Sir William Robinson (1645-1712)

William Robinson (1645-1712) was the Surveyor General since 1670 when his appointment was made under the Viceroy Lord Berkeley. No evidence of Robinson exists before 1670 and it has been suggested that he came from England in succession to the previous Viceroy Lord Ormond’s architect Captain John Morton who died in 1669. His complete output runs to 19 items and several more attributed to him including the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Marshe’s Library, St Mary’s Church, and some work at Dublin Castle.

His work at Dublin Castle formed the basis for the later redevelopment of the Upper and Lower Yards. He was the Surveyor General until 1700 and he shared the post from 1684 with William Molyneaux until his resignation on grounds of ill-health in 1700. He was imprisoned briefly in 1703 because of a financial scandal and finally left Ireland for good in 1709. He died in England in 1712.