1747 – Woodstock House, Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny
Architect: Francis Bindon / William Robertson
Originally built 1845-47 for Sir William Fownes to designs by Francis Bindon. Later extended with flanking wings by William Robertson in 1804-06.
Originally built 1845-47 for Sir William Fownes to designs by Francis Bindon. Later extended with flanking wings by William Robertson in 1804-06.
Former gateway to Leinster House which terminated the vista of Molesworth Street from Dawson Street. Demolished with the development of the National Museum and Library adjacent to Leinster House in 1883.
A Corinthian column with a Phoenix rising from the ashes at its pinnacle. It was erected by Lord Chesterfield in 1747.
A weavers’ hall had been built by The Weavers’ Guild, The Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary,