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  • in reply to: Gehry for Smithfield #715978

    Gehry, Hertzog, Holl, Liebskind, Hadid etc.
    We know these names because guys are the best architects in the world.
    If you were to give Liebskind a comission in Smithfield, for a museum, conference centre, whatever, you can be reassured that it will relate to the city, the locals, the enviornment and still be an awe inspiring thing of beauty. We do need more international architects to add to our city.
    When they come to Dublin they will design for Dublin, their own personal background is irrelevant. You dont need to be called Paddy Mac Eire with green blood to design relevant Irish architecture, all you need is a site in Ireland and an architect with the wit to respond to the site, the brief and the landscape(urban or otherwise)QED

    in reply to: A bit of fun #715124


    in reply to: Carton Estate #715014

    What class were you referring to when you stated:

    ‘I wonder would so many opinions be stressed so vigorously if some people were part of the class that can afford that type of luxury.’

    Is it the class of ’66, working class, pure class, etc.
    Are you supporting a class system, i.e. a hierarchy of the value of life. Most of Ireland is made up of the newly rich. All the old money is just about gone anyway (The demise of Carton Demense being a pretty obvious example).
    Is Carton to be a new toy for those with more money than sense.
    He who knows the price of everything & the value of nothing attitude. Can we at least keep one in 10 historical building intact without the onset of the neon brigade

    in reply to: Architecture Week??? #714991

    how about Pravda or Knightsbridge, for a bit o’ class, & a good location for a fracas.

    in reply to: Carton Estate #715007

    Exactly how open are these golfing emporiums to the public.
    Mount Julliet has 24hr security, extremely expensive membership and dotted with houses & apartments for the mega-wealthy. The public can drive in and glimpse what is on offer, but never avail. These estates are available to less than 2% of the population, except when they pay the exorbitant green fees or the entry fee to some for of golf competition.

    They are truely the domain of the wealthy, just as they were in the days of the landlords, except today the landlords are the Irish themselves.

    in reply to: riai website #715086

    John White, what 2 sites are you working on, Im interesting in seeing them. Your posts here are enjoyable & in the spirit of good discussion, Id enjoy seeing what else your working on.

    in reply to: Carton Estate #715003

    Why are former golfers & halfwits always in cahoots to ransack the country?
    This must be stopped. We have too many golf courses & not half enough beautiful parkland & public gardens.
    The setting at Carton looks magnificent, Im sure the original grounds were even more so.

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716794

    Maybe it is simply a matter of personal taste. Some people want a cosy tavern, others want sleek & ultra trendy. Both styles and atmospheres are equally valid, depending on the desires of the clientelle.

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716791

    you cant have it all, can you?

    Minimalism is not just for the intellectuals & those of clean spirit, why not in the pub.

    Are we still clinging on to a system of what goes where, with no room to manoevre or change, come on, open up a bit.

    in reply to: Just back from London: What a Beautiful Mish-Mash! #715041

    I dont think the reconstruction of Mountjoy Square is a pastische. I have noted that all the windows along the road front are up & down sash & the original proportions of the elevations have been retained.

    All that is lacking are the doorways, the use of inferior quality building materials(new brick & in some cases PVC windows) and badly executed finishes.

    Look to Merrion Square and the Merrion Hotel to see how a reconstruction can be achieved (facade only) that has a use of materials and execution of finishes almost identical the original Georgian elevations. However, modern reconstuctions would be structurally superior & more watertight than the original

    in reply to: New Appartment Blocks #714964

    Does that mean that Wrights ceilings will have to get higher now.

    [This message has been edited by MK (edited 18 October 2000).]

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716788

    The minimalism of todays western world springs from the East. It has nothing much to do with puritanical Calvinism & more to do with Shinto & Eastern philosophy, the work of Tadao Ando etc, the play of light, the honesty of materials and their expression. Minimalism is, contrary to popular belief, very thoughtful and evocative of atmosphere, not the opposite

    in reply to: Just back from London: What a Beautiful Mish-Mash! #715039

    As Mountjoy Sq. is and was a Georgian Square, the reinstating of the terraces was without doubt, the correct thing to do.

    in reply to: New Appartment Blocks #714962

    Le Corbusier designed La Tourette with the rooms for junior monks the equivalant width of the outstretched human span, and those for the senior monks the equivalant of the outstretched human span plus the width of a book(for a bookshelf), mind you, that was a monastery

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716783

    It is unfortunate to note, that this Paddywackery is a source of pride for many. ‘The simple fun lovin’ Irish who dont give a damn about the state of their drinking houses, as long as there’s good craic’
    These attitudes are the source of inspiraton for the themed Irish bar, & the incredibly low standards of some of the newer bars.

    However, it still must be admitted that some well designed bars are cropping up & these pubs should be appreciated rather than lumped with the rest.

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716780

    An honest opinion does not indicate naivetivity.
    John White, Id hoped the irony of the idea of “shipping’ the Irish bar around the world would strike you rather than the literal statement. The shipping of the Irish bar has been a source of embarrassment to Irish design for at least 15 years(an 80s craze that caught on with some sucess) Whenever Ive been to an Irish bar abroad (I usually steer a wide berth), I have always found them, to be corny dark & dirty. If people are going to insist on an Irish Bar in Bali, then at least let it have some inkling toward good design.

    The Chocolate Bar was one of Dublins first “trendy ‘pubs and has always had the cleanest toilets imaginable. I agree that some of the newer built pubs have dispicable hygene standards, thus suggesting a general disregard for its human occupants.
    I know the Long Hall & The Stags Head well, beautiful & authentic Irish bars. Knightsbridge is a mini tasteless ye olde England, along with other terrible theme pubs, Zanzibar etc.
    Some of the new pubs are worth mentioning also, The Life Bar, Gubu & the Morrison Hotel are 3 prime examples fo good design. Not all that is new is bad.
    Scotus, try voice your opinion on this with some level of meaningfulness, it will help, I know!

    also, Mr. Behan, I agree with you entirely, these mock up olde eire pubs are the absolute bottom of the barrel (forgive the pun).

    [This message has been edited by MK (edited 17 October 2000).]

    in reply to: New Appartment Blocks #714960

    Who are these architects that always deign in minimum dimensions?
    I dont know any architects who ALWAYS design with minimum dimensions. Some may design with minimum dimensions when the client (developer) demands it.
    Goergian architecture is a style with wonderful proportions and can be sucessfully built today if wanted. Look at the reinstatment of Mountjoy Sq.The apartments inside may be squat and badly built, but the square has become again, one of Dublins finest Squares.
    Also, Irish Georgian is a unique style, indiginous to ourselves, if anyone is looking for a facet of Irish architecture from the past, look no further.

    [This message has been edited by MK (edited 17 October 2000).]

    in reply to: ruining pubs #716776

    What exactly is the quintessential Irish Bar?
    Do you mean saw dust on the floor and barrels for tables. Thats not Irish, its embarassing. I agree with retaining some of the original bars, but not when there simply trumped up sheds. Many of the 20C bars are worth retaining, those of the art deco era etc.
    However, people seem to have preconcieved ideas as to how a pub should be, dark, smelly and old. This is ludicrous. Some of the new Dublin bars are fine examples of how an ‘Irish pub’ can be. Maybe this new clean crisp image can be shipped around the world now as the authentic Irish bar.

    in reply to: golden ratio in irish architecture #715158

    Isnt there a relationship between the human proportion and the Golden Section?
    It is also vital for harmonics in music. Almost all harmonics obey this 2 thirds rule.
    It also has a solid foundations in mathamatics (fibonacci sequence, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,etc.).
    Copositionally, it is and has been used in art and architecture for centuries.
    This can be interesting for your students to see the links between art, music and mathamatics.

    in reply to: Smithfield Plaza continued….. #714911

    Cause its in the wrong place, on the axis of meeting house square would be preferrable.
    The bridge itself is fine(elegant etc.) but the position is debatable.
    Other bridges along the Liffey is a good idea, unfortunately, we need to remove the heavy traffic from the quays first

    [This message has been edited by MK (edited 10 October 2000).]

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