Beacon Court a marker set in style.

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    • #705314
      John Callery

      Traynor O’Toole set down a marker.

      Beacon Court Sandyford state of the art (in more ways than one) Office and lifestyle venue.

      Irish Independent 050202

      New Era in office design and construction. A vast venue that brings a social dimension to office life.

      John Rocha decked out these amazing buildings using a combination of glass, leather and stone. He also commissioned the artist Guggi to transpose his paintings of vessels usually done in canvas with oils to a three dimensional reality

      Styled by international designer John Rocha and designed by the Traynor O’Toole partnership, Beacon Court is the first development of its kind in to bring together state-of-the-art business facilities and a range of lifestyle amenities on such a grand scale.

    • #719039
      Luke Gardnier

      Paul any chance of some shots of this?? Some guest list, must have been a great party in a great office block.

    • #719040

      I work next door to Beacon Court. It is certainly a nice looking building, and the quality of the materials and the finish look to be very high.

      An interesting concept this ‘lifestyle’ thing. I’m sure the employers who move in will love the fact that their staff seem to spend a lot of time in and around the office.

      I just hope the integration with the existing (and disasterous) traffic system is better managed that it seems to be so far, with the whole development dumping it’s traffic onto an already jammed side street. Is this common failing to assess and plan for the impact of a scheme on the local traffic something which should be laid at the feet of the local planners or the scheme’s architects?

      Anyhoo, I’ll see if I can grab a few shots with my digital camera next week.

    • #719041
      Luke Gardnier

      Richard, did you get a chance to take those shots of Beacon Court yet ?

    • #719042

      we did the print brochure but it’s all artists impressions. they have some multimedia mambojambo on the site though.

    • #719043

      At last, but worth waiting for. An office block that does not act as a cold sore like so many popping up all over the city and indeed the country. Well done Traynor O Toole.

    • #719044

      folks, lets not get over excited — its still a cube farm… not the word ‘styled’ — not a good omen…. also its the indo, whose property articles are normally incredibly fawning towards developers

    • #719045

      Maybe(the all wise and fawning one)Frank will give us his “independent” view of this development in the Holy Irish Times.

    • #719046

      so architects like it, how about the rest of humanity?

    • #719047

      Thanks ro-G, very informative web site and certainly this development is different to what we are conditioned to and usually see presented as 3rd generation office block developemnt.

    • #719048

      Pity such a fine example of contempory Irish office development design stands out and lost in Sandyford instead of along the DDDA stretch were it could be seen by Dubliners and tourists alike.

    • #719049

      O come on! Its a standard office block with attached lifestyle? Why haven’t we seen any pictures of the exterior if its such a work of architecture? Its a commercial project done by a very commercial firm with an interior stylist.

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