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ParticipantThe Generator Hostel website seems to indicate it is up and running again? It is a real shame if it isn’t.
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ParticipantAnyone know what is happening with the chimney btw? The elevator shaft seemed to be collapsing last time I was up that way.
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ParticipantHoly crap, wasn’t this suppose to be the city’s grand open space? They had finished the bloody thing, and they change their minds. I get the whole horse fair problem, but if cobbles stones didn’t stop them grass surely won’t.
I suppose the braziers have been replaced 100 watt light bulbs from the spar shop?
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ParticipantOr even a single board member who has taken a bus from the airport!!!
In relation to the baggage hall, T2 is suppose to be a long haul terminal. So the vast majority of passengers will have large amounts of hold luggage. Which makes all the lifts and stairs particularly stupid.
Despite the money we paid we do not have either a functional terminal or an architectural masterpiece.
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ParticipantPassed through T2 yesterday. How disappointing from an architectural and design point of view.
Firstly, I do not believe the building is particularly functional. I disembarked the plane to find myself with a Pier D favourite: a stairs. Why oh why. 100 people carrying heavy bags, with push chairs and a wheel chair do not want to climb a stairs or queue for one lift. How does a stairs encourage the free flow of people and ease of passage.
The stairs was followed by a long walk, unaided by a stopped travelator. This transit was finished at the passport control where another old DAA favourite was waiting: a maze of belt barriers. I then entered a relatively cramped baggage hall, which seemed to be a carbon copy of T1.
Beyond this I found myself in arrivals and lost. I wanted to head over to T1 but there was not a single sign pointing in that direction. So I was forced to exit in the island between the car park and terminal. Found the busses there, but again typical DAA no electronic display relating to public transport. So had no idea where busses went from, just an aircoach guy selling tickets from a temporary stand.
Apart from the function issues above the design did not particularly impress me. Lots of glass but little to see through it. Very bland, no colour and certainly no character. No jaw dropping moments.
And as said the baggage hall was particularly small and cramped. As this is the area most arriving passengers spend time I would have expected a grand hall or at least an airy one; I found neither.
Again as someone said above the car park and terminal bear no relation to each other with the terminal tunnel simply stopping and carpark square design taking over. No gentle merger or integration.
Generally it reminded me of a shopping centre, Clarehall perhaps.
Bad design, poorly implemented and incompetently managed.
DAA showed they can’t manage T1, they should not have been given T2. The gross lack of public transport information and organisation is a national disgrace given the importance of tourism to the country.
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ParticipantSeeing in today’s IT that the OPW owns a large brown field site beside the Law Library I cannot understand the decision to put the Courts by the park.
The site on church street is large enough, I always assumed it wasn’t in state ownership.
Putting the courts so far away is draining life away from a poor area of the city and missed a great opportunity to have a legal quarter in the city.
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ParticipantI really want to like this bridge, I can’t.
It is useless.
For instance: last night on the commute home amiens st and northstrand southbound was backed as far as east wall road.
So naturally I decided to take eastwall road to the docks hoping I could use the new bridge. But like about ten other cars the only way we could manage it was to turn right from the quays onto guild street and then do a U turn.
There restrictions really only have the eastlink in mind.
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ParticipantHate to answer questions to other people but: the lighting on joyce bridge is terrible. One half of the ground lighting is out as are many individual lights.
Same story with O’Casey and Millenium.
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ParticipantI can understand not wanting to take away from the Eastlink.
However it doesn’t make any sense to frustrate people trying to get from south to Malahide Road, Coast Road areas. A right turn off seville place or right turn off the bridge to the tunnel/east wall road/alfie byrne road would enable a lot of traffic to use the tunnel.
At the moment it is only useful to get to the airport (accept for the tunnel) and NCR.
Meanwhile Matt Talbot is still a mess every evening.
I also like the way there is no bus lane up to the bridge, yet there is one on the bridge.
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ParticipantI have been pouring over google maps trying to figure an easy way to make it work. It just doesn’t.
How do they expect this bridge to remove anything but a token amount of traffic from the city.
Matt Talbot bridge is one of the cities notorious traffic black spots. You have the north quays east bound, Gardiner St, Amiens St, Abbey St and the North quays west bound all feeding onto one bridge.
The traffic also has to cross on this bridge meaning trucks and buses from the port constantly block the bridge for traffic heading over matt talbot towards ringsend.
This bridge should be filtering traffic coming from the port tunnel and port away from matt talbot and also relieving Amiens and Gardiner St of some traffic.
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ParticipantDrove the bridge on my commute this morning.
Just can’t see the purpose. I live southside, work northside. It should be ideal for my commute. Yet due to the various traffic restrictions I have no way of making the bridge work. There is no right turn to the port tunnel, nor is there a right turn on Seville Pl to connect with the Malahide Road.
So the question is who exactly is going to use it? And what bus routes could possibly use it given the crazy restrictions?
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ParticipantNot to mention the poor state of the O;Casey bridge too. Various portions of lighting not working.
And lets not forget the Millenium bridge. The council has even wiped a J cloth over it in years. Let alone replace the little green lights.
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ParticipantWasn’t there recent-ish talk of putting a weir on the Liffey?
On a side: any notice the dredging work on the Grand Canal. They dumped all the crap on the side weeks ago, where it still remains!
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ParticipantSmithfield is a complete failure. I lived there in 2001. Even then most of the commerical space was empty. In fact the space opposite the chimney has been empty since it was built, despite the fact that it faces onto the sq.
What happened to using the space as a concert venue, there’s a control box at the south end of the sq built especially for concerts.
The area will continue to decline when the criminal courts move to parkgate street dragging much of the day trade away. The siting of the new courts was a huge mistake and should never have been allowed. It should have been kept in the ‘legal quarter’. The site of the new offices, the Kings building, or the brown field site beside it should have been used.
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ParticipantNow if only we could sort out the loop line bridge with something as clean.
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ParticipantI like it. Works as a sort of book end to the City centre. If only we could have something decent on the other end!
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ParticipantSome able minded person should pull the original georgian plans, redraw them and submit it!!!
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ParticipantNew one going up on the Malahide Road at the N32 junction. It faces the junction directly.
This junction has 18 lanes of traffic feeding into and out from it.
How can it be safe to site an hoarding here?