1873 – Butler’s Wharf, London
Butler’s Wharf was built between 1871-73 as a shipping wharf and warehouse complex, accommodating goods unloaded from ships using the port of London.
1873 – Cadbury House, Somerset
Now a hotel with a large modern wing attached, this, the garden front, is still largely unaltered.
1873 – Cathedral of Our Lady & St Philip Howard, Arundel, Sussex
The Cathedral, originally known as the Church of St. Philip Neal, was commissioned by Henry XV Duke of Norfolk in 1868 and was opened on 1st of July 1873.
1873 – Cemetery, Chapel, Woking
Published in The Building News, October 24 1873: “Tho buildings .shown in tho illustration have been erected in the small private cemetery at Woking belonging to tho Order of Reparation (one of tho few religious orders in the Church of Eng;and).
1873 – Christ Church, Westminster Road, Lambeth, London
A design concept for Christ Church Congregational Chapel which was completed in 1874. The church as completed had the tower and spire on the main facade as opposed to above the crossing as illustrated.
1873 – Church of St. Aloysius, Oxford
Interior perspective view published in The Architect, June 14th 1873.
1873 – Church of St. Anne, Liverpool, Lancashire
From The Building News, December 26 1873: “The church of S. Anne at Liverpool, which we give among our illustrations,
1873 – Church of St. John the Baptist, Holland Park, Kensington, London
The site of the church was purchased from the Holland Estate in 1868 with the intention of building a daughter church in the parish of St Barnabas,
1873 – Church of St. John the Baptist, Yengarie, Queensland
Published in The Building News, November 14 1873: “The view of this church, taken from the northeast,