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  • in reply to: exempted development: Windows #775365

    Generally, you can convert your attic space for use ancillary to the dwelling house without the need for planning – and you can install velux rooflights to the rear elevation without the need for planning permission.


    You have to bear in mind that Planning was granted for a development next door as well but has not started and maybe that is why you feel it is a bit sore. The developement is not finished and the copper finish has not yet been applied. Give it a chance and it might just grow on you! Remember that such a developemnt provides much needed security for the Park itself!


    Pretty sure Murray O’Laoire designed the apartments at Lord Edward St!!! and BTW stands for By the way!


    They were located on the left hand side of O’Connell Street (if driving) just before the traffic lights at Mallow Street. One was a small newsagents.


    Just to clarify that the two single storey buildings on O’Connell Street were supposed to be retained as part of the overall infill with a contemporary twist to the upper floors. However – they were not able to be retained once the construction began on site…


    Don’t forget about the People’s Park off Pery Square at the top of the town!

    in reply to: Pscological effects of lighting on retail design #748308

    Lighting is just one element used by retailers to entice you in and make you buy, music and positioning of goods are also factors and would need to be referred to in your thesis as one element does not work alone but rather in conjunction with other crafty measures. The usual high street retailers (UK) have clear practices in this regard and it might be worthwhile getting on to the big retailers – eg Burton Group (debenhams, Dorothy Perkins, TopShop etc).

    in reply to: Irish say no to PVC windows #744734


    Check out Section 152 of the Planning and Development Act – in summary once a legitamate representation is made to the Local Authority in writing regarding unauthorised development being or may be carried out…… the authority SHALL issue a warning letter. Purpose of warning letter is to give the authority time to investigate the complaint and then decide whether or not unauthorised dev has actually been carried out and if in their opinion it has – an enforcement notice can be issued within 12 weeks of the serving of the warning letter.

    The local authority do not have to investigate complaints over the phone or in person – only those in writing.

    in reply to: Beamish’s contempt for Cork #745089

    If the Beamish HQ is a protected strucutre – the Council could serve a Section 57(2) Notice under the P&D Act 2000 to stop it continuing to be endangered (removal of vegitation, repair of rainwater goods etc). Perhaps get on to the Conservation officer and find out if its protected and if so suggest such a move.

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