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  • in reply to: Convention centre #713754

    regardless of looks it should generate a lot of revenue for the city – very important these days -dont think hawkins house does that,
    – – -at least it is actually built regardless of whether people like or dislike it – a rare enough achievement for Dublin.

    in reply to: Convention centre #713737

    Hotel planning refused as too tall – – -for docklands – -Good luck!

    in reply to: Elm Park Development #742738

    I drove past this site this morning and noticed that a new texaco filling station has sprung up on the site where the old shell garage used to be -this must mean that the apartment blocked planned for this site is no more. A sign of things to come.

    in reply to: Metro R.I.P. #736874

    Bit off topic here but was looking at Italian rail system on the web. High Speed rail (250km per hr) from Rome to Florence takes approx one and half hours. In an Irish context I am thinking that would be Dublin to Kerry in the same time. It has been said before that other countries have been building these kind of projects for years and we still cannot prodcue a very minor metro system.

    in reply to: Metro R.I.P. #736852

    @Rory W wrote:

    indeed I reckon people travelling from Drumcondra to the city centre may use it.

    We need both the interconnector and Metro North to make things even start to work for Public Transport in Dublin

    Spot on Rory – however I would have taken it for grant it that anybody on the metros route would use it.

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #730891

    @dc3 wrote:

    It may depend on the tenants, of course, but a standalone Department store there may well struggle. Not to sure what anchor would go there and work there.

    Perhaps John Lewis

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #730816

    Interesting renders on RTE news today, a roof top park reached by cable car 12 floors up. Looks like a ski slope from what I saw but at least something is happening. According to the developers they have had 75 presentations including a number with DCC to agree the design! as Alonso said on the other thread this looks like it will run into problems with ABP.

    Another fine example of DCC doing one thing and ABP likely to do another. The council better assess the development plan as with the current economic downturn can Dublin afford to loose this development.
    With this development, Arnotts and Ballsbridge the city could have €3.5 -4.5 billion worth of investment at risk if planners deem all of them too large!

    in reply to: libeskind / Manuel Aires Mateus on the docks #743205

    Hopefully not the finshed top floor version. Building looks pretty ordinary without those deep windows etc.

    in reply to: New street and redevelopment for Dublin ? #764626

    Maybe I was a bit too general, the shocking system I am referring to is the fact that DCC and ABP can have such different views on the development of the city and the fact that every major planning decision has to go through 2 hurdles which not always but regularly have different outcomes. These bodies need to start talking to each other.

    Poor planners -no names here – perhaps it is not their fault but somebody is responsible for the fact that Dublin stretches out for mile after mile. Maybe the brown envelope people.

    Devin – What ever about building heights nobody could say Dublin City is dense.

    in reply to: New street and redevelopment for Dublin ? #764621

    @Devin wrote:

    Something is deeply wrong in Dublin City Council planning department. Scheme after scheme after scheme – I could list dozens – that it puts through is being substantially changed or refused outright when it goes to An Bord Pleanala.

    Some thing is deeply wrong with ABP also – what is their problem with this development. Fair enough on the car spaces but the rest – o dear, dispair is all that comes to mind—16 stories inside an entire city block !!
    No vision in ABP either – as said before poor planners in a shockingly poor system. Protection of the city centre skyline or lack of at 7 stories is ridiculous when the the sprawl is approaching 30 miles out. Most worrying is that the board want the project scaled back – Dublin is an international city not some country town. There is an entire generation growing up who think the shopping area of dublin begins and stops at Dundrum. There is a real risk that the city centre could end up dying a slow death like Dun Laoghaire town if current restrictive planning is not reconsidered.If the press is correct there are numerous large retailers waiting to locate in the city but cannot find large enough floor plates.

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750610

    You could try the DDDA office on the quays as my reading of the article assumed that is where the model was.

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750607

    Cant upload it but it looks great, is the picture from the reverse angle as it looks very different, looks very tall indeed, cannot make out if the eco tower part is added or not to the model. Anybody who dislikes the towers going up in Dubai these days may not like this model. 🙂

    Darkman if you are in Dublin pop into any transport hub this evening and you should be able to pick one up.

    in reply to: Lansdowne Road Stadium #726052

    Foundations look like they are almost complete as first levels of brick / shape can now be seen

    in reply to: Point Village #760879

    @Overworked wrote:

    I think this is interesting !!

    Not sure about that very square looking point depot, tower looks lost all on its own

    in reply to: Boland’s Mill #737492

    Does anybody know what if anything is happening with Bolands Mills?

    in reply to: cork docklands #778782
    phatman wrote:
    Updated images of proposed Howard Holdings Docklands Development, planning due to be lodged early in the new year…

    agree does not look too bad, how high are the tall buildings at the far end?, pitty they are all located at one end of the development.

    in reply to: Christmas Lights! #764419

    Great photos Graham, cheers

    I suspect some of the Corporates down in Grand Canal Dock may have contributed towards the lighting either directly or indirectly. City quay looks excellent, I can see it from the office canteen, many others in the company I work for have commented likewise.

    in reply to: Convention centre #713596

    I believe it is to be over 50m when completed, proof again that liberty hall is no highrise building and should not be a benchmark to use.

    in reply to: Heuston Gate model #738860

    I think this is the one held up by the fire cert, could be the point tower. Same pattern here as U2 tower, lots of press and no building, shocking waste but unsurprising.

    in reply to: Dublin Airport Metro to have unconnected terminus? #749679

    @AndrewP wrote:

    It will send a clear signal out to the junkies and winos to move in and within months the costliest piece of infrastructure in the country will be an underground toilet. Would you spend a million euro on a new house, then not paint the walls to save a few quid?

    Lets wait and see, far bigger cities with a lot more social problems than Dublin seem to be able to manage their undergrounds. Agree that stations should be well painted etc.

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