1808 – Bearforest, Mallow, Co. Cork
Constructed 1807-08 for Robert Delacour to designs by Sir Richard Morrison. Inscribed on the entablature over the entrance ‘est ubi depellata somnos minus invida cura’
Constructed 1807-08 for Robert Delacour to designs by Sir Richard Morrison. Inscribed on the entablature over the entrance ‘est ubi depellata somnos minus invida cura’
Constructed in 1828 over a spring well – the house eventually became the headquarter of the Rakes of Mallow.
The third Mallow Castle, and built on the site of their former stable block by by Sir Charles Denham Orlando Jephson-Norreys,
The Clock House was build around 1855, by Sir Charles Denham Orlando Jephson-Norreys, an amateur architect,
From The Builder, January 30 1864: “This monument, recently erected in the parish church of Mallow,
“This church, of which we give an illustration, is to be erected on a suitable site near Mallow,
Originally constructed 1879 with a later extension to the rear added at cost of £1,000 in 1922. The tower and spire was removed in the 1960s.