1964 – City Hall, Winnipeg, Manitoba
After the previous City Hall developed structural problems neccessitating the removal of parts of the building,
After the previous City Hall developed structural problems neccessitating the removal of parts of the building,
Miesian infill from Robin Walker of Michael Scott & Partners for the National Bank.
The last large Roman Catholic cathedral to be built in Ireland,
Located across the street from the Civic Centre from the same period,
This is the fourth city hall in Toronto’s history. The first was destroyed by fire. The second was temporary.
Part of the Civic Centre develeopment project which included a new City Hall, and police headquarters.
The Opera House replaced an older building on this site that burned down in December 1955.
Engineers’ offices for M/s A. Guinness Son & Co., constructed by G. & T. Crampton in 1964-1965. Also of note is the narrow guage roundhouse and turntable in the foreground.
Fitzwilliam Street once the longest expanse of intact Georgian architecture anywhere in the world was destroyed in the 1960s when the ESB a supposedly responsible semi-state body wantonly demolished twelve of the houses.
Definitely not the most popular building in Dublin but for many years it was the tallest,