Heuston Gate model

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    • #706705
      Andrew Duffy

      I can’t see the point in replying to the other thread any more, so here’s some more information and a picture of the model:


      Mary Harney looks indifferently at a different version of the model (attached):

    • #738847

      Wow! Thanks for putting it up Andrew, looks amazing.

      I can also see your point about quitting from the other thread! Good for you.

    • #738848

      Andrew Quote: “If thats directed at me you can shove it up your arse. At least half your threads on this thread have been nonsensical”

      Gar Quote: “Just heard (don’t know if its true) That a 17 storey building is planned for Liffey Valley”

      Gar Quote “There are a type of people in this country that will object to almost everything. Anything with height seems to be the most popular. Narrow minded twats with no imagination and the worst thing is that they always seem to get their way”

      I can really see why you deserted the other thread.

      As for this thread what you should be discussing are the architectural merits and location.

      I agree with Alan Dunlop the Hancock Tower has yet to be eclipsed due to it’s intelligent and innovative use of materials.

      Bank of China tower is also exceptional as is the World Trade Centre Design.

    • #738849

      Originally posted by Andrew Duffy
      Mary Harney looks indifferently at a different version of the model (attached):

      Not that you’d be able to see her expression under €35,500
      of make-up.

    • #738850
      Andrew Duffy

      Diaspora, if you want to be treated respectfully you could try answering people’s questions respectfully. Responding to a query about a very poor joke you made regarding Tom Parlon’s agricultural background with some nonsense about not understanding the subtleties of it is not respectful. Furthermore, wondering in type how people graduate is not respectful. I hold a first class honours degree – do you?

      In the meantime, if anyone finds more information about this development, could they post it here?

    • #738851

      T Parlon gets stick because he deserves it, both as IFA leader when he failed to bring Irish Agriculture down the Quality Route of enlightened agriculture condemning the sector to irreversable decline.

      He also had no respect for the National Spatial Strategy ensuring that the decentralisation process was got at.

      I also very much doubt you got your First telling people to “Shove things up their arse”

      That aside I would welcome this proposal getting comparison to landmark buildings on other continents.

      I also feel that given that if there is going to be such a switch in development style there should have been a competition. The U2 tower is in my opinion streets ahead of this proposal.

    • #738852

      Its looks great!

    • #738853

      The profile is very striking – obviously the devil is in the detail, and we can’t see materials and surface relief etc yet.

      I was just trying to think where I’d seen part of this design before – it’s the glass tower at the top – almost identical to that glass brick tower atop the Dental Hospital – complete with obligatory spike/flagpoley thing.

      We also cannot see how it relates to the Royal Hospital yet.

    • #738854

      Oops – can delete this

    • #738855

      Is this development on the north or southside?

    • #738856
      Paul Clerkin

      Parlon plan takes a knock


      OPW SUPREMO Tom Parlon has been tripped up by Dublin City Council and the planning regulations with his ambitious plans for the major €500 million cultural, commercial and residential development near Heuston Station, Kilmainham, Dublin.

      To maximise the benefits to the taxpayer and Eircom, which owns some of the site, the OPW has submitted plans for the development which will include 650 apartments. In this way Mr Parlon hopes that the State can get significantly more than if the site was sold without securing planning permission.

      However, the profits now look set to be delayed for the Heuston Gate part of the development. Dublin City Council has declared the planning application for this section to be invalid, although hopes are high of a green light for the Westgate section.

      Anyone who has been reading the planning news in the Irish Independent property pages will know that such invalid declarations can happen for trivial mistakes like an omission of a wording in the planning notices and the OPW has since published a fresh notice and is submitting a fresh application. However, it’s something of a surprise that it should happen to the OPW, considering that Minister Parlon was just recently presented with OPW’s quality certification IS-EN-ISO 9001:2002 by his colleague Minister for Finance, Charlie McCreevy.

    • #738857
      Paul Clerkin

      Parlon plan takes a knock


      OPW SUPREMO Tom Parlon has been tripped up by Dublin City Council and the planning regulations with his ambitious plans for the major €500 million cultural, commercial and residential development near Heuston Station, Kilmainham, Dublin.

      To maximise the benefits to the taxpayer and Eircom, which owns some of the site, the OPW has submitted plans for the development which will include 650 apartments. In this way Mr Parlon hopes that the State can get significantly more than if the site was sold without securing planning permission.

      However, the profits now look set to be delayed for the Heuston Gate part of the development. Dublin City Council has declared the planning application for this section to be invalid, although hopes are high of a green light for the Westgate section.

      Anyone who has been reading the planning news in the Irish Independent property pages will know that such invalid declarations can happen for trivial mistakes like an omission of a wording in the planning notices and the OPW has since published a fresh notice and is submitting a fresh application. However, it’s something of a surprise that it should happen to the OPW, considering that Minister Parlon was just recently presented with OPW’s quality certification IS-EN-ISO 9001:2002 by his colleague Minister for Finance, Charlie McCreevy.

    • #738858

      I suspect the reason may have been that the model made no attempt to assess the schemes impact on the IMMA/Royal Hospital which was completely ommited despite buildings at a much greater distance being included.

    • #738859

      Why has nobody posted here in such a long time? I assume this project isn’t going ahead, Is it?

    • #738860

      I think this is the one held up by the fire cert, could be the point tower. Same pattern here as U2 tower, lots of press and no building, shocking waste but unsurprising.

    • #738861

      Yup this is the one being held up by the fire cert, f*&^ knows what takes so long, apparently they needed more renders before approving the fire cert.

    • #738862

      Is it my imagination, or have we been waiting on this fire cert long time. Somewhere in the region of three years?

    • #738863
      paul h

      Ha Ha , you seem surprised:D

    • #738864

      Well if the point tower can start constructioon so quickly, why not heuston? Do you think that this project will ever get off the ground? I deffinately don’t think 2011 is realistic anyway

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