Rita Ochoa

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  • in reply to: Dublin digital info #722997
    Rita Ochoa

    I bet you didn’t have this 1: the night over Europe except us.
    It’s a very rare picture where you can see Ireland’s sky clean!!

    (I don’t know from who is from so don’t use it for “comercial” stuff)

    in reply to: Dublin digital info #722995
    Rita Ochoa

    Sorry, I found pictures of Dublin but all I can see is clouds !! 😉

    in reply to: Dublin digital info #722994
    Rita Ochoa

    Nasa has a big colection of pictures taken from space but I couldn’t find Dublin there… anyway it might be relevant to some of you, specially fjp…


    (here you have a very nice picture of Lisbon 😉 )

    in reply to: Dublin digital info #722989
    Rita Ochoa

    I saw it already 😉

    But isn’t it unfair people don’t get such free information about their cities ? What do you do? buy it ?

    in reply to: New U2 Studio in Dublin Docklands #722684
    Rita Ochoa

    What’s happening aroung the site proposed in the competition ? The Docklands website is very vague…

    in reply to: New U2 Studio in Dublin Docklands #722683
    Rita Ochoa

    Maybe it’s just a cultural aspect… Your cities are very “horizontal” and no one there likes living on appartments!… just don’t blame it on the earthquakes ’cause u don’t have them!

    in reply to: New U2 Studio in Dublin Docklands #722681
    Rita Ochoa

    Is there some reason with Ireland doesn’t want to have HIGH buildings ?…

    in reply to: O’Connell St. Kiosks #722925
    Rita Ochoa

    I would like to see more but I also like the general image…

    in reply to: Architects & Europe #722769
    Rita Ochoa

    Maybe I was to agressive up there but it was what I felt when I was in Ireland… I woulnd’t call it racism but maybe I just couldn’t compit with people who already work there, know your building regulations, speaks and writes perfect english, etc. I’m young and young people when are trying to find a job need to have all the tools they can, and not just be a good human being and have good creative skills…
    Another problem could be the salary i required because I needed to get a live there and be independent.
    Also the UE didn’t solve yet some anoying problems considering laws of practice and recognition of degrees, that can give you some problems. While the degrees don’t become similar (with adaptations to each one of the countries), the employers never know for sure what you are really capable of doing or what you really know…
    Notice that I’m not talking just for me but for other people I know, not just in Portugal that tried or are trying to work in other countires inside the UE.
    I think it was all this plus this “kind” of economical crises that is covering Europe like a ghost…

    Anyway I enjoyed the time I was there… you have a cold but great country! 🙂

    in reply to: Architects & Europe #722766
    Rita Ochoa

    Hi Ola (1 of the 45.000 students of Architecture in Germany)!
    Now compare Italy with Luxemburg where you only have 120 students studing abroad !
    Anyway I’m back to Portugal, in my old job and with no plans of moving out. After being in Ireland for a while and live the experience of the fake “open borderds”, I came to the place that still offers me best conditions: professionals, more studies and personal… Also a great weather !!
    In Portugal we don’t have many jobs too but in general employers can understand the architects qualities without looking to their nacionality… unfortunaly the same dindn’t happen in Ireland, to me or other people I know.
    Maybe things change in the future…
    Are you finishing your course ? And where were you working at ?

    in reply to: New U2 Studio in Dublin Docklands #722674
    Rita Ochoa

    Can someone please tell me where I can oficial and detailed information about this competition (online).

    Thanks in advanced,


    in reply to: web address needed: Grafton Architects #718599
    Rita Ochoa

    Can’t it just be “copyright fear” ?…
    I bet they all go and have a look at some of their collegues websites…

    in reply to: Marketing ideas #718521
    Rita Ochoa

    We know that, Cajual….
    We are only thinking about the goals of advertisement and on the ways you can do it in “legal” ways.
    I once saw a webpage of an irish architectural firm (not saying names here) with price lists!!! How can this be possible ?!

    in reply to: Marketing ideas #718517
    Rita Ochoa

    And they aren´t. However, a web page is always a good alternative…

    in reply to: wants for 2001 #717806
    Rita Ochoa

    Paul, sorry my bad english but isn´t it “wants for 2002” ?

    in reply to: wants for 2001 #717805
    Rita Ochoa

    me there

    in reply to: The worst bar in Dublin? #717578
    Rita Ochoa

    So the bar design is directly related with the type of people who goes there, not matter the localization?… In that case onwers and architects are achiving their goals, concerning the control of public, prices, social representations, etc.? What would say a yuppie on this board?

    [This message has been edited by Rita Ochoa (edited 30 November 2001).]

    in reply to: Name and Shame! #717511
    Rita Ochoa

    So please clarify me… Can anyone in Ireland be responsable for a project / constrution of a building ?! If so, how can you control the design quality and prices?…

    in reply to: Name and Shame! #717501
    Rita Ochoa

    What about all Dublin itself…? (joking). Anyway, I don´t know much about Dublin but when I was there I went to a shopping center near St. Stephens Green wich I remember being a bit weird from the outside, trying hard to look old and to fit with other buildings around it. But the main problem, in my very personal humble touristic opinion, is based on the interior planning/design (or lack of it). Does anyone share this opinion?

    [This message has been edited by Rita Ochoa (edited 20 November 2001).]

    in reply to: Railway Tracks on Merrion Square #717125
    Rita Ochoa

    Peter FitzPatrick, thankyou for clearyfing me. Luas means “Moons” in portuguese, from the Lunas in latin. That´s why I was so curious…

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