Stags Head Mosaic on Dame Street

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    • #706076

      Whatever happened to the Stag’s Head mosaic on Dame Street – on the doorstep on the alley leading to Dame Court?

      I noticed this gone about 9 months ago – possibly longer. It was a great shame to see it gone after being a part of the street for so long. I’m afraid its replacement, a concrete slab, doesn’t quite ‘do it’ for me.

    • #725272

      Noticed that a while ago as well. It was an absolute disgrace that it was taken up in the first place, considering pictures of it were a staple of half the guide books ever written about Dublin and Ireland.
      I wonder who did it, because it probably wasn’t the Stags Head themselves. They would have had no ownership over that patch.
      I wonder was it taken because it got too slippy in the wet or something like that.

    • #725273

      Probably some pipe laying and the mosaic was simply in the way. Just the attitude here of could’nt care less or who will notice or even care. Paths in general around town and the suburbs are a disgrace. Cracked concrete, filled in lumpy channels of concrete and tarmacadam. Try pushing a toddler in a pram around town or on either path of the SCR for example it would be easier getting round the jumps at Cheltenham.

    • #725274

      I have just got an update on this from a friend who was just donw in the Stags Head for lunch and although its been a year, the news is most heartening:

      I went to get my head shorn in Sam’s of Dame Court today and my usual ritual afterwards is to get the burgers & chips in the Stag’s Head with a bit of Arthur. I asked the custodians about the mosaic and they said that a few tiles had gone missing so it had to be taken up to be repaired. It is now in Roscommon being touched up and all they need now is for the City Council to give them a date and it shall be laid again.

      A most happy outcome you must agree and one to raise a drop of Arthur to.

    • #725275
      Paul Clerkin


    • #725276

      Best bit of happy news in ages! Look forward to seeing it back in place.

    • #725277

      My God its been a long time in coming but the mosaic on Dame Street advertising the Stags Head is back.

      Its not exactly in the same place though – when its formed a sort of welcome door man to the alleyway leading from Dame St to Dame Court. Its been placed in further out in the pave ment with a new mosaic arrow pointing towards the alleyway.

      I think the arrow is a bit crap but all in all, after a year of waiting for this to be returned, its good to see it back. [Not sure why it took so damn long to restore though – its not like it was a huge Roamn mosaic floor or anything].

      A spot of good news for a Friday – and perhaps an excuse for a Friday after work pint in the Shag’s Head if an excuse is needed.

    • #725278

      I stepped over it while wandering drunkenly along Dame St over the weekend, and it struck me that it’s facing the other way ’round too.

      But my memory is less than perfect…

    • #725279

      Yeah that’s right…………………

    • #725280

      Yes it’s good to see it it back, but the welcoming doorstep effect, as you say Zap, has been ruined by putting it in the middle of the pavement and the wrong way around! god!!!!!!!!! why do they always have to mess up these things??

      It’s also been ‘tarted up’ with a white granite surround (which has turned dull grey after only a couple of weeks, leading to the edge of the alley. That wasn’t necessary. They should have just bloody-well put the mosaic back where it was; at the edge of the alley.

      There’s some fine hand-crafted antique granite in the alley. The join of the new white granite to this old granite is poor.

      I notice this all the time walking around town: While the quality of major public space remaking is generally very high – e.g. O’Connell St or Grattan Bridge (not including the kiosks) – the treatment of smaller street furniture details and historic paving is mostly abysmally poor and marked by a lack of finesse.

      Witness the cement ribbon pointing of listed antique paving ouside St Ann’s Church, Dawson St and to each side of City Hall, the widespread use of imitation-traditional lamp standard columns to mount CCTV cameras, or the old city ward boundary stones on the quays, almost all of which are missing their cast iron nameplates.

    • #725281

      Forgive me if I’m being a bit obsessive about the Stag’s Head mosaic, but I noticed something else daft about it’s new position and facing direction today:

      It only ‘works’ as you are leaving the laneway (going away from the stag’s head), pointing you back from whence you came!

      Try it and see.

    • #725282
      Paul Clerkin

      Such a simple thing to get right and they get it wrong.

    • #725283

      Look at it this way, at least it is back – still unfortunate though.

    • #725284

      Its my thought too – glad to see it back. Its just too much to hope that it would have come back in the same way it went away though.

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