14th C. – Almudaina Palace, Palma, Mallorca, Spain
This was the Muslim palace of the Banu Ganiya, at the edge of the port. The building was converted into a palace at the beginning of the 14th century on the orders of kings Jaume II.
This was the Muslim palace of the Banu Ganiya, at the edge of the port. The building was converted into a palace at the beginning of the 14th century on the orders of kings Jaume II.
The former abbot’s residence next to St Lorenz Basilika contains two courtyards, has a small tower at each corner and turns itself inwards on the city.
At the opposite end of the Royal Mile from the Castle, Holyrood Palace is built beside the earlier Holyrood Abbey where Kings of Scotland were crowned.
The Charlottenburg palace is the largest palace in Berlin and was built in several stages.
Although the Royal family do not reside here, the Palacio Real de Madrid (Royal Palace of Madrid) remains the official residence of the Spanish monarchy and is used for state occasions.
Formerly the Presidential Palace of dictator Fulgencio Batista. It was built at 1920 to the plans of Paul Belau and Carlos Maruri.