1899 – Cavenham Hall, Suffolk
Constructed 1899, and demolished 1949. The architect, A.N. Prentice’s other work at the estate including gatehouses still exists.
Constructed 1899, and demolished 1949. The architect, A.N. Prentice’s other work at the estate including gatehouses still exists.
“The front of this house faces the south, and as the plot of ground is 60ft.
Perspective view including ground & 1st floor plans published in “Modern Cottage Architecture” 1904. “This cottage is provided with water and electric light from the stables.
A.N. Prentice was responsible for a few buildings on the Cavenham estate, including gate lodges and smaller residences,
November 1883 to 1888, remaining as assistant for a few months after completing his apprenticeship. In the latter year he won the Soane Medallion,
Robert Alexander Briggs was born in London and educated at Smallwood, Hampstead and Sherbourne. He was articled to Gilbert R. Redgrave from 1876 until 1879.