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  • in reply to: Dublin visits #743989

    It’s fairly close to the Airport , perhaps 2 miles north on the main street in Swords.

    A quick courtesy call on the way in to town from the airport would add maybe 30 minutes to the journey, more if you hopped out for a closer look.


    I was on the Luas this morning, it seemed that there were slightly fewer passengers than at the same time on Thursday or Friday last week. This is to be expected of course, still some of the city-centre bound trams looked quite full.

    There were some queues at the ticket machines at Ranelagh and Dundrum and a few other stations, leading to a few people missing the tram. Probably the usual Monday morning rush for weekly tickets.

    As for the changes at Stephen’s Green, have a look here for an explanation.

    in reply to: Stags Head Mosaic on Dame Street #725278

    I stepped over it while wandering drunkenly along Dame St over the weekend, and it struck me that it’s facing the other way ’round too.

    But my memory is less than perfect…

    in reply to: CAD or GIS? #741620

    GIS – Geographic Information Systems. It’s a bit like CAD, but think of it as a map with a full database attached to it.

    It’s certainly quite heavily used by planners in this country, but I don’t know of any architects who use it. It tends to be used at the national / regional / local scale rather than the site specific scale that most architects work at.

    As a GIS user since the early 90’s I agree with Ro, the technology is not being expoloited to it’s fullest by any means.

    in reply to: Single Helix Staircases #741427

    While we’re on the topic of small staircases…

    I live in a top floor apartment with an attic. While there is a hatch opening into the attic, I’m not too keen about fitting one of those fold away ladder type of arrangements to it, as the hatch is just inside the front door, and ideally I’d like to have something permanent.

    However just beside the front door is a hot press which measures about 1m x 2m which contains the hot water tank and storage. Is there any type of stairs which I could fit into such a small space?

    The ceiling height is the standard 8ft, and I realise that moving the tank is not a small job.

    in reply to: Vega City #737281

    I agree with Paul, the numbers don’t add up at all.

    Paris is one of the largest and most visited cities in Europe and they’re having trouble sustaining a major branded theme park. The record breaking 13.1 million visitors to Disneyland Paris last year are not enough to keep the park afloat and it is in serious financial difficulty, losing almost Eur60m this year.

    Now, how the hell is a tinpot little town on the edge of Europe with its wet climate, shoddy transport and the ever present faint stench of corruption going to generate 3 times the numbers that Disneyland Paris does?

    The French called Disneyland Paris a ‘Cultural Chernobyl’ can we expect any such development here to be any different? Anyway, don’t we have a theme park already, down in Temple Bar?

    I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that the proposed development is a trojan horse for a new town.

    The developers have planted the seed of serious cash into the minds of local landowners. Possible sellers, if the price is right, have identified themselves. Planners will come under increasing pressure to sanction development of some sort, or be seen as holding back a major cash cow for the economy…

    In short, it stinks…

    in reply to: humour? caption wanted #722976

    “Careful Now. Up with this sort of thing!”

    in reply to: Does anyone know what this is? #718993

    You’re right about the site being too far south to be the Luas station, Fatima station will be located at the other (James’ Walk) end of Reuben St.

    There has been a lot of work done in the area on the (very long overdue) Coombe bypass / Cork St. improvement scheme, hopefully the site is the first of many developments in the area.

    in reply to: Beacon Court a marker set in style. #719040

    I work next door to Beacon Court. It is certainly a nice looking building, and the quality of the materials and the finish look to be very high.

    An interesting concept this ‘lifestyle’ thing. I’m sure the employers who move in will love the fact that their staff seem to spend a lot of time in and around the office.

    I just hope the integration with the existing (and disasterous) traffic system is better managed that it seems to be so far, with the whole development dumping it’s traffic onto an already jammed side street. Is this common failing to assess and plan for the impact of a scheme on the local traffic something which should be laid at the feet of the local planners or the scheme’s architects?

    Anyhoo, I’ll see if I can grab a few shots with my digital camera next week.

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