1864 – Cannock, Tait and Co. Furniture Store, Limerick
Architect: William Fogerty
A 2-storey furniture & carpet department facing Sarsfield Street was added to Cannock, Tait and Co.,
A 2-storey furniture & carpet department facing Sarsfield Street was added to Cannock, Tait and Co.,
Occupying the corner of Glenworth Street and Baker Place, and originally known as the Philisophical Buildings, and later named after Frances Ridley Havergal a composer of hymns.
Cannock’s department store was a mecca for Limerick shoppers until its sad decline and closure in the 1980s.
Former Winstons Department Store, joined by Besco, a supermarket chain. 16,000 sq.ft. of store with 10,000 sq.ft. devoted to drapery. Interesting concrete loggia with recessed large windows to retail hall.