1781 – Newcomen Bank, Lord Edward Street, Dublin
Architect: Thomas Ivory
Designed by the architect Thomas Ivory in 1781, the former Newcomen Bank is now in use as a Rates office.
Designed by the architect Thomas Ivory in 1781, the former Newcomen Bank is now in use as a Rates office.
“This illustration is such a reproduction from a rough sketch made some time back by Mr.
Designed by Albert E. Murray, this former Boy’s Home is now a backpackers hostel and still well maintained.
The placed entries in a competition to design new offices for the then Dublin Corporation on Lord Edward Street,
The former Labour Exhange on Lord Edward Street is a little-known example of civic architecture of the early 20th century,
A modest office building used by Dublin City Council. Originally a much grander proposal was planned for this site,