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  • in reply to: Betie’s (National Stadium) Bowl #719089

    I just wanted to post on behalf of voter apathy. A complete neglect of all Irish newspapers for the last six months and a tendencey to only watch Sky News means that I have no information on the current election.

    And this is a comfortable (though lazy and useless) position to occupy. I tend to find that modern Irish Politics make me feel ashamed and saddened. I just don’t want to vote for any of them, and the individuals that I do recognise as being skilled politicians insist on being members of parties that I slightly detest.



    in reply to: JAPAN WoW!!! #718999

    My own home fits into this flawed description. Nice place, but a messy finish and low attention to detail.

    And I imagine that Kenny is suggesting that we learn from the better points of Japanese architecture, as opposed to blindly accepting their entire concept. He has observed that completion of structures to the finest detail can result in a better building, and I think he’s right. He’s not suggesting adopting any other Japanese traits.


    in reply to: Dundrum LUAS bridge #718969

    Plumber: I really didn’t understand what you meant about career changes….it made no sense.

    JJ: thank you for making my day!!! Hell, you made my whole week!!!! It makes it so much better that the public can use the bridge as a walkway as well. I’m really looking forward to that (probably a little too much).


    in reply to: Dundrum LUAS bridge #718966

    Moving off the “it might fall down” concept for a second: JJ, do you know if the pedestrian crossing will be open to the public, or is purely for access???

    I’m still looking forward to completion of the bridge, and very happy with the smaller bridge now reopened by the old (dead) dundrum bowling alley.


    (and plumber, were you the guy who thought the underground car park near the school in rathgar (or somewhere) could be a target for terrorists??)

    in reply to: Former Irish Press building #718818

    Yes, evil in a good way, not a nasty way. Imposing, impressive, powerful, all that kind of stuff. I don’t mean the reference to be insulting at all.

    And the Central Bank is also a building I’ve described as evil in the past. Do a google search for “central bank evil” and you’ll find my reference, although please don’t discuss the reference here.


    in reply to: Former Irish Press building #718813

    Well I’m just going to agree.

    I saw this about two weeks ago before it was complete, and it struck me as looking gorgeous. The location (when viewed from Apollo) actually adds to the building, which has a nice “evil” feel to it (in a good way).


    in reply to: Dundrum LUAS bridge #718959

    I live in Dundrum, and so have a tonne of photos of this bridge that haven’t gone online yet. Re the artist’s impression: they pulled the colouring out of their “imaginations”. It’s just concrete, and I’ll be shocked if they decide to paint it “Jesus White”.

    The really nice thing is that they’ve really created a new landmark. The structure can be clearly seen from a number of distant points, achieving the same effect as the UCD water tower. And it looks very freaky from the top of three rock.

    The popular name for it amongst my local peers is “The Giant A”, and as a resident with a permanent view of the top, I’m very happy with it’s design and construction.

    Re tearing down old stonework. They also destroyed three old stone bridges (and a metal footbridge) along the section of line between Dundrum and sandyford. These bridges had been “lost” in between housing for decades, and would really have added and extra sense of history to the line, but not any more. I have full pictures of these too should anyone want them (just mail me).


    in reply to: Mill Buildings on Barrow Street #718769

    Thanks Rory.

    Good to hear they’re keeping the older brick buildings, which really have lot of character….


    in reply to: Blackhall Place Bridge #726725

    That’s actually a very satisfactory resolution to this matter. And I presume this means we can all discuss it freely again (damn them lawya’s and their medlin’).

    But it’s a but of a shame that archeire didn’t get a proper plug out of it.


    in reply to: Blackhall Place Bridge #726721

    Well, at the risk of once again being edited, I can only wonder what information is accurate and what is not. I would rather this matter could have been resolved with a clear posting from one side or another, but a legal blackout on the matter???

    Again, I hope this posts stands, and do understand (coming from a legal family) the implications involved for all.


    [This message has been edited by fjp (edited 20 April 2002).]

    in reply to: Bank of Ireland closing 34 College Green Branch #718755

    BOI are closing their other O’Connell Street branch (the nice small one directly opposite the GPO). I guess they liked the idea of a bigger more noticable premises.

    Thankfully, the building they’re leaving is too small and ornate to be turned into a stupid theme pub. So hopefully it’ll be ok.


    in reply to: QUB Site Visits #718758

    I’m just seconding a “well done” to Paul for the whole web site on own thing. They really can be a LOT of work, and are particularly good when they carry out a service to a community (which this site does).


    ps – although I really hope that 3500 pa isn’t on hosting – as it might then be time to change!!!

    and have you ever considered a “tip-jar” for people to contribute to the site’s upkeep??? just a suggestion that I saw on my fav site:

    in reply to: web address needed: Grafton Architects #718598

    Off the point, but….

    I’m from a web design/multimedia background. Most of these architectural companies probably don’t know that they can get a £5000 grant from the government to get themselves a web-site (some clients came to us from this position). They’re also too used to the stupidly high web costs that have floated around in the past, not realising that a web page with just their company identitiy could be fetched for as little as £200-£300 (ex hosting and e-mail, which might be £90 a year for US hosting, as opposed to £300 for Irish hosting).

    And I’m NOT saying that I would do it. This is not me looking for work. There’s load of freelance folk around. If the companies keep it simple it’s only a day’s work, providing they agree on price and level of design (ie: we want it to look as good as “this page”) in advance.

    So go for it people. And if want more info make a new thread and I’ll give it.


    in reply to: GAS Building #718569

    This is a little bit late, but I called around to the gas building just before they closed it and took a host of photos (interior and exterior). There are good details of the windows as well as photos of the aforementioned ornamental “G”s from the porch. Just in case anyone wants a point of reference on this building.

    And I tried to get up the stairs at the back, but the security guy wasn’t too keen.

    re Hawkin’s House: I’ve seen old footage of the architectural models of this building and it looked like a fantastic project. I’m all to used to it now (I get the bus from Hawkins Street) and have some vague theories on why it’s become such a lost soul. They mainly revolve around “it might have been better built somewhere else” and “please maintain me”. These days it almost looks abandoned….

    in reply to: Huguenot House, Stephen’s Green #718343

    Speaking of activity around Graveyards…

    Didn’t they move gravestones for the new public space/walkway/park on Jervis Street??

    And is it possible to design structures that skateboardists don’t have a really good time on?? They were in there before it was even finished (leaving marks on the stone benches – darn them pesky kids!!).


    in reply to: Office Building, Dawson Street #718291

    Well here’s my two cents as well…

    I saw it last week and can only agree with everything already said. It looks good, and manages not to doninate the Mansion House. They did nothing wrong at all??



    in reply to: New view of Dublin Castle #718257

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks all for the great comments on what is a very, very easily criticised site (chaotic order, odd selection, opinions swinging wildly with moods).

    I checked the profile on Busarus, and boy was I way off. It’s already fixed and online. I’ve probably made loads of mistakes like that, and I’m now kind of worried.

    I know the Nuzum Bros shopfront well, but it had just slipped my mind. I don’t have any photos of it as yet, but I’ll get to it and it’ll be in the next update. I’m putting up about 280 new city shots in the next couple of days.

    Repeated cars: I don’t shoot fast, I shoot very slow. Often (like the link above) it seems like there’s no traffic, when it was actually about 10.30 on a weekday morning. I shot between the cars.

    Cheers, and have good weekends,


    [This message has been edited by fjp (edited 15 February 2002).]

    in reply to: New view of Dublin Castle #718253

    Here’s the way was. I haven’t actually got around to the way it is now…


    we’re history….

    in reply to: Loop Line Bridge – Why can’t they just do this??? #718209

    I’ve nothing against public advertising in general. I just see the irony of their location in this specific example. Good advertising is always amusing and slightly entertaining/distracting. Although sometimes it’s crap.

    Underground??? Just for a view?? It doesn’t seem worth it. I very recently heard, however, that there was some issue regarding the load carrying capacity of this bridge. Anyone know anything about that??


    in reply to: Ranelagh village – little activity #718175


    I think there’s going to be a ticket station for the Luas at the triangle, something to do with not having enough room for one at the bridge station. I honestly thought that those old public toilets would have been a protected piece of architechture, but I guess not. should we be happier that there’s an empty piece of pavement there instead???


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