1840 – Castle Saunderson, Belturbet, Co. Cavan
Castle Saunderson is a large castellated mansion in a Tudor-Revival style. The majority of the structure dates from 1840, architect unknown,
Castle Saunderson is a large castellated mansion in a Tudor-Revival style. The majority of the structure dates from 1840, architect unknown,
Erected as an Agricultural Training School with suitable offices and a 48 acre farm attached. Intended as a training school where eight pupils boarded and were taught both the theory and practice of modern and scientific methods of farming.
The Model Schools were erected between 1848 and 1850, the costs of which was funded by Sir John Young,
Built as a branch of the Provincial Bank of Ireland, and now a branch for AIB.
Former church with truncated spire over the doorway. A simple exercise in Gothic revival.
Work on the present cathedral began in 1858, and it was designed by the English architect William Slater.
Victorian house, the home of the 1st and indeed last Lord Lisgar, who was Governor of New South Wales, and later Governor-General of Canada.
In 1862, Cavan parish church was extended and it became the new cathedral of the Kilmore diocese under Bishop James Browne.
The Poor Clares founded a convent in Cavan in 1861 in a large premises on Main Street.
Incomplete as designed and illustrated, Hague’s fantastically ornate spire wasn’t constructed and was capped off at the top of a simplified version of the tower.