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  • in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766506

    Stephens Place/Lower Mount Street?

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766357

    Yes, here’s the warehouse in question, just down from the British and Irish Steam Packet Company featured earlier.

    I had reckoned these had to be salvage and was going to ask if anyone knew anything about them, so thanks for the info GH.

    in reply to: How well do you know Dublin? #766352

    I came across this thread last week and spent all week catching up with it. As a non architect can I say thanks for the education and the entertainment. It drove me back out at the weekend to walk 6 km through the city with new eyes (and a camera).

    I take it Hutton’s heads didn’t get their own thread. Surely this beauty deserves inclusion:

    Of course she may be considered too young to be in the company of so many old men, so we’ll provide her with a couple of older godparents as chaperones:

    in reply to: The Spike #722009

    Dear Member of the New 7 Wonders Society,
    Dear Citizen of the World,

    Thank you for your response and we are acting on your suggestion.

    In the meantime, I would like to reaffirm that the aim of our
    balloting is not to replace the list of the original 7 Wonders
    of the World but to revive after over 2000 years the spirit of
    the great architectural and engineering achievements chosen by
    Philon of Byzantium around 200 BC.

    With this in mind, proposals such as the Gizeh pyramids in Egypt,
    the Internet itself, the MIR space station, the bay of Rio de
    Janeiro and so on, do not really fit into the central theme.
    These ideas will be saved for future world voting projects such
    as the 7 Technical Wonders and the 7 Wonders of Nature.

    I am taking the opportunity of the launch of the redesigned and
    upgraded new website (please click on http://www.n7w.com) to
    address a personal word to you: For more than two years now,
    this unique global voting initiative has been financed by myself,
    the founder of N7W, and some private individuals who believe in
    the value of this project. So far we have spent more than half a
    million Euros (almost the same amount in Dollars). Encouraged by
    the universal acceptance of this mission, I would like to see
    this platform develop further as a totally independent and truly
    democratic effort to establish a new form of global community.
    For this reason I invite everyone to make a contribution by
    supporting this effort with a donation of the equivalent of
    ?/US$ 10.00 or more.


    All those who participate with a donation at this stage will
    become official life-long patrons of the New 7 Wonders of the World.
    Each one will receive a certificate from N7W and be recognized as
    a patron with his or her name “engraved” in our commemorative wall
    on the N7W website.

    Once again, I thank you for your time and consideration and the
    opportunity to realize this vision together.

    Sincere regards

    Bernard Weber
    Founder New 7 Wonders Society & Foundation

    Of course, that’s no reason not to keep on voting 🙂

    in reply to: The Spike #721905
    in reply to: The Spike #721853

    Just saw piece 5 go up. I’m in Temple Bar posting. There seem to be problems with this penultimate piece. There’s still a chink of light, clearly visible from the quays, and a sound of frantic hammering from above, unlike the 4th piece which went in quite smoothly.

    Assuming all is well and they close off the gap, I asked one of the guys what time the last piece is going up and he said 10 o’clock.

    So turn off the alarm clock, Paul.

    See you there.

    in reply to: The Spike #721818

    I get depressed when I see ads in the IT asking “Has your house been burglarized?” (presumably by burglarizers). I get even more depressed when I see those privileged to have received a good education and a love of language using it for obscure and empty rhetoric like this, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    . . . appropriately reaching completion in a week in which Ireland’s hospital service suffered unprecedented crisis

    /in which a celebrity chef gave a new meaning to “Hot Buns”/in which the Celtic Tiger’s motorway infrastructure was used to illustrate that E-Ireland is still an agricultural society/in which the lessons of Saipan drove the mandarins of the FAI to levels of secrecy that would leave Stalin open to allegations of Glasnost/in which . . .

    Choose from any of the above.

    This is not “appropriate”. This is fill-in-the-blanks journalism. Cynicism is cheap.

    in reply to: The Spike #721810

    A spokesguy on the radio just said they’re going to start after lunch (about two) lifting the fourth piece. If all goes well and the wind “behaves itself” they’ll keep going. Ideally, they’s like to be on the last, large, piece as dawn is breaking tomorrow, as the extra light would be useful for what is the largest and most difficult part of the operation.

    in reply to: The Spike #721790

    Hi all

    I’ve been lurking here for the past few weeks just to keep an eye on this thread. It’s the best way to keep up to date with what’s going on up in O’Connell Street.

    Personally, I’m looking forward to the Spike. I can imagine better things, but I can imagine a lot worse. As someone old enough to remember when Leeson Street was Dublin’s idea of a night out I’m get a kick out of anything positive that happens in the city. Shame though that the Corpo aren’t taking advantage of the PR opportunity to have a spikewatch at their own site, instead of leaving it up to people like Paul and FJP to provide a public service.

    Does any physicist out there know if the spike will cast a shadow? If so, I’ve been suggesting for the last year or so that some good-hearted philanthropist with bags of money should commission public sculptures (any old subject) at twelve strategically chosen locations in the streets around. Then we’d have the largest sundial in the world as well 🙂

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