E.J. Tarver (1841-1891)
Obituary in The Building News and Engineering Journal, Volume 60 – “WE regret to announce the death in fiftieth year of Mr Edward John Tarver FSA FRIBA Mr Tarver who died Sunday from pneumonia a sequel to an attack influenza ten days previously was the son of the late JC Tarver of Eton College was educated there and at Bruce Castle was articled to the late Mr Benjamin Ferrey FSA and took students prizes at the RIBA and Architectural Association 1861 2 many years he took a prominent part in conduct of the latter body of which he served President in 1874 he was editor of the AA Sketchbook at its starting in 1867 and from 1881 till 1887 was the first paid lecturer of the Association on the History of Architecture In 1865 he joined the RIBA as an Associate and in 1888 became a Fellow of that body he read many papers on professional subjects before the Institute including one on English Renaissance Monuments in 1883 and another on Theatre Construction last year he also served for some time as hon secretary to the Art Committee and in 1889 on the nomination of the Council visited Paris to hang the pictures at the Exposition Among his works are the Church of All Souls Harlesden begun in 1878 and completed last year this cheap building having an octagon nave and basilican choir on the plan of the Cologne churches was illustrated in the BUILDING NEws for July 6 and November 16 1877 and Sept 19 1890 St Peter’s Tyringham and the enlargement of Willesden Church as well as many church restorations in Norfolk and Suffolk In 1872 he designed the mansion in Wadhurst Park for MC de Murietta illustrated in our issue of April 9 1875 which was enlarged from his plans in 1881 and other works of his are No 11 Kensington Palace gardens Colthurst the seat of the late Sir John Holker and the Mausoleum at Rossmore In January 1887 he was one of the six selected candidates out of 43 with the late Mr A Peebles for the post of superintending architect to the Metropolitan Board of Works and last year he was elected by the London County Council district surveyor for South St Marylebone a post which now becomes vacant Mr Tarver’s portrait and a biographical notice were published in the BUILDING NEws for July 18 1890 “
Architect: E.J. Tarver
The Rossmore Mausoleum was designed by E.J. Tarver for the 4th Baron Rossmore who died after a hunting accident at Windsor Castle in 1874 aged 23.
Architect: E.J. Tarver
The Maunser family built several houses on the site. A map from 1652 shows an Elizabethan manor house,
Architect: E.J. Tarver
The Rossmore Memorial in the Diamond and was probably designed by E.J. Tarver as a memorial to the 4th Baron Rossmore who died after a hunting accident at Windsor Castle in 1874 aged 23.
2008 was a good year for the future prospects of a fine mausoleum, hidden in Brown’s Wood in the midst of Rossmore Forest Park,