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  • in reply to: Before posting – what a newbie should know. #778511

    @ctesiphon wrote:

    Guy? What guy?! You mean there’s someone else?! 🙁
    So much for the subtle approach in matters of the heart. It seems I’m destined to spend the rest of my days casting about for meaningful human interaction on the internet. Oh woe is me!

    *hugs monitor*

    You won’t desert me will you, Inty?


    Back OT, briefly:

    I was brought up with the phrase ‘If you’ve nothing constructive to say, say nothing’, a subtle but important difference from ‘helpful’.
    As for this: ‘If you disagreee with new posts … then ignore it and go back to whatever it is you do.’??? You can’t be saying that sycophantic fawning and affirmation is the only commentary you’ll brook, can you? This is Archiseek, remember, not the AAI awards.

    as you can see from post 1 what I went on to say was

    “Perhaps you could turn your high powered spectacles on yourselves and come up with some good advice on design, planning and construction in rural settings. Post some examples of good rural architecture both past and present and set up something that new members can browse and be inspired by. Or you could teach……”

    If you can’t do that then “then ignore it and go back to whatever it is you do”

    I’ll comment on design as I see it. The crucial difference is that the people who become the brunt of your jokes and schoolyard giggling don’t necessarily know what good design is. Find out who supplies the crap to them in the first place and direct your bile at them if you must. Otherwise nudge people gently in the direction of a more “sympathetic “scheme

    in reply to: Before posting – what a newbie should know. #778507

    @Paul Clerkin wrote:

    most of us are not architects, just ordinary joes with opinions on architecture and a desire to see better standards in the country

    That doesn’t excuse destructive criticism. The crux of my point was, regardless of who or what you are, if you’ve nothing helpful to say then don’t say anything. If you disagreee with new posts or think questions beneath you, then ignore it and go back to whatever it is you do.

    in reply to: Lansdowne Road Stadium #725960

    Permission end July
    Appeals end August
    3-6 months in ABP – Feb
    They could play the 6 nations in lansdowne after all.

    in reply to: An Taisce savages journalist’s plans for extension #780176

    @publicrealm wrote:

    Haha. 😀

    Very amusing. But – in fairness I don’t think anyone on this forum condoned what FOT has proposed – I personally have no idea what it looks like. My point was that the intemperate language used had tainted the objection and that AT should therefore withdraw it (the objection).

    I would hold the same view regardless of what was objected to. Objections whould be reasoned and reasonable. Terms such as criminal are neither and serve to reinforce the existing prejudice against AT and give ammunition to the multitudinous gombeens in their ceaseless propoganda.

    (Er, you’r not one of them are you Asdad?)

    I think the phrase “have no idea what it looks like” might sum up a few things here. My personal hope is that, having seen what is a truly shocking architectural proposal in terms of its total disregard for the setting and the existing building, AT’s objection does not miff the planners to the point that it gets a permission. In the unlikely event that it does, it will undoubtedly go to ABP who will hopefully put it in the bin where it belongs

    in reply to: proffessional indemnity insurance #780131

    To protect you, the bank will definitely want indemnity insurance from whoever is certifying the monthly payments eg the builder says he’s done €100,000’s worth of work in the first month, this is paid. He’s actually done €10,000’s worth and you never see him again. Ok, extreme example, but in that case the person who certified the work would be negligent. If you have employed the architect to see the job through to completion then he needs to tell you who is certifying payments. If not, you should employ someone – a QS for example – to do it.

    in reply to: John Player site, SCR #777748

    does anyone know what role st. Catherines Avenue plays in access to this scheme?

    in reply to: Do all houses in Meath have to look the same? #778216

    I’m getting a bit tired of all you architectural genius’s rubbishing people who come onto this site for, at the very least, a little advice and or direction. Let’s see the RIAI gold medal winning schemes that hutton or doyle have come up with. Anyone who has tried to build something of architectural merit in a rural setting in this country will know just how morale sapping it can be. You lot display the perfect example of arrogant unapproachable architects that send people like Penny into the hands of technicians with the “house plan” book.

    Perhaps you could turn your high powered spectacles on yourselves and come up with some good advice on design, planning and construction in rural settings. Post some examples of good rural architecture both past and present and set up something that new members can browse and be inspired by. Or you could teach……

    in reply to: Dun Laoghaire Baths #731923

    @Thomond Park wrote:

    A good result for C Cuffe

    it’s a good result all round. I don’t live in DL but I was out there last weekend and it’s a fantastic site. ok, it’s a derelict hole at the moment but what makes it great is the scale and the fact that, in its day, it enhanced the coastline rather than a monolith that blocks it out and transfers that view into the pockets of those with €2m to spend on an apartment

    in reply to: Boland’s Mill #737393

    @d_d_dallas wrote:

    that’s been up for a few weeks now. There’s an image in STW’s book sneakily tucked away in the index of this proposal. It’s um… large.

    the agent is RPS, anyone know who the developer is?

    in reply to: Know your Architectural terminology? #777824

    @ctesiphon wrote:

    Pilasters are one type of engaged column, so to speak, but shouldn’t really be called engaged columns. A pilaster is like a column that has been run over by a steamroller, whereas engaged columns look like full columns that have been embedded in the wall to varying degrees- 1/4 engaged (3/4 exposed), 1/2 engaged (1/2 exposed) and 3/4 engaged (1/4 exposed). Or put another way, pilasters are always flat and engaged columns are always rounded.

    ctesiphon, you are correct of course. I like the steamroller analogy although if I were to be pedantic I’d say that a pilaster, although “flat”, should still also have an expressed capital and base

    in reply to: Know your Architectural terminology? #777821

    @Graham Hickey wrote:

    While on the matter of terminology, does anyone know of a term that describes the rear wall of a portico – essentially the part of the facade of a building trapped behind the columns, often adorned with pilasters etc?

    Not sure if you mean a portico or a loggia but as some books refer to the area under a loggia as a “gallery”, It might be called a “gallery wall”?? The pilasters you refer to are also known as “engaged columns” and the wall is often further articulated with niches for statues etc.

    in reply to: Know your Architectural terminology? #777820

    @keating wrote:

    I wonder if anybody knows the term for ‘an archway opening into a quadrangle’ for instance the main gate into trinity or the east and west entrances to the royal hospital kilmainham. Here are some suggestions all incorrect.

    Bastion gate
    quadrangle arch

    I think it might be called a “portal” or an “arched portal” or a “portal arch”. This would originally have been used to refer to the entrance to a walled city but can equally be applied to a quadrangle which is a walled city on a micro level, if you like.

    in reply to: materials for flat roofs #775931

    @ren wrote:

    I am currently building a single storey extension and the pitch of the roof will be approximately 9 degrees with 3 glazed panels. I have considered using zinc on the roof but want to know if there are any special requirements for ventilation. Is it a suitable material for a domestic extension, does it retain heat and how will it change colour over the years? Can rainfall be heard with a metal roof? Does anybody know of any other material that is aesthetically pleasing for a low pitch/almost flat roof? I have heard about Nordman roofs but think they might be too “plastic” as they don’t age and apparently have quite a glare. The house is a 1950’s mid terrace and the existing roof is tiled. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    I was looking at an existing extension for someone recently that had obviously been built by the previous owner himself. 215mm rendered single skin block , no insulation, concrete tiles to a roof of approx 10 degrees (min recommended pitch 35). If Building Control has a scope of responsibility as they do in the UK it would have to be pulled down.

    ANYWAY, the point being that recommended min pitches are arse coverers. I assume that this roof will be visible from your own upstairs windows? If so, go the extra hog and use a nice material – i’m using rheinzinc on my own extension. If you pick a product you can get a whole pile of manufacturers details for the proposed build-up that will clear up all the vent etc. Use an insulation with a good sound rating and you should be all right with noise

    in reply to: Handrail Safety #776346

    @sw101 wrote:

    Can anyone help me track down the regs on how to terminate a handrail at the top and bottom of a ramp or stairs. Specifically, i’m trying to find a diagram (i know i’ve seen it before) of the distance required to turn down the end of the rail to avoid catching a sleeve, or how to turn it perpendicularly into a wall to avoid the same issue.

    Tried Part K and Part M, the metric handbook and Building Regulations Explained with no success.


    you must have missed Part M, page 7, Diagram 4

    Remember that they’re only guidelines – you have no real obligation to conform to the minutiae. Turning the handrail into the wall, or down the wall, or all the way to the floor is the kind of thing you’d expect to see in the back stair of a secondary school built c. 1972.

    in reply to: Shopfront race to the bottom #775953
    Devin wrote:
    You don’t need planning permission for a new shop if there’s already been a shop there, but you do for new signage or alterations to the shopfront. ]

    advertisements exhibited on business premises referring to the business, goods or services provided, but there are limitations:

    – freestanding advertisements cannot be more than 2.5m high or more than 3m2 in total area, and no more than 1.5m2 of the overall total may be internally lit,

    -advertisements attached to buildings cannot be more than 4m high. The area of these advertisements can be up to 0.3m2 per metre of frontage, less the area of freestanding advertisements, and subject to a maximum of 5rn2,

    – advertisements on “side” frontages cannot exceed 1.2m2 or 0.3m2 if internally lit,

    – no letter or logo can exceed 0.3m in height,

    – other projecting signs cannot exceed 0.4m2 individually and their total area cannot exceed 1.2m2,

    – no advertisements can cover any part of a window,

    – all advertisements out over the road or footpath must be at least 2m above ground and cannot project out more than 1m over the road or footpath.

    internally lit window displays and ‘in shop’ displays, but the window displays must be no larger than1/4 of the window area.
    advertisements within a structure,
    not more than one advertisement (up to 0.3m2) at an entrance to a premises relating to a business,trade, profession or publicservicecarried on there. The size limit increases to 0.6m2 for public houses, blocks of flats, clubs, boarding houses and hostels so long as the advertisement is not illuminated. One advertisement per entrance is allowed if there are entrances on different roads

    in reply to: Building lifespan #775640

    @Graham Hickey wrote:

    This is an interesting topic. I too often look at everything going up at the minute and wonder about mainly retail buildings such as shopping centres and out-of-town ‘retail parks’ and how long all of that synthetic cladding they use is going to last. There’s a great variety of cladding on these buildings, but generally it’s a metal composite of one sort of another, with huge panels of it attached onto concrete walls.

    More architectural forms of it are also used in a more design-led fashion, such as the recently completed Ilac Centre facade. Will any of those joints last more than 20 years?
    Good question about the lifespan of exposed reinforced concrete…

    Clad Concrete structures are generally built to last c.100 years. The main problem with exposed concrete is salt erosion, which is obviously why it’s unwise to expose it near the sea. When you’re walking around town the amount of exposed re-bar on buildings (especially c1960 flats) is scary. And I know that I’ll be slightly uneasy sitting in the West stand tomorrow

    With respect to the retail stuff, insulated aluminium cladding panels generally have a lifespan of 40 years

    in reply to: Building lifespan #775635

    @Frank Taylor wrote:

    A lot of these buildings listed are reinforced concrete construction and the last line of my post ws to ask whether this material can physically last beyond 100 years. This may be a dumb question, I don’t know.

    I like the spire because it’s obviously going to be around a long time. Pastiche georgian brick infill such as the stephen’s green end of Leeson street looks pretty long lasting.

    In the 90s, I worked in a large office building in a Dublin industrial estate, described in The Irish Times as the highest spec offices in Ireland. It lasted 7 years. The new county plan allowed the owners to build something twice the height.

    I’m not sure of the required lifespan of the structure itself but most all residential stuff needs DOE floor area certs and they are currently asking for 60-65 years min lifespan on the cladding system.

    in reply to: Part M and duplex’s #775537

    @sw101 wrote:

    i was referring to a duplex over single-storey where no level access is available from the rear to the duplex. as much as i’d love to build a 40 storey apartment building with no lifts, i don’t think it’d be a good idea.

    My apologies, although you did use the phrase “apartment complex” to which I was replying as opposed to a single unit. Although 40 storeys is impossible (dare I say facetious) consider this:

    5 storey Apartment building

    Ground Floor: +0.00
    First Floor: +3.00m above ground
    2nd Floor: +6.00m above ground
    3rd Floor: +9.00m above ground
    4th Floor: +12.00m above ground

    1 staircase serves 2 apartments per floor, both apartments max nett floor area of 100sqm each

    This would give 8 aparments above the entrance storey, with 2 apartments only more than 10m above entrance level.

    Storey height is 3m so a dog-leg staircase with 9 risers per flight would have a flight rise of 1.5m and a riser of 167mm (going 280mm, 250mm clear). This would satisfy Part 1.14 where a lift is not required

    My reading would be that this satisfies Part 1.12 and a five storey lift free apartment building is possible. Whaddayathink?

    As you say though – the abuse that you would rightly take from the powers that be would far outweigh the cost of a lift

    in reply to: Part M and duplex’s #775535

    @sw101 wrote:

    in that case the steps would have to be able to facilitate the ambulant disabled, rather than a wheelchair-bound individual.

    in an apartment complex, it isn’t necessary to have each apartment fully compliant, so you don’t need to service each floor with a lift or ramps. however, where practicable, on the ground floor or any level where a level entrance can be created, it is encumbent on the designer and builder to facilitate people with disabilities.

    that’s not reeeealllly true sw101. The need or otherwise for a passenger lift depends on the number of storeys, the nett area of floor served by each entrance and the number of apartments off each entrance. Even where you can strictly avoid a lift, the need to have a level or ramped approach to the ground floor still applies

    We could go around in circles for ever here. This could be a complex, it could be a terrace of duplex units, it could be a 3 storey georgian house! It could be 2 storeys to the front but have level access from a car park to the rear.

    It is unlikely that these apartments were built not in accordance with Part M, especially as county councils are looking at Part M with – and rightly so – more scrutiny.

    in reply to: Part M and duplex’s #775532

    @henry wrote:

    right but i am wondering does this mean you can have any amount of steps up to the duplex -ie you do not need a level entrance for wheelchair users or do you have to have at least one level /ramped approach without steps

    As I said above, steps can be used to access the building provided that there is another wheelchair accessible entrance which is intended for general use ie not via the service yard through a store room. The crucial this is that Part M is a guideline document only and the contents are to be adhered to “where practicable” If you, for example, turn a 3 storey georgian into a basement apartment with a duplex over, then there’s little or no hope of making it disabled friendly.

    Anyway, I think you need to be more specific

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