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  • in reply to: cork docklands #778925

    Really great news regarding the atlantic quarter next question tho is will it actually get built in this economic climate. And in fairness credit where its due to the city council, they actually seem to be doing something to get the whole docklands going.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778922

    all the limited money they had was put towards the kildare route project which now is only extending out 10miles from heuston to hazelhatch. Remember CIE are just another one of the Governments whipping boys. On another note anybody heard anything regarding the Hoard Holdings development by the showgrounds. Think I read in the paper the other day the City Councel were supposed to make a final decision on it today but haven’t heard anything.

    in reply to: cork docklands #778920

    Not gonna happen any time soon I’m afraid the money ain’t there. The only plan on the cards at the moment for Kent station is simply to extend platform 4 down further so after the curve the trains will stop on a straight. As for turning the station around, well another life time perhaps but for the inside information I have those plans are seriously on the long finger.

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780506

    Was passing the elysian this morning and noticed a large unit at the back of the building on the albert street side by the traffic lights is being fitted out to be occupied and also I noticed a few appartments in the tower are light up at night and appear to be occupied. Does anybody have any info as to weather people are already moving in? I was under the impression this building was a white elephant.

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780500

    With regard to the above discussion I have to share my opinion, Cork with out a doubt has its faults as does every town and city in this country but I must admit after looking at the above links and after taking a good walk around my city it has so much character and history and life in it unlike larger cities such as Dublin and I lived in Dublin for a good period of time and to be honest in this day and age its no different to any big urban area (not city) it lacks the character it once had, it has nothing that makes it internationally recognised and I don’t mean that offencivly but the pride we have in our city (cork), despit its faults is unprecidented on this island so please lets stop knocking it and move on to the topic this forum was created for.

    in reply to: Point Village #761085

    hahahahahahaha im delighted its stalled along with every other high rise dublin had planned just goes to show what a shambles planning and construction in dublin “city” is and i use inverted coma’s becouse dublin isn’t a city its a kip comprising of a sh*t load of villages that have grown into each other. In the time it takes planners in this country to plan and get planning permission and finally get permission to build their buildings other buildings around the world have been erected and occupied. Get real folks and forget about it.

    in reply to: Eglinton Street Tower, Cork #780461

    :eek:noticed the building along with county hall was lit up all over the jazz weekend. As a friend who was visiting cork for the first time pointed out it looks like a brothel lit up. What a monstosity we have created glass all one side and plastic the other 3. Shame on you Michael O flynn you had the oppertunity to build something wonderful and you built a joke. And before you criticise my opinion I recently had the pleasure of visiting a real city, Miami, and what wonderful buildings they have. Pity our developers are so incompetant and anal. In the words of a great man ‘I pity the fool’ who is dumb enough to waste money on moving into an over priced sticklebrick compound that will no doubt be ripped down in 20 years when we all come to our senses. And before people have a go I was very excited about this project considering I love high rises and as far as I’m concerned the more highrises the better but for goodness sake at least build them right and make them look good. The atlantic quarter has alot of potential but should we be so lucky that it gets built????? Not in our lifetime I expect. All I’ll say is Mr. O Flynn you f**ked up.

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