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  • in reply to: South Great George’s Street #762356

    remember a lot of the drinks in the old china man been served by the can. dog rough pub. not a popular choice for a first date. only made that mistake twice. 🙂

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744630

    tried it last night at about 7pm. from the bridge up to the junction of ncr/Amiens there are about 7 sets of lights. the set at ncr/Amiens are still as bad as ever. as Bago said took me ages to get through with light enough traffic.
    will stick to pearse st for the moment.

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744617

    @Frank Taylor wrote:

    It’s a direct journey…
    pearse street, macken st, bridge, guild st, seville place, portland row, ncr, dorset street, drumcondra.

    It has to be arranged to dissuade eastlink bridge traffic, otherwise it will just suck up all the toll dodgers and congest the city centre with traffic that previously skirted along east wall rd and sandymount strand.

    It’s going to be hard to put double deck buses across it with all the low bridges from the DART line. There might be a market for a route that crosses the DART line at Merrion Gates.

    thanks Frank. might try it this evening.
    just in from DCC.

    New Traffic Information Service to aid motorists

    Dublin City Council’s Roads and Traffic Department are playing a key role in a new Traffic Information Service to aid motorists in finding the best routes to take throughout the City. The RDS-TMC (Traffic Message Channel) technology will be demonstrated on Wednesday 16th December in the Wood Quay Venue of the Dublin City Council Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin at 11am.

    The TMC service will be available to users of enabled satellite navigation devices and integrated car navigation systems. Unlike existing traffic bulletins, TMC messages will appear on the user’s satellite navigation device and will not only show the nature of a traffic problem when it occurs but will also show its exact location while also providing an alternative route to avoid the traffic issue and reach the desired destination. Other information such as weather warnings will also be included to make motorists aware of possible dangerous road conditions.

    The Traffic Control Centre at the City Council will be the main source of traffic information for Dublin. With access to more than 200 cameras, direct contact with the Gardai, feedback from Dublin Bus and members of the public, the City Council has the most accurate and up to the minute picture of Dublin City traffic.

    Brendan O’Brien, Head of Technical Services, DCC Traffic Division, commented, “this service adds to the existing channels that Dublin City Council use to provide traffic information to the public, such as the dedicated radio station “Live Drive” 103.2FM and the SMS and e-mail traffic alert system provided at

    To reserve a place at this demonstration please e-mail

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744614

    just got this tweet from John Neary in the livedrive studios in the traffic control centre in response to a question asking what was the point of the bridge.

    @bigjoe_dub It’s really helping with Eastlink & Pearse so far, good option in & out of IFSC too. Next few months will tell how much it helps”

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744609

    @Service charge wrote:

    Drove the bridge on my commute this morning.

    Just can’t see the purpose. I live southside, work northside. It should be ideal for my commute. Yet due to the various traffic restrictions I have no way of making the bridge work. There is no right turn to the port tunnel, nor is there a right turn on Seville Pl to connect with the Malahide Road.

    So the question is who exactly is going to use it? And what bus routes could possibly use it given the crazy restrictions?

    agree with you 100% SC. I have to get to drumcondra from pearse street. the no right turn onto the quays makes no sense at all. i’ll take a spin down on a sunday morning to have a proper look.

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744592

    thank you Alonso.
    do you know what the traffic flow on and off (no rights turns etc) of the bridge will be?

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744590

    had my worse Pearse street experience in a long while last night.
    just wondering if anyone knows when the Macken street bridge is due to open?

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744560

    gotta luv how Graham got his sign on the bridge. 😀

    in reply to: Ikea #775555

    all 30 conditions. 11am opening is only week days.
    An Bord Pleanála


    Fingal County

    Planning Register Reference Number: F06A/0227

    An Bord Pleanála Reference Number: PL 06F.220256

    APPEAL by Patrick Brown of 105 The Dale, Belgard Heights, Dublin and by others against the decision made on the 10th day of October, 2006 by Fingal County Council to grant subject to conditions a permission to IKEA Ireland Limited care of Tom Phillips and Associates of The Chancery, 3-10 Chancery Lane, Dublin in accordance with plans and particulars lodged with the said Council.

    PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Development of a large scale retail warehouse with ancillary development, consisting of construction of a two level large scale retail warehouse over partially enclosed ground level/undercroft parking area with a gross floor space of 30,598 square metres [comprising a market hall (6,059 square metres), a showroom (6,117 square metres), a warehouse (9,206 square metres), restaurant (customer and staff) including kitchens (1,761 square metres), a drop-in crèche (197 square metres), a bistro/shop (325 square metres), staff and ancillary office areas (1,247 square metres), a home delivery area (435 square metres), a customer services area (673 square metres), entrance areas (819 square metres), exit areas (559 square metres), goods receiving/waste management area (963 square metres) and ancillary space (2,237 square metres) (principally comprising toilets, stairs (including fire escape facilities), lifts, travellator, lobbies and circulation space, storage and dispatch areas, plant areas, maintenance rooms, trolley storage, substations and switchrooms)], associated tenant signage (including rooftop), associated signage structures, flagpoles, a 2.5 metre high zone for plant at roof level, undercroft plant areas, compactors, raised service yard, hard and soft landscaping including a childrens’ play area, surface water attenuation tanks, cycle parking, changes in level, boundary treatments, internal roads and pathways, lighting, all other associated site enabling and site development works above and below ground (including the provision of drainage facilities), 1,527 number carparking spaces (623 number at undercroft level and 904 number at surface level (including 121 number in a shared parking zone)), 12 number surface level coach parking spaces, the provision of a temporary construction access via the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road (which will revert to development land upon completion of the development), provision of a pedestrian link to the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road, and the provision of two number vehicular accesses to the site via a new road linking a new signal-controlled junction with the R108 Ballymun Road.

    (Objective T01 of the Fingal County Council’s North Ballymun Local Area Plan, 2005 promotes the re-alignment of the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road close to the site, which may at a later date link with, supersede, or alternatively, complement the proposed vehicular access route to the R108 Ballymun Road (subject to the relevant statutory process or by agreement with the planning authority)), all on a 12.7 hectare site, approximately, adjacent to the M50 and north of the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road, located in the townlands of Balcurris, Ballymun and Sillogue, Ballymun, Dublin and forming part of the lands of the North Ballymun Local Area Plan, 2005. The site is principally bounded by the M50 to the north, open land to the south, with the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road beyond, open land to the west with Sillogue Lane beyond and open land to the east with the R108 Ballymun Road beyond. The site also includes three spurs to the R104 Saint Margaret’s Road, a spur extending close to the Ballymun interchange, and a spur linking the principal part of the site to a new junction with the R108 Ballymun Road. The lands contain a protected structure (Fingal County Development Plan 2005-2011 reference 614:Ringfort Site, Saint Margaret’s Road, Balcurris – Earthwork). (This development was revised by further public notice received by the planning authority on the 17th day of August, 2006).


    GRANT permission for the above proposed development in accordance with the said plans and particulars based on the reasons and considerations under and subject to the conditions set out below.


    In making its decision, the Board had regard to those matters to which, by virtue of the Planning and Development Acts and Regulations made thereunder, it was required to have regard. Such matters included any submissions and observations received by it in accordance with statutory provisions.


    Having regard to the zoning and other provisions of the North Ballymun Local Area Plan, 2005, to the provisions of the “Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities”, published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in 2005 and to the mitigation measures proposed in the Environmental Impact Statement (as amended) submitted with the planning application, including upgrading of the road network in the area, it is considered that, subject to compliance with the conditions set out below, the proposed development would not adversely affect the retail hierarchy of the area, would be acceptable in terms of traffic safety and convenience and would be in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.


    1. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and particulars lodged with the application, as amended by the further plans and particulars received by the planning authority on the 17th day of August, 2006, except as may otherwise be required in order to comply with the following conditions.

    Reason: In the interest of clarity.

    2. Prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development for trading, the following improvements to the Ballymun Interchange shall have been fully completed to the satisfaction of the planning authority:-

    (a) the works proposed in the M50 Motorway Upgrade Scheme 2004 for the Ballymun Interchange, as approved by An Bord Pleanála under reference number 06D.ER.2034, including the modifications relating to that Interchange (modification number 1(1) refers),

    (b) the two-lane flare on the eastbound M50 off-ramp shall be at least 150 metres,

    (c) the two-lane flare on the southbound R108 approach to the roundabout shall be at least 50 metres, and

    (d) the two-lane flare on the westbound M50 off-ramp shall be at least 150 metres.

    Reason: To avoid serious traffic congestion and in the interest of the convenience and safety of road users.

    3. Prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development for trading, the following improvements to the R108 Ballymun Road shall have been fully completed to the satisfaction of the planning authority:-

    (a) the provision of a dedicated left turn lane northbound in the existing hard shoulder from its junction with the site access road for the proposed development to, and linking with, the free flow left turn slip onto the westbound M50 on-ramp at the Ballymun Interchange,

    (b) the provision of a third lane and spiral marking system on the circulating carriageway of the roundabout on the R108 over the M50,

    (c) the provision of signalised pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities from the western side to the eastern side of the R108 Ballymun Road, these facilities to be included in the layout of the signalised controls that will be provided at the new site access junction for the proposed development on the R108 Ballymun Road.

    The works specified above which are required to accommodate and facilitate the proposed development shall be implemented by or on behalf of the developer at no expense to the planning authority. Details of the works shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development.

    Reason: To avoid serious traffic congestion and in the interest of the convenience and safety of road users.

    4. (1) Prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development for trading, the following improvements to the R108 Ballymun Road/Santry Avenue junction shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the planning authority:-

    (a) capacity and efficiency improvements involving flaring of the Balbutcher Lane approach to three lanes; extension of the existing westbound right turning lane on Santry Avenue to approximately 120 metres,

    (b) provision of dedicated and improved cycle and pedestrian facilities between the development and Santry Avenue along the R108 Ballymun Road and between the development and Balbutcher Lane to the south-west of the site including the provision of a signalised crossing on the proposed pedestrian/cycle link where it traverses Saint Margaret’s Road.

    The works specified above which are required to accommodate and facilitate the proposed development shall be implemented by or on behalf of the developer at no expense to the planning authorities. Details of the works shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development.

    (2) Prior to commencement of development, the planning authority shall have received written confirmation to its satisfaction that, in respect of any necessary works outside of the administrative jurisdiction of the Fingal County Council, the developer has the necessary authority and/or agreement to implement the works, or procure their implementation prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development for trading.

    Reason: To avoid serious traffic congestion and in the interest of the convenience and safety of road users.

    5. (1) The developer shall provide and operate a shuttle bus service between the development site and Ballymun Town Centre linking with scheduled and planned public transport services. This service shall be operated until an equivalent scheduled bus service serving the development becomes operational. This shuttle bus service shall be a fully wheelchair accessible service and shall operate throughout the opening hours of the proposed development at intervals of not greater than 20 minutes. Details of the initial route, arrangement of stops and all other details of the service shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the planning authority before the proposed development opens for trading with the public. The route shall be varied as necessary and as directed by the planning authority to take account of any amendments to public transport services or roads infrastructure in the area.

    (2) Prior to commencement of development, details of the implementation and operation of a traffic and car park management strategy (TCPMS) and intelligent transport system (ITS) including a parking guidance and information system, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the planning authority. These systems shall include variable message signs (VMS), closed circuit television (CCTV), ancillary counting and detection equipment, local monitoring and control with linkages to the relevant traffic control centres of Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council.

    (3) Prior to commencement of development, a comprehensive signing strategy both internally and on the public road network shall be submitted to and agreed with the planning authority. This strategy shall include for VMS displays and road network information to be located within the store, within or in the vicinity of the customer exit areas or as otherwise agreed with the planning authority.

    Reason: To avoid serious traffic congestion and in the interest of the convenience and safety or road users.

    6. Prior to the first use or occupation of the proposed development for trading, the car park layout shall be revised to incorporate a paid parking system with access controls on all entry and exit points. Automatic traffic counters measuring both inbound and outbound flows and lane turning movements shall be installed at the junction of the site access road with the R108 Ballymun Road and at all controlled access or egress points to the development car park. These traffic counters shall incorporate data loggers on site and shall be directly linked to the relevant traffic control centres of both Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council.

    A schedule of parking charges shall be applied to car park users (other than coaches and buses which shall not be charged for parking during opening hours), which shall be such as to ensure that the daily peak hour two-way traffic entering and leaving the car parks, as measured by the automatic traffic counters, does not exceed the following values:

    Monday to Friday excluding Bank/Public Holidays:

    Between 1600 hours and 2000 hours – 650 movements;
    All other times – 875 movements;

    Saturdays: 1,650 movements;

    Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays: 1,700 movements.

    At least two months prior to the opening of the proposed development for trading, an initial schedule of charges shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority. Where the daily peak hour two-way traffic flows as measured by the automatic traffic counters do not comply with the thresholds set above, the schedule of parking charges shall be varied as directed by the planning authority until compliance is achieved, save that breaches or non-compliances of a very minor or trivial nature or arising from exceptional circumstances may be disregarded at the discretion of the planning authority.

    Reason: To minimise traffic impacts and avoid serious traffic congestion.

    7. (1) Monday to Friday inclusive, but not including public holidays, the retail premises shall not be open to the general public outside the following times: 1100 hours to 2300 hours.

    (2) The retail premises shall not close to the general public before 2200 hours Monday to Friday (but not including public holidays), before 2000 hours on Saturdays, or before 1900 hours on Sundays and public holidays.

    (3) Car parks serving the proposed development shall be open at all such times as considered and found necessary by the planning authority to minimise queuing and avoid car parking on the public road or elsewhere off-site.

    (4) In the interest of clarity, and for the avoidance of doubt, the premises shall not be open for any “browse time” or equivalent outside of the hours specified above.

    Reason: To minimise traffic impacts and avoid serious traffic congestion.

    8. (1) The total number of on-site permanent parking spaces for cars shall not be reduced or otherwise made unavailable below the proposed 1,527 spaces, save as provided for under (4) below or with a prior grant of planning permission.

    (2) The additional proposed 121 shared permanent parking spaces, proposed to be provided on the eastern side of the site and to be shared with other future developments, shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the proposed development on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, save with a prior grant of planning permission.

    (3) An additional 300 temporary short-term parking spaces shall be provided at a location, details of which shall be submitted to and agreed with the planning authority prior to commencement of development. These additional spaces shall not be decommissioned or made unavailable to the development without the prior written agreement of the planning authority at a date subsequent to the achievement of the normal trading pattern for the proposed development. Any agreement on the decommissioning of the 300 additional temporary parking spaces shall be contingent upon the outcomes of the mobility management plan (MMP)/traffic and car park management strategy (TCPMS) review process, as specified below.

    (4) 12 additional bus/coach parking spaces shall be provided within the boundaries of the site or within the area proposed for the additional 121 shared car parking spaces. Details in this regard shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development.

    Reason: To ensure adequate off-street parking provision is available to serve the development.

    9. (1) A home delivery service shall be provided in accordance with paragraph 84d of the “Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities” published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in 2005.

    (2) Within one year of the proposed development commencing trading, an e-commerce/home shopping service (which includes home delivery), shall be introduced. Any income in excess of operating costs arising from the paid parking scheme required by condition number 6 above shall be used to subsidise the home delivery service for customers who travel to the proposed development using public transport, taxi or by large public service vehicles and for customers who use the e-commerce/home shopping service. Service vehicles and any other traffic generated by the home delivery service shall operate outside peak hours on the public road network. Details of the home delivery service, its subsidy arrangements and any amendments thereto shall be subject to the prior written agreement of the planning authority.

    Reason: To encourage the use of public transport by intending customers and in the interest of proper planning and sustainable development.

    10. (1) A specific Mobility Management Plan (MMP) for the proposed development shall be prepared and submitted to the planning authority for agreement at least four months prior to the opening of the proposed development for trading. This plan shall contain the measures included in the submitted EIS (as amended) and the strategies outlined therein, updated as considered necessary for the developer to implement a strategy aimed at reducing the usage of private cars in favour of sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport. The plan shall also contain a specific requirement limiting the number of parking spaces for staff associated with the proposed development to 74 spaces, which spaces shall be located in the north-west corner of the site.

    (2) Prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development for trading, an individual person shall have been appointed and taken up the position as “Mobility Manager”. The person appointed shall be a suitably qualified and experienced person in a senior position within the trading company. The name of the appointed person shall be made known to the planning authority and other relevant persons or bodies to the satisfaction of the planning authority and the name of any successor or delegated person shall be notified immediately to the planning authority and other said persons or bodies.

    (3) Prior to the first occupation or use of the proposed development, an independent consultant shall have been appointed by the developer, to the written satisfaction of the planning authority, for the purposes of monitoring and reviewing the MMP and traffic and TCPMS. The first reviews shall be undertaken four months after the opening of the proposed development for trading and thereafter such reviews shall take place annually on the anniversary of the first review for a period of five years. Where targets or objectives in the MMP and TCPMS are not met, this five year period may be extended at the discretion of the planning authority. The dates for undertaking the studies and surveys associated with each review shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority at least 14 days prior to the event.

    (4) The independent MMP/TCPMS monitoring consultant shall undertake baseline surveys relating to the levels and patterns of parking in residential areas in the vicinity of the proposed development. The surveys, monitoring and review shall otherwise be in accordance with the requirements of the planning authority and shall include pre-commencement surveys over three day periods covering relevant hours on Fridays to Sundays inclusive, travel habit surveys, queue length surveys, parking accumulation and duration of stay surveys, cycle and disabled parking occupancy and accumulation surveys, and parking surveys relating to baseline surveys for residential areas in the vicinity of the proposed development. Corrective action proposed arising from the MMP/TCPMS review and monitoring outputs shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to implementation, and monitoring and review maintained at all times as appropriate to the satisfaction of the planning authority. All costs associated with mobility management planning and monitoring/review of MMP/TCPMS shall be borne by the developer at no cost to the planning authorities.

    Reason: To secure the most sustainable travel patterns appropriate to the operation of the proposed development.

    11. An event management plan shall be implemented for the first opening of the proposed development for trading and for an agreed period thereafter. The proposed development shall not be opened for its first trading during the period of the annual Dublin traffic management “Operation Free Flow” or any successor to the Christmas/New Year traffic management operation. At least four months prior to the opening of the proposed development for trading with the public, the event management plan shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement. The developer shall consult with the planning authorities, the traffic authority and fire and ambulance services, the National Roads Authority and any other bodies deemed appropriate by the planning authority in the preparation of this plan.

    Reason: In the interest of pubic safety and to avoid serious traffic congestion.

    12. Prior to commencement of development, amendments to layout plans consequent upon modifications proposed and/or agreed to comply with road/transportation infrastructure, and other necessary layout amendments, shall be agreed in writing with the planning authority. Agreements shall cover matters including the following:

    (a) provision of UTC system at the junction of the R108 Ballymun Road with the site access road,

    (b) revisions to pedestrian/cyclists crossing arrangements,

    (c) amendments to proposed cycle tracks and advance stop lines,

    (d) signing and other interventions as appropriate including diversion routes in respect of access/circulation of high vehicles,

    (e) co-ordination of internal pedestrian crossing and vehicular access arrangements to minimise delays to vehicles entering from the public road,

    (f) necessary road drainage modifications,

    (g) amendments to disabled/family parking arrangements, and

    (h) provision of appropriate traffic calming measures on the site access road together with all relevant details of gates and security measures.

    All costs associated with necessary and otherwise agreed works shall be borne by the developer at no cost to the planning authorities.

    Reason: To ensure a proper standard of development.

    13. Prior to commencement of development, the detailed design of all roads/transportation infrastructure and associated modifications to layout associated with the development, shall be subject to road safety audits to the satisfaction of the planning authority. Issues identified at each audit stage shall be subject to appropriate corrective actions and further audits undertaken as necessary to the satisfaction of the planning authority.

    Reason: In the interest of traffic safety.

    14. All road and transportation infrastructure construction details shall comply with the requirements of the planning authority.

    Reason: To ensure a proper standard of development.

    15. Public lighting relating to roads and traffic infrastructure development and any other external lighting shall be provided in accordance with a scheme, details of which shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement prior to the commencement of development.

    Reason: In the interest of amenity and public safety.

    16. Water supply and drainage arrangements, including the disposal of surface water at construction and operational stages, shall comply with the requirements of the planning authority for such works and services. Surface water drainage shall be based on the principle of sustainable urban drainage systems and revised proposals shall be submitted to the planning authority for agreement for the use of permeable materials in parking areas with an element of recharge to ground.

    Reason: In the interest of public health and to ensure a proper standard of development.

    17. Details of all landscaping works, including the proposed play facility and boundary treatment, shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the planning authority.

    Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and public safety.

    18. Save as permitted under this permission, no advertisement or advertisement structure shall be erected or displayed on the building or within the curtilage of the site without a prior grant of planning permission.

    Reason: In the interest of visual amenity.

    19. The proposed 136 metre long brand logo sign on the roof of the proposed building complex shall be omitted and the roof finished in a uniform colour.

    Reason: In the interest of visual amenity.

    20. Prior to commencement of development, the developer shall submit to the planning authority for written agreement, detailed specifications regarding construction and operation of the proposed development such as would demonstrate broad compliance with the spirit of the Local Area Plan objective to achieve 60% energy improvement on the Building Regulations standards for 2002.

    Reason: In the interest of sustainable development and to comply with the requirements of the Development Plan.

    21. (1) Prior to commencement of development, the developer shall submit, and obtain the written agreement of the planning authority to, a plan containing details for the management of waste (and, in particular, recyclable materials) within the development, including the provision of facilities for the storage, separation and collection of the waste and, in particular, recyclable materials, and for the ongoing operation of these facilities.

    (2) A planning authority managed “Bring Bank” shall be provided in an appropriate area within or in the vicinity of the car park, to the satisfaction of the planning authority.

    Reason: In the interest of public health and promotion of sustainable development.

    22. The developer shall facilitate the planning authority in the archaeological appraisal of the site and in preserving and recording or otherwise protecting archaeological materials or features which may exist within the site. In this regard, the developer shall:-

    (a) notify the planning authority in writing at least four weeks prior to the commencement of any site operation (including hydrological and geotechnical investigations) relating to the proposed development, and

    (b) employ a suitably-qualified archaeologist prior to the commencement of development. The archaeologist shall assess the site and monitor all site development works.

    The assessment shall address the following issues:-

    (i) the nature and location of archaeological material on the site, and

    (ii) the impact of the proposed development on such archaeological material.

    Prior to the commencement of development, a report containing the results of the assessment shall be submitted to the planning authority. Arising from this assessment, the developer shall agree with the planning authority details regarding any further archaeological requirements (including, if necessary, archaeological excavation) prior to commencement of construction works.

    In default of agreement on any of these requirements, the matter shall be determined by An Bord Pleanála.

    Reason: In order to conserve the archaeological heritage of the site and to secure the preservation of any remains which may exist within the site.

    23. A revised and updated traffic management plan (TMP) shall be implemented throughout the construction/commissioning phases of the development. Details in this regard shall be submitted to and agreed with the planning authority prior to commencement of development.

    Reason: To enable the planning authority regulate and control the development.

    24. All necessary measures including the provision of wheelwash facilities shall be taken by the contractor to prevent the spillage or deposit of clay, rubble or other debris on adjoining roads during the course of the works.

    Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the area.

    25. The developer shall be responsible for informing the Irish Aviation Authority and Dublin Airport Authority in advance regarding construction periods involving high level equipment including cranes.

    Reason: In the interest of public safety having regard to the proximity of Dublin Airport.

    26. (1) The floorspace areas hereby permitted shall be operated as a single unit and shall not be sub-divided into independent units.

    (2) No internal operations increasing the floorspace available for retail or ancillary uses shall be carried out without a prior grant of planning permission.

    Reason: To enable the planning authority regulate and control the development.

    27. Prior to commencement of development, the developer shall lodge with the planning authority a cash deposit, a bond of an insurance company, or other security to secure the provision and satisfactory completion and maintenance until taken in charge by the planning authority of roads, cycleways footpaths, watermains and drains, and other services required in connection with the development, coupled with an agreement empowering the planning authority to apply such security or part thereof to the satisfactory completion or maintenance of any part of the development. The form and amount of the security shall be as agreed between the planning authority and the developer or, in default of agreement, shall be referred to the Board for determination

    Reason: To ensure the satisfactory completion of the development.

    28. The developer shall pay to the planning authority a financial contribution in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the planning authority that is provided or intended to be provided by or on behalf of the authority in accordance with the terms of the Development Contribution Scheme made under section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. The contribution shall be paid prior to the commencement of development or in such phased payments as the planning authority may facilitate and shall be subject to any applicable indexation provisions of the Scheme at the time of payment. Details of the application of the terms of the Scheme shall be agreed between the planning authority and the developer or, in default of such agreement, the matter shall be referred to the Board to determine the proper application of the terms of the Scheme.

    Reason: It is a requirement of the Planning and Development Act 2000 that a condition requiring a contribution in accordance with the Development Contribution Scheme made under section 48 of the Act be applied to the permission.

    29. The developer shall pay to the planning authority a financial contribution in respect of the Fingal County Council Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme for Metro North, in accordance with the terms of the Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme made by the planning authority under section 49 of the Planning and Development Act 2000. The contribution shall be paid prior to the commencement of development or in such phased payments as the planning authority may facilitate and shall be subject to any applicable indexation provisions of the Scheme at the time of payment. Details of the application of the terms of the Scheme shall be agreed between the planning authority and the developer or, in default of such agreement, the matter shall be referred to the Board to determine the proper application of the terms of the Scheme.

    Reason: It is a requirement of the Planning and Development Act 2000 that a condition requiring a contribution in accordance with the Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme made under section 49 of the Act be applied to the permission.

    30. The developer shall pay to the planning authority a financial contribution as a special contribution under section 48(2)(c) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 in respect of road improvement works. The amount of the contribution shall be agreed between the planning authority and the developer or, in default of such agreement, the matter shall be referred to the Board for determination. The contribution shall be paid prior to the commencement of the development or in such phased payments as the planning authority may facilitate and shall be updated at the time of payment in accordance with changes in the Wholesale Price Index – Building and Construction (Capital Goods), published by the Central Statistics Office.

    Reason: It is considered reasonable that the developer should contribute towards the specific exceptional costs, which are incurred by the planning authority, which are not covered in the Development Contribution Scheme and which will benefit the proposed development.

    Member of An Bord Pleanála
    duly authorised to authenticate
    the seal of the Board.

    Dated this day of 2007.

    in reply to: Binn Bridge Bull E Vard #763071

    a bus station at the Drumcondra station. Are you mad? I have lived here all my life so I know the area well. there is more or less a 11 hour russ hour on that bit of road as it is.

    now taking abit of land from the bishops palace or the Mater Dei and you could be onto something.

    in reply to: New Aer Lingus HQ #762396

    lol at the metro link.

    local window cleaner will be kept well busy.

    in reply to: Mad Ted #749886

    thanks for that lads.
    more info for the area here

    in reply to: Mad Ted #749883

    @StephenC wrote:

    And cut down the mature trees on this stretch. One met its untimely end already. How we are supposed to move towards a green city when trees and planting can be so easily done away with is beyond me. All part of Trinity’s continuing commitment to the public environment of Pearse St

    BTW the pavements of Pearse St will be widened as part of a CC renovation of the street put on display last April. Includes QBC and cycle lane, new planting, paving and street furniture.

    they have begun the widening. from macken street up to lombard street. absolutly crazy stuff altogether,

    did I hear on the wireless that a vechicele bridge over the liffey is to be built on MAcken sdtreet?

    in reply to: Wynn’s hotel #752445

    the chap that owns it use to own the Clarence befoe U2 bought it.

    in reply to: What’s up docks? #751265

    @Lotts wrote:

    “DDDA plans to demolish its own building opposite Jurys Inn in late 2005”

    About time too! wonder where they’re off to. Lots of reduced rent office space around there!

    directly across the liffy to a new purpose built building.

    in reply to: Gasometer #751562

    the other gasometer thingy on shelbourne road that they are turning into apartmetns has begun getting its windows fitted. looks really good. well worth checking out.

    in reply to: venue #749124

    if memory serves me I think the law library rents out some of its posh rooms for do’s.

    in reply to: Luas Connolly Station latest images #745817

    Driving down Abbey Street this morning and just outside the Peacock theatre the chaps were digging a little trench across both tracks. This part is nicely bricked tiled so it will be interesting to see what state they leave it.

    in reply to: Ring a Ring a Rosey #745785

    many thanks.


    sod all info on the website.

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