1805 – Lyons, Hazlehatch, Co. Kildare
Lyons, near Hazlehatch, County Kildare, was originally the seat of the Aylmer family, though they sold it to the 1st Lord Cloncurry who had a new house built in 1797.
Lyons, near Hazlehatch, County Kildare, was originally the seat of the Aylmer family, though they sold it to the 1st Lord Cloncurry who had a new house built in 1797.
Developed in the early 1800s around a plain classical house of the mid 18th century.
The old Wexford Court House was situated on Wexford’s Commercial Quay, directly across from the town-side entrance of Wexford Bridge.
“In his exteriors he imitated mediaeval castles and abbeys, or preferably Tudor mansions, and sometimes combined the two.
Issercleran or St.Clerans was the home of the Burke family who built the house c.1784, and was extended and remodelled by Morrison circa 1807.
Constructed 1807-08 for Robert Delacour to designs by Sir Richard Morrison. Inscribed on the entablature over the entrance ‘est ubi depellata somnos minus invida cura’
The physician Sir Patrick Dun had died in 1713, leaving lands in county Waterford in trust to the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
Built 1811 around the fabric of an earlier house. The house is designed part in Romantic Castle style and part in Abbey style.
Long rambling castle sited across a hillside. Burnt during 1921, a wing was recently restored.
Unexecuted design for countryhouse near Mullingar in Co. Westmeath. The client opted for a design by John Shiel instead,