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  • in reply to: developments in the South-East #764038

    Thats an impressive number of stores for a town of, what, 20K max.

    This thread may garner more interest, by the way, of you could get pictures of those developments, or pictures of Clonmel in general.

    in reply to: The Great 1930s Scheme #763734

    @PTB wrote:

    On the subject of the careless alterations of houses such as these, have you seen some of the colours on houses
    in knocknaheeny in Cork? Luminous orange ground to gutter. Yuk!

    Maybe you should call in and complain?

    in reply to: Fair Play to Starbucks #763790

    The taxis are a bit annoying, but not overwhelmingly so. The place to sit is where the girl in the read coat is sitting. Away from Dame street traffic.

    in reply to: The Great 1930s Scheme #763730

    Yeah I admit I dont know much about crumlin at all. I am thinking of certain northside housing estates.

    in reply to: The Great 1930s Scheme #763728

    Graham. I dont take offence at you assuming that I am opposed to grey bleak unifrom council houses. I think there should be restrictions on what can be built but lets leave people ownership of their housing stock. You do sound like a Marxist, or a paternalistic conservative: not sure which.

    install a length of new facia the pathetic width of my plot to demarcate my patch from the plebs

    (My boldification.)

    I see.

    in reply to: Fair Play to Starbucks #763786

    I drank outside on Fosters place yesterday. Coffee, I mean, from starbucks. Shagging cold it was, but the seats were mostly empty which will not be the case in Summer. It was dark and Fosters place and the BOI was gorgeous. Great urban experience.

    ( Unlike the interior of SB which is too bright and too crowded. And I am not a detractor of Starbucks, I liked it when I lived in the US).

    Fosters place would be a good place for a london style subway enterance.

    in reply to: The Great 1930s Scheme #763726

    anybody see the dreadful estates on Prime Time Investigates last night. One can’t but winder that this terribly bleak estates had something to do with the Anti social behaviour (That and the parents and lack of law enforcement!)

    Yes, but Graham is in favour of the bleakness. Did you not read the thread properly?

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #729820

    “Live broadcast Dublin-Barcelona?”

    Best excitement would be Dublin-Warsaw.

    I notice the tree is up and lit in O’connell st. And the trees are lit, at least in the middle. Looks good – white christmas lights are the business.

    in reply to: Luas Central – Which Route? #763456

    I am not sure that the BART is underground powering, at least not when it is running on the surface. In any case there are plenty of overhead cables around San Francisco – the Muni and some buses are electrically powered. Sparks are visible at night.

    in reply to: glass windows in Ireland #762727

    Something I would love is to know a building where such bricked up windows can still be seen. I understand that they are commonly found in Glasgow where similar taxes were imposed; does anybody know of one in Dublin?

    Yes. In one of Dublins most obvious and famous buildings.The old parliament building, now the bank of Ireland College Green.

    in reply to: Mr Voting Machine’s Transport Plan #762855

    Actually it seems that the luas is going up O’Connell street from that map,( which may be wrong.) There is a interchange with the metro at the top of O’Connel street and it seems to go straight north.

    in reply to: Mr Voting Machine’s Transport Plan #762852

    Is it in the PDF I pointed to? I didnt think there was a interconnector for the luas, just the Dart.

    in reply to: Mr Voting Machine’s Transport Plan #762850

    None at this level. I suspect you dont like this particular government. Judge the plan on it’s merits ( for now, and it is good) and on the implementation – about which we have to see.

    in reply to: Mr Voting Machine’s Transport Plan #762848

    There is far more to the plan than mentioned. I like the new waterford to Donegal motorway, although the route is a bit uncertain at the moment.

    some of what you say is true. Some of this stuff was mentioned before, that didnt make it part of any type of overall plan. The government did not commit to the metro to the airport, nor the interconnector until today, and they have added more luas lines than I was expecting ( Lucan, for instance, and Bray), and the metro goes further than expected in Clondakin-Tallaght as well as sword airport.

    Good plan.

    in reply to: New road & infastructural projects in Ireland. #760256

    Is it available online?

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #729735

    That, or a starbucks, of course.

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #729734

    Yes. The best historical preservation is to have the building function as it did during the rising – does it contain a museum?


    You dont have to produce moderately detailed plans of anything. On a per cost basis the plans outlined by Platform11, with whom I am not affiliated, and which are available online trump the metro. The interconnector can do more with the same resources than a single line metro which would probably just go to the Airport. Government has to make decisions based on finite resources, and if we spend the first 5 years, and 3 billion on a one line metro it will solve no problems at all. The Interconnector would massively increase the capacity of the DART and Dublin’s light rail ( and would be underground in parts for people who must have that), and a spur can be built to the Airport. Capacity can be added to this entire system, later, and if needed a metro can service areas that are not serviced by the joining up of the rail lines into Dublin.

    This seems to patronisingly deride all people who favour the construction of a metro in Dublin but who cannot offer moderately detailed suggestions on its location and so on.

    God, but there are a lot of timid souls on this thread. Dont ever get involved in real live debating, wimpering to the stage about how patronising the last argument was. This a forum for debate and I really wasn’t thinking of you, since I have no idea what you thought about anything, and any of my points may seem “patronising” to somebody.

    In any case the details are all out there and you should argue on the merits and demerits of the metro or interconnector – then you can offer moderately detailed suggestions on “it’s location”, or not.

    but we can have experientially based opinions without being accused of suffering from a lack of knowledge.

    Clearly since I had mentioned the interconnector an d you failed to research it, but rather took umbrage, I can now acuse you of a lack of knowledge, and a deliberate one.

    I dont buy this experts must decide thing either, or else why have any debate at all on these threads. You are a graduate of UL and probably a engineer, so research the issue. if you cant, who can? We would in this scenario have an unaccountable government who could do anything the experts say, as we are all soo stupid to understand the fundamentals. Dont buy it.


    Here is list, for discussion, on some of what I think is holding us back.

    Middle Class conservatism i.e. the opposition to new marina’s etc. Often opposed to high rise development in their area.

    Working Class conservatism. Of the type that opposed the spire, feeling that the money should always be spent on the poor. Opposed to high rise, or high density, in all cases ( maybe a Ballymun hangover)

    Incompetent and naive Politicos. The lack of expertise at Cabinet level can be amazing. Coming around to understand fixed price contracts just recently, huh?

    Corrupt politicos: nuff said

    Corrupt contractors: Didn’t mention that most of your private sector contracts are fixed price, no? Dawdle a bit on the Lu… some projects, did we?

    Stupid Politicos: Mary whatsherface, the crayons, and the non-joined up luas.

    Environmentalists etc: Useful when a hotel is being built close to Trim Castle, less useful when a snail gets in the way of the motorway.

    Cynicism: The Port Tunnel design which rejected the increase in height to accomodate the silly Super Tankers was a good decision, as the alternative would have raised the cost enormously. However every Taxi Driver is convinced that the Tunnel is thus a disaster before it opens. We are cynical about everything prior to completion – the DART, Luas, Spire, Port Tunnel, and more.

    Timidity: Politicans and designers get less flack when they are timid. The spire caused more flack that any of the developments in the Grand Canal, and IFSC, as they are so bland as to benot noticed. Related to general cynicism.

    Lack Of Knowledge. Some people champion the “metro” for Dublin – but which proposal, and to where? What about the Interconnector?

    I’ll prob. think of more later.

    in reply to: Dublin skyline #747552

    What exactly looks great? The bland IFSC type stuff at the Royal Canal Park website, or the stuff in the Independent – or are both the same issue?

    ( The website is good, though. Kudos to the web designer. You need flash which may be the problem some people are having).

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