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  • in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731386

    @alonso wrote:

    bollox….Dublin city i$ my capital too and I vvould like both language$ di$played. I’ve heard it $poken in the city and i ain’t 104

    (orry the e$$ and double u are broken on my keyboard)

    Va te faire cuire un oeuf !!
    Mon clavier AZERTY a l’aire d’avoir quelques soucis également mec!

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731383

    @igy wrote:

    Not that i want this thread to veer off-course into an Irish language discussion, but I disagree about making the signs English only.

    Even if you ignore any heritage, preservation or language-encouragement, at the very least we should have standard street signs with both languages for the benefit of visitors.
    The Oxford Street example above is something that’s done (in my brief experience of London) well and consistently.
    I struggle to think of any category of street furniture or signs in Ireland that are either consistent or well maintanted.
    Maybe a standard street sign in city center areas (I’m not advocating removing the very old ones by the way) is to be encouraged? I can’t imagine leaving Irish out of that.

    I’ll give you one reason, but it is A personal one; when is the last time you heard anyone asking for a pint, a news paper or a packet of fags in irish in Dublin? Personally speaking, I’ve never heard anyone speaking the thing (in Dublin). My Grandmother, who was born in 1891 in Dublin, and lived to the ripe old age of 104 years, never spoke a word of it. As an infant, I was often beaten to a pulp to learn it by some mad (Christian) brother from Cork who also taught us that Cork was the capital of Ireland !!
    It is as alien as Russian to me when I see it on road signs in Dublin! If it is to be preserved, so be it, as long as it’s not in my city: Dublin!
    Rant terminated.

    in reply to: Dublin’s Ugliest Building #713257

    Strange, I thought the bomb which was the cause of the original windows being replaced pre-dated the electrfication of the railway line?:confused:

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750731

    @spoil_sport wrote:

    “The slave trade has operated in the middle east for centuries. Its part of their culture…”
    And that makes it ok? Britain could claim the slave trade was part of its culture for centuries too.

    “You are a slave to corporations”
    That’s hippie speak if ever I heard it… Of course the “corporations” are in control, you say that like you are trying to teach us something, like you are the first person to discover it, like you have just figured out all for yourself that santa isn’t real and your trying to convince all the grown ups of the huge conspiracy. Of course the corporations are in control, if they wern’t who would be? Its a simple concept called hierarchy, check it out, its been around for some time now. The historical equilivent is religion, it told people how to live, how to be better people, what they should wear, what they can and can’t say. It is the basic organising principal of society, it’s what kept society together, its what led them into wars against other variations of the same theme. And yes unfortunately, some people are better than others, some people are faster, some are smarter, there is, by natural selection, no such thing as equality. But in the western world, religion is redundant (massive generalisation, granted) so someone has to take control; the corporations tell me what is cool to wear, what is cool to say, what is cool to have or have-not. OK, so we take down the corporations, then what?

    But the relevance of all this to the U2 tower being made taller is?


    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731123

    The lighting is pretty crude alright, and disfigures the bridge. Is that Anna Livia sporting some kind of halogen helmet?
    One would imagine the illumination of buildings & structures is first modeled and assimilated on computers to give the most elegant effect or spectacular impact before the lighting is actually installed? This looks like some job done in the early 80’s.

    in reply to: Convention centre #713658

    Can anyone tell me why they bother putting flags in front of buildings, such as those shown in the ICC render?
    If I’m a Portuguese or Chinese national and don’t see my nation’s flag amongst the other six or seven usuals, am I supposed to feel a little less welcome?
    Who decides which flag should be hoisted?
    Perhaps it has something to do with languages spoken at the reception desk? Always found this flag business a little mysterious!:confused:

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766428

    That (church?) on right doesn’t ring a bell:p
    Surely it’s not the entrance to St James’s hospital !

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766426

    But the 78 bus route never took it over the north side…:confused:

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766414

    Didn’t the 21 bus go up through Inchicore?

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766411

    Anyone got some fancy software to enhance the number of that damn bus?

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766409

    There wouldn’t happen to be a block of flats (similar to the one’s pictured on the Dutch Billie thread at Weaver Square) in the spot where that Billboard stands ?

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766406

    Clanbrassil st ?

    in reply to: Liffey Cable Cars – Pointless Gimmick or…. #766813

    Why not dredge the damn river of junk while they clean the walls !!
    It’s disgraceful to see the state of the river bed during low tide at King’s Bridge…..and it has been like that for decades. Surely for the sake of the Tourist Industry alone, it cannot be a bad idea to employ personnel to clean things up on a regular basis. Tourists in those Cable-Cars would have admirable views of the riverbed from up there!

    in reply to: Point Village #760946

    What’s all the Cloak and Dagger Jason Bourne stuff?
    It’s only a medium sized tower going up….no big deal!

    in reply to: dublin airport terminal #717318

    Slight bifurcation on current theme :
    With the current expansion of the airport (New Terminal & 2nd runway perhaps), anyone out there know if the current control tower will be high enough to sufficiently cover the movement of aircraft and diverse vehicles on the tarmac, or would a taller structure be necessary ?

    in reply to: Dublin Airport Metro to have unconnected terminus? #749696

    Don’t know if many of you have been on the Washington DC subway…..lots of bare concrete on certain lines, I wouldn’t call it ugly though!

    in reply to: dublin airport terminal #717296

    @THE_Chris wrote:

    Or the mad walk to gate A60, without one of those ‘walk faster travellator things’. Wouldnt want to be an old person trying to do that.

    Agree with you about how elderly people would find it tuff having to walk all the way down to gate A60, however, anytime I go through Dublin airport, the two moving walkways that exist already, are either out of order or under maintenance, thus reducing corridor space and slowing down the human traffic.


    Very funny ; « 8 story skyscraper », the journalist is obviously being sarcastic……I hope!

    in reply to: hickeys and parkgate street #778493

    @AndrewP wrote:

    On first glance I thought that was a picture of a failed scheme from the 70s. It’s shocking.

    Exactly what I thought, except I was thinking more of the 1950’s !!

    in reply to: Vertigo? U2 tower to be taller #750321

    @JoePublic wrote:

    If there’s one thing the Irish ARE world leaders at, it’s moaning

    Must disagree with you there JP, the French are streets ahead of the Irish when it comes to moaning !

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