Office Building, Dawson Street

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    • #705229

      Any thoughts on the new office block beside the Mansion House on Dawson Street?

    • #718289
      Paul Clerkin

      Frank McD gave it a great write-up in the paper last week, so I wandered up recently to see it. Although an office block, it is very different from the large boxes of the IFSC, and the set back does allow the Mansion House to breathe. I don’t think its too bad at all, and I do like the windows on the side elevation.

    • #718290
      DARA H

      I have to say, i really liked this building when i saw it myself. I particularly like the colours and shapes used in the structure and even the way it sits comfortably with the large railings to the front. I noticed when i was in the Netherlands last year that many of their very contemporary buildings used different coulors and materials to great effect – i think it lends buildings a more organic, less bulky and more interesting appearence – if that makes sense! i.e. i don;t see why very modern buildings more often then not seem to comprise of one colour, material, and are very boxy/ bulky. I suppose Le Courbousier style modernist – nice, but not all the time. Is think the type of (modern)architecture i like, and i think this building is, is what Shane O’ Toole refered to a ‘slow modern’.

    • #718291

      Well here’s my two cents as well…

      I saw it last week and can only agree with everything already said. It looks good, and manages not to doninate the Mansion House. They did nothing wrong at all??



    • #718292

      I like it too but it does worry me that it is merely an ilk of the pop architecture of the Netherlands at present, looks remarkably like a MVRDV private residence, can’t remember which one.

    • #718293
      DARA H

      Ummm, so ‘pop architecture’ is the name of one of the types of architecture i like then. Nice to get a name to it. Would i be wrong in presuming that ‘pop’ is better then, ‘pastiche’ architecture?
      Thinking back to some nasty looking, partially gable-fronted offices & appartments i’ve seen, and similar ‘Vicwardian’ and ‘Tudorbethan’ houses, i’d think so myself. What is the other Netherlands arhcitecture – MVRDV – your talking about MK?

      [This message has been edited by DARA H (edited 07 March 2002).]

    • #718294

      By pop I mean popular, in other words, fashionable, not to be confused with the Pop Art movement.
      MVRDV is a practice headed by Winey Mass as Im sure you already know and their architecture pays homage to the earlier work of Rem Koolhaus who, has publicly slated their work and claims himself that it is no more than a trivial thing, I dont agree but the facts remain nevertheless.
      The Dawson Street building is excellent but it is, if we are going to be critical, a pastische of the current popular fashionable Dutch style.

    • #718295
      DARA H

      Nope, didn’t know about Winey Mass etc but thanks for assuming i did!
      Nothing wrong with being critical and nothing wrong with importing foreign styles, adds to interest and diversity, possible new ideas if mixed with the vernacular and so on.

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