1879 – Intended Restoration, St. German’s Cathedral, Isle of Man
Views of intended restoration from the S.W & S.E. with interior view as published in The Building News,
Views of intended restoration from the S.W & S.E. with interior view as published in The Building News,
Front perspective view including plans as published in The Building News, July 27th 1879.
“This church has been erected by the congregation at a cost of about £7,000. All the money- has been raised by voluntary subscription.
“This house, of which we give a perspective and first-floor and ground-plans, has been erected from the designs of Mr.
Published in The Building News,
Perspective View including ground plan published in The Building News, November 21st 1884. Now known as Govan Old Parish Church,
The building mixes Italian and Gothic styles and was constructed between 1885 and 1890 by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson (1834-1921) as the National Museum of Antiquities.
Articled to George Washington Browne, then of Peddie & Washington Browne, from 1892 to 1896, moving thereafter to Robert Rowand Anderson’s office as assistant.
Sir Robert Rowand Anderson RSA (5 April 1834 – 1 June 1921) was a Scottish Victorian architect. Anderson trained in the office of George Gilbert Scott in London before setting up his own practice in Edinburgh in 1860.
Robert Weir Schultz was born in Port Glasgow on 26 July 1860, the son of Henry Schultz, sugar refiner, and Isabella Smail Weir,