William Fogerty (1833-78)
Died suddenly of Smallpox , William Fogerty received a fine obituary in The Irish Builder. ‘We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. William Fogerty, F.R.I.B.A., a comparatively young and promising architect. The deceased was the second son of John Fogerty, C.E., late of Limerick. A few years since the subject of our notice settled for a short time in London, and subsequently, some time between 1871-5, proceeded to make a sojourn in the United States, where he designed some buildings. Returning two or three years since to his native land, he commenced the practice of his profession in Dublin, where he resided till his death, which took place on the 22nd ult., at 23 Harcourt street.
On his return from America Mr. Fogerty read some papers at the Irish Institute meetings on American Architectural Practice, and we published in this journal some sketches from his pen descriptive of public buildings, men and manners, and sundry other matters of society in New York. We have not a complete list of his works to hand at present, but among others of the buildings he designed the following may be enumerated :—The Protestant Hall, Limerick ; the establishments of Cannock and Tait, George-street ; Mr. Hogg’s, Dr. Messrs. Boyd (now in course of erection) ; a mansion for Mr. Phelps, Castleconnel; the Munster Arcade, Cork; the Lunatic Asylum, Ennis ; Mr. Revington’s house, Ai-dagh ; an Episcopalian Church in New York ; the Wesleyan College, Belfast ; Violet Hall House, Bray, the residence of Mr. Edward Griffin, and son of the late Bishop of Limerick; the Smith O’Brien Mausoleum; and the ancient Irish Cross erected by the late Venerable Arphdeacon Goold to the memory of his daughter. The deceased was a member of the Irish as well as the British Institute of Architects, and a past president of one of the Irish bodies. It is sad to relate that his early death was owing to an attack of small-pox of a virulent type, which is at present prevalent in Dublin, and which, we are pained to say, is likely to lead to the sacrifice of other valuable lives ere it is stamped out by other more efficient measures than those adopted by our very somnolent Corporation. Mr. Fogerty was in excellent health up to the period of his fatal attack.
The remains of the deceased gentleman were removed last week from Dublin to his native Limerick, and were interred in St. Munchin’s graveyard. Thus perishes and passes from our midst a valuable life, slayed as it were by a foul but preventible disease, at the early age of 44. Had the life of our deceased architect been spared, he would, no doubt, have won a distinguished place in the ranks of his profession ; but, as it happens, he has not died undistinguished, for he gave evidence during late years to considerable architectural and literary abilities.’