1912 – Unbuilt Design for Manitoba Legislature, Winnipeg
Entry in architectural competition that was open to all architects who were British subjects. The competition was won by Francis Worthington Simon and the building constructed by 1920.
Entry in architectural competition that was open to all architects who were British subjects. The competition was won by Francis Worthington Simon and the building constructed by 1920.
Illustrations of the winning design in an architectural competition to design provincial government building. The design as constructed differed only very slightly from these drawings published in September 1912.
From The Building News, May 10 1912: “In this preliminary competition, in which the Government of Manitoba invited designs for a building of the estimated cost of £400,000.
Competition entry for design of new provincial legistlature building in Winnipeg, designed by George Augustus Bligh Livesay (1867-1916).
From The Building News, February 16 1912: “Mr. Leonard Stokes, P.R.I.B.A., has been appointed by the Government of Manitoba to act as assessor in the competition for the new Government Buildings in Winnipeg.
This was the last of the major provincial legislatures to be constructed and reminiscent of the large 19th century City Halls of the UK.