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  • in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761528

    @ctesiphon wrote:

    I don’t know if any shop here stocks either of these, but you could always treat yourself to a trip to Leipzig or Copenhagen. 😉 (Review.) (The Scrap Deluxe would get my vote- Review.)

    Just had a look at those websites again, nice bikes, but I don’t think you can order them online.

    Any tips for Dublin bike shops with retro or cruiser bikes for sale?

    I like this one,

    Anyone know when the garda auction is on?

    in reply to: New Court Complex – Infirmary Rd #756878


    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744550

    The height in their docklands is greater with some tall buildings thrown in. Phase 1 looks more like that spot in Liverpool, not so good.

    in reply to: O’ Connell Street, Dublin #731376

    No surprise to see the militant gaelgoirs breaking the law there. The Irish language act requires public bodies to display signs in both Irish and English and with the same size lettering. UCD spent a fortune replacing their signs a few years ago, because although they had the Irish on them,, it was in smaller writing! This Act was unopposed in the Dail a number of years back!

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744522

    I prefer Macken Street bridge name…but then I’m a south-sider

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744518

    More photos please.

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744498

    Great photos, keep em coming.

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761527

    Good piece in today’s guardian

    Cycling dangerous, on yer bike

    I suspect SUVs and other large vehicles are the biggest dangers for cyclists, and the most disruptive vehicles on the street?

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744462

    I too am looking forward to the bridge’s arrival. It doesn’t look 48m from those pics above.

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761526

    Yep, that cycle lane is quite bumpy as well.

    Does anyone know if the new cycling strategy requires a new standard of cycle lane? Have they gone for on-road or off and white lines or concrete barriers, I’d be very interested to know. I suspect it’s just the usual non-binding aspirational nonsense report after report that the government churns out by the bucket load, but maybe I’m wrong.

    in reply to: Convention centre #713736

    Have they changed the name? Convention Centre Dublin sounds wrong…I prefer National Conference Centre

    in reply to: Macken St Bridge – Santiago Calatrava #744412

    It’s great to finally see some progress, hopefully the next phase will be quicker and we’ll see a bridge span soon…

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761516

    Weehamster: “…. I’m going by personal experiences. Drivers in Dublin are dangerous and reckless….Because of this I was knocked down 4 times. Twice I hit my head off the ground after flying through the air thanks to the vehicle hitting me…. Now my dear brother-in-law wasn’t so lucky. He also hit his head off the pavement but he didn’t ware helmets (which is what you are promoting). He died from head trauma.

    Now you can continue on showing pictures of people with no helmets all you like, Just remember you are promoting cycling without helmets…

    Well, Weehamster, I’d say some drivers in Dublin are dangerous and I’d prefer separate cycle lanes on the road (using a concrete barrier) to help with this…if you want to wear a helmet fine…and given you’re personal experience who would blame you…but the logic of your argument is poor. It’s also the classic you can’t criticise the war cos I lost a son in Iraq type of argument, baloney! So if someone gets killed by a bus walking across the street and a helmet would have saved their life, should helmets be mandatory for crossing bus lanes? If someone is shot in the chest and wasnt’ wearing a bullet proof vest should they be mandatory?

    I think a more mature approach is to let people assess risk themselves and choose whether to wear a helmet or not, notwithstanding that a mandatory helmet law would be dictatorial in the extreme.

    There’s also a little thing called evidence and it suggests cycling is not a dangerous activity and that wearing helmets are more widely worn there are less cyclists, more cars, etc.

    Are all the people who don’t wear helmets in Dublin,, Paris, Copenhagen irresponsible? Are they irrational in that they can’t look after themselves?!

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761510

    I do have a problem when someone is seen not wearing a helmet, especially one who is famous face (and in this case, the influential world of fashion). This is seen as it is ok not to wear helmets (or probably in this case ,not fashionable to wear one). Do you think it is a positive message to send out

    Even if you disagree with the evidence that societies with mandatory helmet laws have more accidents, and they do, it strikes me as very illiberal, if not downright fascist, to force other people to wear a helmet to assuage your guilt. people are responsible for their own actions and are well able to make informed decisions…in fact, given that there are less accidents where mandatory helmet laws are absent, it is good for society and others based on your interfering logic.:p

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761507

    Excellent article from today’s Guardian on cycling & road safety…

    Elle Macpherson deserves a medal for defying the health and safety gods

    The press are idiots to condemn the model for cycling without a helmet. The real villains are over-active traffic managers

    Simon Jenkins, The Guardian, 19th Sept 08

    The model Elle Macpherson was this week pilloried by the tabloids for bicycling in a London street without a helmet and with her (helmeted) son on her handlebars. “Elle on wheels,” cried the Mail. “What the Elle are you doing?” screamed the Mirror with an editorial titled “Elle to pay”. Even the Times demanded a response to her behaviour from the gods of health and safety. The answer from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents was a predictable howl: “Illegal and dangerous!”

    The truth is the opposite. Macpherson was probably the safest cyclist in London that day. Like the mayor, Boris Johnson, she is signed up (I guess by instinct) to the Wilde-Adams theory of compensatory risk assessment. By not wearing a helmet, she lowers her risk threshold and thus rides more carefully. She commendably cycles rather than drives a car and protects her child, who cannot manage his own risk. The society should give her a medal, not insult her. The press were idiots.

    By chance, this week sees the publication of another tome in the mountain of evidence that Britain’s safety culture is making us increasingly unsafe. Tom Vanderbilt’s Traffic collates a mass of evidence about how we drive cars and use roads. It demonstrates the extent of mendacious brain-washing inflicted on the public by health-and-safety lawyers, bureaucrats and sellers of expensive equipment.

    in reply to: Point Village #761028

    Could the rumour on this site about the Watchtower be right, read comments attributed to Crosbie source below, yesterday’s Sunday Indo:

    The tower, which is part of Crosbie’s €850m Point Village development in Dublin’s north quays, is expected to be 39 storeys high. The foundations of the Watch Tower have been built and Crosbie is working on its internal layout and final decisions, according to a spokeswoman for the businessman.

    Could this mean a re-design / change of use and new application? 😮

    Source, yesterdays Sunday Indo –

    in reply to: Convention centre #713680

    “working for profit, how vulgar”, what do you work for?!

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761506

    Now that’s what I’m talking bout, cool bikes, it’s a pity Irish bike shops only really sell mountain bikes and racers, why no trad street bikes?

    in reply to: New Court Complex – Infirmary Rd #756862

    Has anyone seen how big this building is? It’s huge, built without planning permission and built inside the park, they had to knock some of the park wall!!:mad:

    in reply to: Cycling in Irish Cities #761504

    I’ve cycled plenty in the city in recent years as it happens…and I would welcome much better facilities, and I’ve no problem with people wearing helmets…but why do some people have a problem with others not wearing them…

    Anyway, anyone know any good shops for cruiser bikes?

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