1680 – Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin
The Royal Hospital Kilmainham is a mile and a half west of the city centre and at the time of its construction the site was part of the Phoenix Park.
The Royal Hospital Kilmainham is a mile and a half west of the city centre and at the time of its construction the site was part of the Phoenix Park.
The site of City Hall on Cork Hill was originally the site of Sainte Marie del Dame which came into the possession of Richard Boyle 1st Earl of Cork who built his home on the site Cork House around 1600.
A fine building across the street from the castle and grander than many public buildings in other towns in Ireland,
Built between 1894-5 and damaged by bombs during the troubles and then restored, the Grand Opera House is a Belfast landmark with its ebullient and eclectic exterior.
One of the most visually impressive of Dublin’s buildings and the butt of many pointed comments after its recent expensive restoration and refurbishment as Government Office,
The restoration of The Main Guard, Clonmel, Tipperary, has been awarded the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland’s (RIAI) Conservation and Restoration Silver Medal.