1863 – Design for new Infirmary, Leeds, Yorkshire
Construction of the current hospital on its new site in Great George Street started in 1863 to the designs of Sir George Gilbert Scott.
Construction of the current hospital on its new site in Great George Street started in 1863 to the designs of Sir George Gilbert Scott.
“This mansion was erected some time ago for Mr. John Croasley, at Manor Heath, about a mile from the town of Halifax,
“Among the many new and handsome structures erected of late years in the town of Halifax,
Designed by George Goldie, son of a prominent parishioner Dr. Goldie the church was designed in the Gothic revival,
Design for new exchanges buildings for Hull.
The winning entry in an architectural competition that drew many entries, with John Ruskin invited to give his advice.
Constructed as a lecture hall, and location for study, the Institute was later used as a concert hall,
“ONE of our illustrations this week is a view and ground plan of Marton Vicarage, near Ousebum,
From The Builder, April 30, 1870: The column of which an illustration is has been erected by public subscription aa memorial of the late Earl of Carlisle who through a long life one of the most and useful men in his county is best known the general public as Viceroy of Ireland high post he occupied for eight years.
Published in The Building News, February 25th 1870.