1865 – Lloyd & Jones Building, Chicago, Illinois
Designed by by the Architectural Iron Works of New York. Described as “Elevation of front of a portion of building built for Alex.
Designed by by the Architectural Iron Works of New York. Described as “Elevation of front of a portion of building built for Alex.
Front elevation for Fred Tuttle and others, Chicago by the Architectural Iron Works of New York. Described as “Elevation of Front of Building erected for F.
The old Water Tower and Chicago Avenue Pumping Station are the only public buildings to survive in this area on Michigan Avenue destroyed by the Fire of 1871.
Design for a Federal building containing Custom House, Court House and Post Office. Most of Mullett’s plan was constructed with a simpler roofline.
Constructed of red granite, brick, and terra cotta at the corner of Adams and Michigan (across from the Art Institute),
At 183-189 Dearborn Street, was probably the most imposing old-style structure in Chicago. Particularly noticeable is the magnificent granite arch as its portal.
Demolished 1939.
Published in the American Architect and Building News, July 7, 1888.
The Auditorium Building in Chicago is one of the best-known designs of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan.
Grand Central Station was designed by architect Solon Spencer Beman for the Wisconsin Central Railroad,