area. I like water features a lot I have to say, Unfortunately in Dublin they just seem to turn into litter bins! I like the idea of the one at the end of King St (If only someone had used a spirit level!!)

    • #726557

      where did you get that figure for the trees Graham ? 2 million euro seems a little excessive !!!!

    • #726558

      Originally posted by Graham Hickey

      Remember the naff red non-slip paving laid at the corners of the Green at the pedestrian crossings, slap bang in the middle of the new granite paving?

      Well, its all being ripped up again and is being replaced with granite versions that blend seamlessly into the paving.

      I thought that these non-slip areas were to aid people with visual impairments to know when they were at a pedestrian crossing. They are also used at bus stops. Are they normally either red or yellow in colour in order to stand out more and therefore be easier to see?

    • #726559

      Yes but the debate was whether they actually needed to be in these colours or whether they could be in the same colour as the paving slab and just rely on the tactility to perform their function.

      I have seen similar paving in the Uk that matches the surrounding paving. Asthetically it looks much better.

    • #726560

      I see. I was just wondering if the colour was anything to do with the function as these colours would possibly be easier to see. Thanks.

    • #726561

      I suppose they would be… I wonder what the science is behind it.

    • #726562

      The trees were definitly into the millions, they’re semi-mature, and had to be specially imported from the UK, as this was apparently the only place where ‘city trees’ could be purchased, ie, trees that could withstand the Green’s heavy clay and the traffic pollution.

      I think I read it in the Times or Independent at the time.

    • #726563

      I recall seeing on ‘Nationwide’ an article about the trees for O’Connell St and they were being grown in Wicklow somewhere. They looked quite mature as well. They’re probably too big now…..

    • #726564

      I spoke to a landscaper who said €500-600 would be average for this type of tree!!!!

    • #726565

      yep, i work with a landscaper and he said the same, the figure can’t be right …

    • #726566

      Admittedly, it seems more than a little steep to me too but it was definitly the figure I read, and I remember being amazed at the time, so much so that I told someone else and they were equally bowled over.
      Unless the paper quoted the overall pricetag for the Green’s paving as the price for the trees, which seems the most likely explanation.

    • #726567

      Over priced Government contract? Surely not?

    • #726568

      There are 25 trees on each side and assuming that the Luas side hasen’t been planted (I can’t remember if it has) that works out at €37,500 for all the trees at €500 a pop!!

    • #726569

      I remember when the new buildings at Carlow IT were done, hearing that the interior trees cost in the region of £100,000.

    • #726570

      Walking down South King St on Saturday, all the black stone “benches” are gone and the fountain is turned off; to be honest, it looks better turned off, now merely resembling a drain rather than a broken _pissoir_.

      Shouldn’t there be an Archeire Name and Shame column for these civic flops?


    • #726571

      Did anyone ever hear what happened on Sth King St and why the benches were removed. I must admit I saw the fountain switched on and it wasn’t that bad…probably because it had an adequate flow… but it could have been better.

      Last May B H I took a stroll through Dublin in the Spring sunshine when everyone was out and about enjoying a day off work. I went down the Boardwalk and was almost tempted to have a coffee (except the coffee stalls have closed and are now covered in graffiti). I wandered down to Capel St bridge to have a look through the ‘book market’ but there was none. Then on in into Temple Bar to see of there was anything going on in Meeting House Square. All that space and that fab stage! But nothing except a windswept and sunless spot with an overpriced restaurant. Even the photographic gallery was closed. I continued on down through the ‘Cultural Quarter’ to the other square which was full of people enjoying the sun as expected. But watch out from parts falling from those big light structures…they’re all broken….

      I would say there is plenty to put in a ‘Name and Shame’ section paul!

    • #726572

      I mailed the City Council about the removal of those benches three times and got no reply. I have heard rumours that it was done by the traffic department so I plan on ringing them soon.

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