planning permission query

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    • #707249

      Hi all,

      I’m interested in buying some land with a view to building a house on it but I would have no interest in buying it if building were not possible. It’s zoned objective H – “to protect and enhance the outstanding natural character of the area” – but according to the agent this could allow a house. Before I bid, is it possible to get a fast opinion from planning officials on what sort of building (if any) would/wouldn’t be likely to be allowed without having precise architect’s plans – i.e. general guidance rather than “planning permission is granted/refused for this specific building”? Or do they do this sort of thing?

      I know I could probably put in a bid “subject to planning permission being obtained” but I’m worried I’d lose the site to a bidder who doesn’t have strings attached if I do this (or indeed if I delay) and it’s a really great site.

      Thanks for all advice.

    • #745077

      I wouldn’t touch it,

      some rural agents would say mass

      I would be looking at an existing property that is structuraly sound with the ugliest carpets and curtains you’ve ever seen

    • #745078


      Applications in Zone H are generally suitable only for those with a direct economic link tot he landscape and even then there are other restrictions. Other authorities are following the move by Clare and others to preclude those without a birthright and/or without Irish as a spoken language. This later issue has yet to be tested constitutionally but on the face of it is discriminatory. It s likely that Zone H will be subject to further restrictions especially when Europe force Ireland to apply the legislation they have already adopted in respect to SACs and other initiatives. Do not believe an estate agent. Ask the planners directly. They are obliged to inform you of the rights, responsibilities and possibilities for planning.

    • #745079

      The County development plan should have a list of the types of buildings which are allowed within each zone (under headings like ‘normally permissible’ and ‘open to consideration’) – at least that’s the way it’s set out in the Dublin Development plans.

      Development plans and their maps are available to be looked at in libraries and county offices and some counties have them on the internet.

      These are guidelines, not guarantees – the only way to find out whether something will be allowed for definite is to make a planning application. It is sometimes possible to agree a site sale subject to planning permission.

      Judging by the description of the zoning heading you described being allowed to build sounds unlikely, but I don’t know.

      The estate agent is either a total chancer or total idiot.

    • #745080

      chancer i would suggest. A lot of properties are sold like that. subject to planning permission. don’t get stung by buying it first anyway.
      to protect natural amenities generally means…not a hope of getting planning permission unless u have grown up in the place.
      as disapora said find a nice little old farm house or similiar and renovate. possibly even knock and build again. for that u’ll have to ask the planners. i know for galway county council there is about a month to 6 weeks to meet a local planner. i presume it’s something similiar around the country.

    • #745081

      Thanks for the advice. I’ve looked at the development plan and residential development is apparently open to consideration in the area, having regard to the guidelines for rural housing. I’ll definitely make an appointment with the planners for preliminary advice (I wasn’t sure beforehand whether they did that kind of thing or not), and depending on how that goes, I guess I’ll make a bid subject to planning permission, if I can. From what you’ve said, I daren’t risk a no strings attached bid, even if it does lose me the site. Hopefully, any opposition will be acting just as cautiously! Thanks for your help.

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