1636 – Old Rathmines Castle, Rathmines, Dublin
Built around 1636, possibly incorporating an earlier structure. In use as a school by 1789 at the time of this illustration.
Built around 1636, possibly incorporating an earlier structure. In use as a school by 1789 at the time of this illustration.
Originally constructed between 1810 and 1815 as a cavalry barracks, it saw some later development inluding the addition of a church (1842) and canteen block (1868).
Described in Lewis as “Among the most conspicuous are Rathmines Castle, the residence of J. T. Purser, Esq., a castellated mansion in tastefully disposed grounds”.
Described in The Dublin Penny Journal, September 14 1833: “A handsome church, in the Gothic style, has been recently erected in the neighbourhood of Rathmines.
Built in 1854 “in the greek style” by Patrick Byrne and later extended by W.H.
A competition entry to design a glebe house for Rathmines. The competition rules stated that the amount to be expended was not to exceed £1,200,
“The illustration in our present number is another design for the proposed Glebe House at Rathmines,
A Miss Elizabeth Mageough died in 1869 and in her will she had directed that any residue left in her Will should go to fund “a suitable place for elderly ladies of the Protestant faith to live.”
“This neat residence of which we give a perspective view, has been erected for J.H. Reid,
Fantastically ornate brickwork and terra cotta on this Queen-Anne Style house designed by William Isaac Chambers for himself,